Comments on Senses

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Thanks, callis

posted by on November 16, 2007 at 8:09 PM | link to this | reply

no, you are not in trouble, its the truth, lol, the whole truth and nothing

posted by callista22001 on November 15, 2007 at 8:08 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks Callis, have I not landed myself in trouble? Me, the loudmouth?

posted by on November 15, 2007 at 10:07 AM | link to this | reply

Re: A good thoughtful write on the senses and their perceptions.
would love to read your post on this subject, and i will ignore The Evidence of the Senses, as it would probably take me to long to read it, i am not very acadamic.

posted by callista22001 on November 15, 2007 at 6:28 AM | link to this | reply

Re: callista
thank you for the rose

posted by callista22001 on November 15, 2007 at 6:26 AM | link to this | reply

A good thoughtful write on the senses and their perceptions.
Why do we perceive what we do, and why is it differen for different people is the question. The senses receive natural inputs such as light, sound waves, pressure and heat, which are interpreted by the individual with the use of concepts and logic applied to them, that is one of the reasons. There ar a no. of others. I think I could do a post on it. BTW, there is a book by David Kelley, The Evidence of the Senses, but it is very acadamic, and unless you are too inclined, better ignore.

posted by on November 14, 2007 at 9:46 PM | link to this | reply


posted by richinstore on November 14, 2007 at 5:11 PM | link to this | reply