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Re: Your email was beautiful and just right.....

Chyrlann - you are so sweet =)

I see her occasionally, but I always smile and say hello to her.  I do want to give her a small little gift and leave it on her desk.  I'll have to see what I can find.  At least I know she's I won't have to worry about offending her.  Some people who don't believe in God get angry when you mention God after losing someone. 

Back to you Chyrlann! 

posted by brianne_amai on September 26, 2007 at 1:15 PM | link to this | reply

Your email was beautiful and just right.....

It is such a strange place to be when one we love has died (or even when a loved one is terribly injured). Your world stops and oddly enough the rest of the world goes on around you. She is doing what she feels she should by being at work to keep something grounded when her reality is not yet real and floating around her. It is a shock between reality and dream and although she is there physically, she isn't really there.

People feel confused at what to do or say understandably, but once having experienced her side of the situation, they should remember if they try to remember (which most people having gone through this part of life, purposely try to block those directly-after moments from their minds), but if they did remember being where she is currently they would remember, she will not remember these moments until after the shock subsides sometime down the road. Then your email will be significant in her heart.

I would continue to go a step further because the was just one day out of many to come for her. I would get her (or especially make her) a simple card with a hug on it...stating; "There are many more where this came from, my door is always open," and I might occassionally leave another 'hug' on her desk for her to find unexpected.

You are a loving, kind soul & friend. ~Big Blessings for you this day~  this is a hug!

posted by roadscross on September 26, 2007 at 8:02 AM | link to this | reply

Do what your heart tells you

posted by le_divorcee on September 20, 2007 at 7:32 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Just go ahead and help her !
afzal, I wish I knew how

posted by brianne_amai on September 19, 2007 at 8:45 AM | link to this | reply

Re: brainne
but you know how some people aren't "huggy" type of people?  I wanted to hug her yesterday.

posted by brianne_amai on September 19, 2007 at 8:45 AM | link to this | reply

Just go ahead and help her !

posted by afzal50 on September 18, 2007 at 8:32 PM | link to this | reply

a simple hug ( without ulterior motive ) can chase away the blues and make one relieved.

posted by richinstore on September 18, 2007 at 6:34 PM | link to this | reply

Re: brianne_amai
thanks TAPS.  It really wasn't that I was feeling discomfort, I felt like I was in a no-win situation.  but I know what you are saying.  thanks again

posted by brianne_amai on September 18, 2007 at 6:13 PM | link to this | reply

That is such a common problem for people, not knowing what to say or do in times of sorrow.  Because people don't know what to do, often they do the wrong thing which is to ignore or avoid the person hurting.  At least you tried.  I'm sure that she was aware of your discomfort and that she appreciated the sympathy that you showed to her. 

posted by TAPS. on September 18, 2007 at 4:33 PM | link to this | reply