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Re: It would be interesting if you tell me more about those experiences

Good Morning Mate

You know when I first started studying Life after death 15 years ago, I didn't know the first thing about this nor did I care at the time, and I certainly didn't believe in it like you, A good friend of mine almost died in a car crash, he hovered on the brink of death for a few days, when he finally came out of Intensive care and was on the road to recovery, I visited him in the Hospital, there were other people there visiting, I could tell he was anxious so we decided he needed rest and that we should leave, He asked me to stay after the others left, I did, he asked me to sit down and I could tell he was struggling with something on his mind, when I prodded him he finally blurted out to me that when he was in the Hospital undergoing Surgery he had floated above his body and was looking down at the team of doctors and nurses working on him, He told me he recalled thinking boy what a mess, he also told me that he felt no pain in his present state, I told him that he was full of Drugs and could have been hallucinating, he was adamant about what he saw, he told me he didn't want to go back into his body, then suddenly he felt a great force drag him back into his body and he felt the pain, he also recalled that he heard a voice telling him that it's not time yet. It started me thinking, as I left the hospital room one of my friends was waiting for me in the lobby so we can ride home together, I was telling him what greg was telling me after every one else left the room he looked at me and said "Don't laugh I believe him" He went on to tell me that when he was a child of 7 years old he got hit by a car too, and before the ambulance arrived at the scene, he could see his body on the pavement yet he had a vantage point of observation, he was sitting on the hood of the car that hit him while he was looking down on his body, I started my research into the field of Near Death Experiences which led me to Life after Death, there are many Documented books by PHD's Medical Doctors, Psychiatrists, Psychologists about the subject, Just go to your local Library and you will see how many books are written on the subject. I would recommend a book by Doctor Brian Weiss, the book is titled Many Lives many masters, can you Imagine how wonderful it is knowing that you have a mutated of chances to be able to make a difference? It's an awesome feeling, Let me know what you think of the book Matie 

posted by MysticalMuse on September 20, 2007 at 5:49 AM | link to this | reply

It would be interesting if you tell me more about those experiences
Because I normally don't believe in them, but I'm willing to learn more.

posted by Matie on September 19, 2007 at 6:57 PM | link to this | reply


Hello Brian,

I'm so glad you asked, first of all let me tell you a little about me, I am half Greek Orthodox half Catholic, I served in our Local church as an alter boy, attended mass always, as I started growing up I had many wonderful Miracles in my Life, first let me ask you a simple question, why would we go through all of our lives collecting incredible amounts of knowledge so that when we die we lose it all? I don't think so, a lot of people Interpret the Bible as they see fit, I've spoken to scholars about this before, when Jesus said who ever believes in me she not die but have everlasting life, you see our bodies will perish but our Souls will not, and I think I may have a wonderful surprise for you, If you would go to your Local library and pick up a book titled Many Lives Many Masters, written by Dr Brian Weiss, he explains the whole concept of Life after death, Actually there is also a second book written by the same doctor titled Only Love is Real, there you have it, Love transcend everything even death, you cannot take earthly possessions with you, but you can take love with you, and if you would read the books I mentioned you will see that you will have the love of your life in every other life you live, you see I always thought of God as an old powerful man sitting on a throne above the clouds surrounded by angels, that was the story we got from the Nuns and Priests, but God in heaven wants his children to do better in life, Imagine if you only had the one life to live how much can you learn? To break it down for you each life you live if it's a peaceful loving life your next life will be easier until we become almost child like and we go in front of God and we would not have to Reincarnate anymore, we would stay as Souls, please read Many lives Many Masters it's a very short book, you can finish it in one evening but it will speak volumes, and I would love to hear what you think after you read it.


posted by MysticalMuse on September 19, 2007 at 3:21 PM | link to this | reply



I'm lutheran, and life after death something that bothers me a lot. I can not imagine. Two thing interests me: wether we keep our "mind", our knowledge or lost it compeletly? If we forget everything and anybody we knew, then we dye in some ways. Our persona. The other: Bible says that in Heaven there are no husbands and wives. Which saddens me since I adore my wife, and it would be a bad thing to seperate in afterlife. I don't talk about sex, or somehing alike, just to know each other after death and stay together. of course there is the question, if sombody's spouse dies, and he/she's getting married again, then what?



posted by Brian76 on September 19, 2007 at 2:50 PM | link to this | reply