Comments on Keen detective work by the Blogit Morality Enforcement Staff

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I am so confused. Totally befuddled and disarmed...

Here I thought not-SkinnyB was her own sweet self, romping through her mind fields was great good fun. And now my old friend Ariel70 comes back after a long, lonely absence to comment and deny, and all the others. You, whoever you are, say the mystery is over, the usual suspects have been revealed center stage, white spotlight. But I still haven't a clue. As for the BMES (blogitmoralityenforcers) I need more convincing... I'm slipping into a clean t-shirt and jeans and heading for the nearest latte shop. Perhaps the caffeine will clear the cobwebs and it will all make sense to me. 

And I am thrilled to see Ariel's touch on Blogit again. Yahoo!

posted by Pat_B on August 30, 2007 at 9:35 AM | link to this | reply


How very perceptive of you to see through my disguise, my dear, considering that I was travelling incognito at the time : or “ impetigo ” as Mon Blogue’s Irish head gardener was won’t to say.

One hopes that a little discretion will be exercised in this delicate mater, for one would hate to discover the full details of our intriguing little romp in Spain to come to the attention of one’s staff at Mon Blogue ; especially the highly respectable Miss Podmarsh. Or worse, to read of them in the redtopped gutter press!

The poor lady has barely recovered from her shocking discovery of one of our students downloading pornography on one of the recently installed computers in the Mon Blogue library.*

 On that occasion, in an attempt to recover some modicum of her normal sang froid, she had to resort to an additional spliff of ‘ Bolivian Brown ’. Additional that is to the one that invariably follows her breakfast of toast and coffee, and Keiller’s Dundee marmalade. “ It gives one such an excellent kick-start to the day, Sir Ariel!” as she put it.

Quite how Miss Podmarsh would cope with hearing the details of our little Spanish romp with that Japanese wrestler in the bath of hot chocolate peach sundae I dread to think! Probably have one of her        “ horrible turns! ”

Incidentally, that bizarre mechanism that you show was once sold under the appellation of The Boston Startler, and was designed expressly with the larger gentleman in mind.

Although one ( and one’s joints! ) prefer not to speculate too deeply upon precisely what sort of athletics are required to put the device into operation. It brings tears to the eyes simply to think about it.

Pray give my regards to Felipe and Letizia, and assure them that I shall return their fourteen year old twin daughters to them in due course ; in good health of course, although not guaranteed to be still virgo intacta.

* To discover the full horror of this incident, please follow this link ...

posted by ariel70 on August 30, 2007 at 8:03 AM | link to this | reply

This is all incredibly hilarious.
And somehow, extremely titillating. In fact, oops, can't get up from my desk right now, teacher -- I'll take the zero!

posted by strat on August 30, 2007 at 6:42 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Now I am SO confused.
I know I was thinking the same thing when you said you were Masky, why would anyone thnk you were Masky and whose toes did you step on any way if you are Masky?

posted by Lanetay on August 30, 2007 at 6:37 AM | link to this | reply

Now I am SO confused.

Why on earth would they call you Masky!? You are nothing like Masky and you don't write like her. And boy would she be hurt if she DID pop back now! Think about THAT know who you are.

It is getting odd here. I think all of Blogitland has stopped taking their meds! Who was our pharmacist again!? Sheesh.

Oh, and now don't start trying to impersonate Masky for clicks...she did get a lot of them...

posted by FactorFiction on August 30, 2007 at 6:17 AM | link to this | reply

hahaha--thanks for the laughs skinnyb--
blogit is a petri dish of insanity (and no, I don't mean you--unless of course you want me to). I'm *almost* sorry I'm leaving now, I will miss some pretty good stuff here. 

posted by Julia. on August 29, 2007 at 10:29 PM | link to this | reply

just be you and that is friend enough for me-- you're too funny

posted by riri0322 on August 29, 2007 at 9:54 PM | link to this | reply

you're definitely not Masky.... just in case you started believing it. LOL

posted by -blackcat on August 29, 2007 at 9:37 PM | link to this | reply

Re: ab
Do you mean my touchy-feely,boogity boogity,sexually charged in and out and back and forth super secret mark speak? i know, it's amazing, right? you just the eensiest bit jealous? well, we have a special thang!

posted by justanotherskinnybitch on August 29, 2007 at 6:04 PM | link to this | reply

Newcomers generally don't blog this way.

posted by A-and-B on August 29, 2007 at 5:52 PM | link to this | reply

Re: ab
what"s a newbie post?!

posted by justanotherskinnybitch on August 29, 2007 at 5:40 PM | link to this | reply

Where else have you been blogging? Certainly not the newbie type of posts here.

posted by A-and-B on August 29, 2007 at 5:21 PM | link to this | reply

Oh, heck, let's talk about ALL of it ~

Secrets will only doom our relationship.  Like, you should know about MY "special friend" ~

I call him "Willy®".  He does the hand jive.  Additional attachments available.

posted by mark2556 on August 29, 2007 at 3:53 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Could we NOT talk about Switzerland?
Fine, Mark. But if we're not going to talk about Switzerland, we're NOT going to talk about that weekend in Mumbai with my special friend.

posted by justanotherskinnybitch on August 29, 2007 at 3:42 PM | link to this | reply

Could we NOT talk about Switzerland?

Here's what I found out about Switzerland: they DON'T perform penis enalgement operations.

They DO perform sex change operations, however, and quite frequently.  Hence, the need for velcro.

posted by mark2556 on August 29, 2007 at 3:28 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Without the velcro?
Umm, I thought you had that taken care of in Switzerland while I was in a coma rehab?

posted by justanotherskinnybitch on August 29, 2007 at 2:48 PM | link to this | reply

Without the velcro?
I suppose, but how am I supposed to keep my.....uh, "appliance" attached?

posted by mark2556 on August 29, 2007 at 2:42 PM | link to this | reply

A badass shagfest is Mark's cup o' tea. The midgets have been out of control, though, so I would encourage you not to include them.

posted by justanotherskinnybitch on August 29, 2007 at 2:38 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Hahahaha! I guess this explains the email I got today....

Mark -

Who knows?

Who knows?

OK, sure. Just this once though, can we try it without the velcro?

posted by justanotherskinnybitch on August 29, 2007 at 2:36 PM | link to this | reply

Ariel70 -

so it is you! Just as I suspected. I’m sure we crossed paths in Ibiza at the fete Felipe and Letizia threw celebrating my arrival and after that naughty trick you pulled on me at Pacha, I had hoped never to be conned again by your devastatingly wicked-smooth badinage, but once again you almost had me sucked in. Shame on you. A girl’s got no defense against your brand of bewitchery.

Nor a guy, apparently. Mark seems quite taken by you – that’s something you may want to consider. He’s always a banging good time because he’s so darn creative and resourceful.

posted by justanotherskinnybitch on August 29, 2007 at 2:34 PM | link to this | reply


I'm awfully sorry my dear,but I'm afraid that I'm fully booked until late 2009.

However, should you care to contact, in writing, one's secretary, the estimable Miss Podmarsh at the Reception Desk of Mon Blogue, I have no doubt that she will endeavour to expedite our meeting, and subsequent liaison.

A liaison which one has no doubt will prove to be " One hell of a freakin', ballcrunchin', badass shagfest " as one has heard such affairs described. The lumpenproletariat have such picturesque ways of describing things, don't they?


posted by ariel70 on August 29, 2007 at 2:07 PM | link to this | reply

PS ~ I just read Ariel70's comment....
.....and I think I want to have sex with him, too.

posted by mark2556 on August 29, 2007 at 1:27 PM | link to this | reply

Hahahaha! I guess this explains the email I got today....

...from Rocky.  She says, and I'm quoting here, "You're such a loser!"  Well, yeah, but shouldn't that make me more loveable?  Shit, I'm so freaking depressed I might just steal a poem to express my feelings properly.

So, Item First, why does everyone think you're Masky?  I know Masky, and no offense, but you ain't her.

Item Next: Why does anyone give a shit?

Item Last: Masky was gonna have a little carnal knowledge with me, but she's moved on to greener pastures, so guess what? I agree.  You're Masky.  Now, give it up, bitch!

Thank you for your understanding.


posted by mark2556 on August 29, 2007 at 1:21 PM | link to this | reply


Somewhat disconcerting when one is unmasked so cruelly!

Thus far, I have escaped the beady eyes of the New Puritans -- altho' some demented, cretinous and profoundly mentally disturbed pseudo-preacher did block me the other night. The pleasure was all mine, I assur you!

I have a confession to make : I am not really that bald, 76 year old dude living in Spain. No, actually I am a devastatingly handsome, fabulously rich scion of the English nobility,living in the lap of luxury aboard my 250 feet yacht in Cannes harbour.

I am a legend in my own lunchtime for the scintillating wit ; the pungent humour ; the sheer pathos, pothos and bathos of my fiction writing on my blog, and the incisive political comments that I drop into that rich stew occasionally.

It becomes rather tiresome, when, upon clapping eyes upon one's handsome features, females instantly get nude ; or swoon. However, we all have our crosses to bear.

Er ... are there any other IDs lurking over your way?

posted by ariel70 on August 29, 2007 at 1:19 PM | link to this | reply