Comments on Hypothetical Question of the Day: Oil and Global Warming

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Complex question. Focus oin the U.S.

Those not tied to the land by jobs or crops etc will try to move, but land prices will soar. Those unable to move will suck it up and stay if their bases for survival remains, or be forced out if it fails and then have to go anywhere they can try to keep body and soul together. This may cause more crowding in favorable areas (for instance why does everyone want to move to Calif or Florida?) making them hot spots for the developement of favellas, the promulgation of gnags and privated militias (excuse me, security companies), and a markedly more fragile infrastructure with grreater likelihod of infectious disease outbreaks and system breakdowns or saboutage.

More migration will occur when areas are devatated by storms (already happening), serial floods, other related effects. Once areas fall below a certain density of population and through-travel, their economic base withers and they become collections of holdouts or those subsidized from without (i.e., retirees, the very rich, military, and those living on govenment subsidies).

Oh, yes. When people start clustering on nkicer property, immigration and emigration will pick up.

posted by majroj on July 31, 2007 at 6:21 AM | link to this | reply