Comments on Deep Inside

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You need to open your heart but and never be afraid or be too conscious
of what others will think . Good post !

posted by afzal50 on June 30, 2007 at 11:39 PM | link to this | reply

Such a powerful word, felt by so many. I understand what you say...lonely despite those around you. Letting someone in is a very difficult thing to is an issue thats hard to open up to. No one likes to be hurt, but it happens alot. If someone knows you well, then they know your dark side....if they cant accept that side, they would leave soon, To be the person you are is to be the person that another wants to be with. I've struggled with such oppertunities as well...very recent to be honest. Its amazing how much fear a person can have concerning the reaction of anyother on an emotional level....

posted by gavelkorbald on June 30, 2007 at 11:08 PM | link to this | reply