DEAR JUSTI, a mother's love is so strong that we never forget the
power of it...we never let it go. Even now, all these years later, when our own children are grown and our hair has turned silver, we still turn to that omnipotent source of comfort when we are hurting. Yes, our Mamas took us to church, and we know that Omnipotent with a capital "O" is used to describe God, and with a little "o" it refers to our mamas. We are, after all, Southern, and we know there is nothing in this world as strong as a mother's love. We knew when we were children that the safest and best and most wonderful place in the world was sitting on our mama's lap with her arms around us holding us tight. Even now when I am overcome by any negative emotion, I still call upon the power of her love that even in memory is not one iota less powerful,and I am comforted in the remembrance of it. There are times, though, Justi, when I yearn for the warmth of her lap, the softness of her face when I'd reach up and back with my small hand to pat her cheek. I know you did the same thing; do you remember how we knew they would take our little hand from their cheek and kiss it? I also remember that my Mama could hurt me more than anyone else, when for whatever reason I thought she loved me less...or not at all when she she let me know in no uncertain terms that she was displeased with me. That was also a very poweful force, but those memories have lost their power to sting. I finally learned that I have my own power, and with it I can neutralize those sad times and bad times. You can too, Darlin'. Most of all, we have to remember that our mothers were raised by mothers of the Victorian Era...Also, our mothers lived in a time when women felt they had little to no power; so they honed their skills in the art of manipulation...they were the women whose hand rocked the cradle and often ruled the world, their own personal  world for sure and often the outside world of power through the men in their lives. Can you imagine how frustrating it must  have been for independent women like us back then? Yes, our mothers were experts in the art of manipulation...and when we had learned it from observing them, and they could no longer control us...make us do what they wanted us to do...they WERE angry and hurt with us. All they could do then was to strike  out with hurtful words...Why darlin', they just didn't know any better!  All this to say...I understand exactly what you mean in this particular post in this marvelous Blog! I look forward to more!

posted by muser on May 22, 2007 at 12:16 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you Afzal. I appreciate your reading.

posted by Justi on May 21, 2007 at 8:34 PM | link to this | reply

Truly touching and heart rending post .

posted by afzal50 on May 21, 2007 at 8:10 PM | link to this | reply