Comments on March 2007 Second Warmest on Record!

Go to IT CURES HOARSENESS! The "Global Warming" HoaxAdd a commentGo to March 2007 Second Warmest on Record!

Yes I think it is just as natural as that large solar flare pictured in your link. We really should leave such notions to science..Thanks for posting this...very interesting..

posted by Offy on April 17, 2007 at 4:25 PM | link to this | reply

answer me this question then? If you can, then MAYBE I can believe you .

like fish I can . .. . the evidence for global warming is overwhelming . . . period.

I have asked several questions and there hasn't been a valid answer to what I have asked.

You have a whole lot of convincing to do to bring me around to your way of thinking.

But here's the question then.  I wish you would instead of making the answer a comment, you would post.

If you are correct, then wouldn't you say that we are facing a holocaust of immense proportions that we can do nothing about?

If global warming is correct, then we can abate the effects; but if this is not man-made, then what is happening is unabatable and non-stoppable and we are in for a series of disasters.

Are you prepared to face those disasters?  Or might you be willing to accept all that evidence supporting Global Warming, and get behind efforts to cut back on human - produced pollutants that have caused this?

Sorry, 3 questions.

posted by Xeno-x on April 17, 2007 at 4:19 PM | link to this | reply


Sure didn't feel cold here -- Michigan -- we had far too much snow, which has continued well into April. 

I'm certainly not convinced about this here global warming hullabaloo.

posted by JanesOpinion on April 16, 2007 at 7:17 PM | link to this | reply