Comments on The Parting

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Could you clarify this please?
The verse is well written an obviously in support of someone who has lost a beloved one.  It is deep of love and strength of support; but you are not connected to this one? You speak of war.  Are you currently deported from loved ones?  And the last line was in connecting as ally or alloy....both are significant, maybe you meant one as the other but is an alloy not a non metal mixed with a metal to gain strength (good metaphore) and ally as in cohart, partner, joined would be of less impact but certainly of profound meaning. Maybe it is just me. 'Me thinketh me thinks too much.'  I tend to over analyze but even so, I am moved by your poetic talent! 

posted by roadscross on April 22, 2007 at 9:22 PM | link to this | reply