Comments on “Global Warming” Deniers Like Holocaust Deniers?

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Xenox, I believe I've already dealt with your evidence.

Essentially, my response was this: The climate is undergoing change. The issue at hand is not what is happening, but why. Unless I miss my guess, I believe you are assuming the reason to be primarily, or even solely, human activity. That, my good reader, is highly disputed, regardless of how politically correct, financially lucrative or emotionally appealing it may be, and regardless of the eagerness of the advocates of "global warming" theory to silence debate.

It falls upon the advocates of "global warming" theory to prove their theory of human cause, rather than to simply claim it is so based on climate change that is in all likelihood due to other causes; see this evening's posting at for one example, and for another even more powerful cause. Otherwise, you demand that your opponents commit a logical fallacy by proving a negative.

As far as what Goodman really meant, her assertion still falls apart, both for the reasons I cited and for additional, more fundamentally logical reasons cited by Tom Taranto of the Wall Street Journal at

Aha! I see you were at my discussion of Taranto even as I directed you to him. Watch it, Xenox - you are being drawn to the Light . . .  Anyway, all kidding aside, you did actually read his column, didn't you?

posted by WriterofLight on February 12, 2007 at 6:07 PM | link to this | reply

what she's saying is that the scientific evidence is irrefutable.
no problem with disputing global warming

only the scientific evidence is overwhelming.

you haven't yet explained the evidences I have given.

if you want to be considered anywhere near believable, I would think you should address the issues I have raised -- what are considered the results of global warming that I have listed quite a few times.

why have you remained silent in response?

posted by Xeno-x on February 12, 2007 at 1:05 PM | link to this | reply


It sometimes seems to an oldie like me that the scientific community is becoming more hidebound ; more intolerant and dishonest ; more contemptuous of all dissent by the day.

And as willing to lie, distort or ignore facts as the late Dr Goebbels. They're getting to be a bunch of bloody Fascists

posted by ariel70 on February 10, 2007 at 11:16 AM | link to this | reply


I have been following this for sooooo long.  What amaze me is those that proclaim the need for tolerance are so intolerant.....

Obviously those with  differing opinions are skewing the prospect for a "consensus" they so loudly proclaim to already have.....

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 10, 2007 at 11:10 AM | link to this | reply