Comments on America needs a draft, and gasoline controls, and electricity price hikes.

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Benzinha knows she's not going! HAhahaha
Yeah, that'll get people knowing it's a war.

posted by majroj on February 16, 2007 at 7:48 PM | link to this | reply

Bring back the Draft ! I am all for it. That will bring the bullshit to a
halt and in a hurry. And I want no Educational exemptions this time, either. AND, I want women on board, too. That will really screw things up royally. Let's go. Now.

posted by benzinha on February 16, 2007 at 5:57 PM | link to this | reply

RoseDempsey, as a former USAF officer, I've a few qualms about your plan...

One trouble we are having is that recruitment is so hard that gang members are getting in. They tend not to have the education and etc., plus there are still some intergang problems within the bases.

You must have us mixed up with the French Foreign Legion!

(Actually, come to think about it, there were "diversin" programs where if you were a minor repeat juvenile offender, military service could be offered in lieu of jail and the draft. Ths was during Viet Nam).

posted by majroj on January 17, 2007 at 1:14 PM | link to this | reply

I agree. A draft is a good idea ...

especially if they take it from the prison population.  It might even end up as a crime cutting thing as low lifes decided going to war wasn't a possibility they even wanted to risk.  Basic training could be some place like Guantanamo Bay, so if they tried to run away, there was no place to go with pals to hide them.

You could put different gang members in different areas, just in case they still might want to fight each other and not the enemy.  Ultimately though, I'm thinking self preservation might turn some of them around and let them become somebody.

And think of the money we'd save on keeping them in jail/prison!  Multiple benefits from one major decision.


posted by RoseDempsey on January 16, 2007 at 4:20 PM | link to this | reply

Don't call it a tax. Americans are too burned out on "tax".
Make it a "purchase-dependent endowment for transport infrastructure and research".

posted by majroj on January 15, 2007 at 10:01 PM | link to this | reply

Remember John Anderson
He ran on a platform which included a fifty cent tax on gasoline.  I supported him and that approach.  Actually, I talked with him briefly at Grinnell College just after he spoke there, prior to his decision to run.  Something I said impressed him and he called me "a very wise young man".  Since I was an undergraduate then, I was certainly young.

History tells the rest of the story. He lost. Twice. Badly.

Carl Peter

posted by cpklapper on January 15, 2007 at 9:46 PM | link to this | reply