Comments on Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair

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Oh my, you have had a hard weekend.(your comment on my other blog.)  I, too, just got relief from a sonogram two and a half weeks ago.  I had felt something new just before my last (PD) surgery and the oncologist felt it, too, enough to order a sonogram.  He didn't think it felt like a malignant lump, but the sonogram tech found it easily, got pretty serious, and I remember lying alone on the table while she went to talk to the doctor.  I decided if it was cancer again, it was what it was.  They gave me the DX before I left.  It was a seroma, a fluid filled sack at the site of a surgical incision.  I looked it up on the med site on the Internet when I got home.  It said these were rare so long after breast surgery but some women get them (lucky me!).  I had a fluid filled milk-duct on the other side at one time, too.  They did a sonogram, DXed that day, and told me to keep an eye on it for any change, since it also had just "popped up."  It eventually went away.  I will pray the outcome will be such for your wife!  Praying and having faith goes a long way to wellness in your soul.  To go along with what Troosha said about living in the now, it is accepting the "isness" of life (it is what it is). But hoping and praying for wellness and a full recovery should always be the first course of action. I have personally witnessed several such "miracles." (friends)

Thank you for the beautiful picture and I will put one in for you on the other blog! Peace, and continued blessings and I will pray for wellness. 

Love and hugs to all,


posted by LadyCeeMarie on December 4, 2006 at 4:51 PM | link to this | reply

Thank you for helping me with taking back my power!  I've been slipping and every word that you took time to write wrings with the truth, including why the harsh letter.   I think I would say d) all the above (You gave me 3 reasons).  I printed out your comment to read whenever I "remember" too much and overlook what's right under my nose, my sweet husband, Jay. Thank you, too, for being non-judgmental, but wise, supportive and objective.  I knew there was a good reason for getting it out "on paper."


posted by LadyCeeMarie on December 4, 2006 at 4:21 PM | link to this | reply

Ditto--the opening words of Troosha speak with TRUTH (It's the Trooth)

here's Prviet for all my wonderfull lady friends

posted by ILLUMINATI8 on December 4, 2006 at 3:11 PM | link to this | reply


Take back your power. It is said that the love affairs that are driven by enormous passion and huge peaks and valleys will never stand the test of time. They are built on guilt, illusion, the charge of doing something one should not be doing, and the absence of life’s realities (like cleaning a kitchen floor, or cooking meatloaf). The true and abiding relationships are the ones such as you share with Jay – grounded on something real. Who know why this past lover was so harsh with you. Maybe as you said he has traveled a rocky path to “fix” his marriage and see you as a threat. Maybe he’s been read the riot act by his wife. Maybe you just scared him because he too has lingering feelings. Whatever the reason, my advise is to forgive and simply cherish the memories (but that’s what they are – memories). With all that you’re dealing with you don’t need to be ruminating about “why” or “what if”. Celebrate the now.

Be strong and find joy in what is right in front of you, Cee.

posted by Troosha on December 4, 2006 at 7:57 AM | link to this | reply

Oh Wiley-
Kiddo - just love it!  Yes, you I was identifying with when you said you had a teary day maybe over your Joycie.  It comes upon you unannounced, unbidden; the overwheming loneliness even when you're surrounded by those you love!  My Mike has replaced that feeling (with help no doubt from his professional therapy) with shame and guilt and to him it negates every nice and wonderful thing he wrote, said and meant during the course of our relationship. He said he thinks of me with contempt and disgust now!

I remember that time for what it was; a sweet and tender time in my life in which I felt totally loved and cherished, valued and admired; it was a bonus on what life had to offer me.  Now he calls is a tawdry affair and I have no recourse to probe into why he has changed his mind other than he didn't like himself too much before we remet and our "affair," (he used to hate that word and now says it was just a tawdry affair) instead of bringing him the gift of love and all the love the Creator Great can give, has instead turned that time period into the biggest mistake of his life.  He won't take a call and shreds anything I've sent. So as requested, I've sent nothing, made no calls since the last email demanding I leave him alone, that I GO AWAY.  I won't be called a stalker by him ever again.  So here I am at my present juncture.

You got to spend ten years with your Joycie?  My time of that kind of love was ten months, so I should be grateful for what time I had. My Michael didn't die from physical ailments, but he IS dead to me none the less.  So I DO understand those blue days indeed if that's what you're having.  Stress brings out negatives such as loneliness.

Oh my, I've written you a blog of your own! Thanks for catching up with m, luv! 





posted by LadyCeeMarie on December 4, 2006 at 6:42 AM | link to this | reply

So good to read this luv, you're getting through it all, good for you kiddo.

posted by WileyJohn on December 3, 2006 at 9:24 PM | link to this | reply