Comments on This Can You Believe This is Real, and It's Direct from Blogitville

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It's amazing how some women will allow men to walk all over them. I had a friend who allowed a boyfriend (who was a real jerk) to do exactly that. She met him online and after they began treating he used to abuse her, verbally. It's sad when  women allow themselves to be used like that.

posted by Kasthu on November 7, 2006 at 10:42 AM | link to this | reply

It's truly amazing, the depths of human despondence.
It happens to guys, too. Did you see that story about the construction worker from somewhere out west who corresponded on line with some woman from Brazil or Venezuela or something -- he ended up sending her a ton of money, then when he finally went to see her, she and her partner in crime/boyfriend/handler drugged him and ultimately strangled him and tried to burn the body.

There's a lot of loneliness, augmented with a profound lack of self-esteem out there. I think somewhere alng the way, we all got sold a bill of goods about how we were all going to live happily ever after with our princes/princesses in our happy castles in the suburbs.

It ain't like that. Not by a long shot. It's a scary, ugly, situation.

posted by strat on November 7, 2006 at 6:15 AM | link to this | reply


I certainly can NOT explain why this happens on Blogit but in our most recent case I would say it is a case of dumb and dumber.

I can't believe that guy actually did that to your friend. Aruba eh? Well if and when I meet someone I am not certain about I do back ground checks. Now that doesn't always give you the answers either, but at least you can find out the basics on someone.

This last episode on Blogit where the guy soliticed Passionflower and lustorlove was something I had to become involved in because they are my friends and I knew there was a dirty rat somewhere. Sure enough the bottom line came down to sponsorship for an American visa. Now that may be why he is using the current woman because when he was exposed he immediately starting recanting eveything he said like his love was for her and her only. This after I had read those flaky emails he sent to Passion and lustor within a 10 minute time frame. I wrote a post on it a couple days ago. I am not going to go on about it, but it would seem that like your friend who met the guy in Aruba the only agenda was to get into the country...

Hope your doing well these days. Miss seeing you around.

posted by Offy on November 7, 2006 at 2:36 AM | link to this | reply

Good post.

posted by A-and-B on November 7, 2006 at 1:34 AM | link to this | reply