Comments on The Republic Party Cesspool

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NorthernYankee, do not let Corbin and his cohorts run you off
There is a hard-core contingent here, small but intransigent, silent, who are tired of his mouth.  Think of the siege of Stalingrad, the Russians frozen but determined.  He's got the mouth but eventually he'll go away.  Stick around. we'll outlast the sob.

posted by Blanche. on December 2, 2006 at 9:15 PM | link to this | reply

If you are talking to me Corbin....

Bascially, I used my most recent blog to vent my frustrations with the current president and his party.  I was happy to see that the Democrats take control of the house which could be a sign that the system works and Americans won't put up with crap.  I was happy to see that it stimulated debate well beyond my post.

As a Canadian, I realise that America is still a conservative country while Canada is an extremely liberal one-I'm Canadian and Canadians tend to be extremely suspicious of Social Conservatives.  As a North American, I still believe that it is my responsibility to question and attack foreign policies that come out of this continent, if the Canadian government were to behave dishonourably I would hope politically aware individuas such as yourself would step up.

posted by NorthernYankee on November 9, 2006 at 5:08 AM | link to this | reply


An again, while I don’t claim the dems are perfect, my experience with most modern day conservatives, they are so completely closed minded, so easily led, so dogmatic about THEIR dogma, so ready to shove THEIR religion and THEIR values, down the throats of all of us. Such arrogance has no place in a functioning government.

What the hell is it that your doing?  This  week I will have been here one year.....and I have yet to see one thing "Positive" thing come from you on one of your blogs.   You and your back up singer constantly call people in this administration vicious proclaim your personal "planks" as facts in you "platform" then carry it to a personal level here and do the same to conservative bloggers.

You continue to spout negative "OPINON"  not fact.....and you won't admit that just like have an agenda.........  Pot?  Kettle?   Black?   And true to the jest of Blackcat's recent post....both of you hop from blog to blog attacking others.....I feel sorry for ate up with unhappiness.......You remind me of a family on the Old Saturday Night Live show.....the Whiners.

Nobody is shoving anything down any one's throat....we're expression our beliefs and opinions on blogs that we paid for........not you or any other blogger should have a say in what we choose to say or write.  

For example.....I don't even venture into the Religious section.....most of the post there turn my I stay away. 

I'm heading off to haul voters to the I'll be very busy participating in the process......

How will things turn?  Who knows?   If the left succeeds, the really sad part is that it won't be because they offered a better alternative......but because (1) they and their allies in the Main Stream media succeeded in the greatest assault in political history, and (2) we as a party have the largest collection of idiots in congressional leadership positions every gathered under one roof.  Really something both sides can really be proud of........

America is still a conservative country.....and if conservatives lose's because our elected rconservative epresentatives forgot where they came from, how they got where they are, and who got them there........

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 7, 2006 at 5:01 AM | link to this | reply

"The Democrats have "credibility" overseas because they're more concerned with building up their own image in the eyes of others"

You are right, who cares what the Brits, Aussies, French, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Russians or Canadians think!  The American president must defend and push America's unilateral interests onto the world at all costs.  Heck start another war somewhere else!  Push American interests at all do the detriment of all other interests, and if you don't you are not a patriot!  And if you aren't a patriot you are the devil.  And "you are either with the Americans or with the Terrorists" because it makes Little GW feel cool to say that.  Not to mention his "bring it on speech" which resulted in roughly 200 hundred American soldier deaths by rally Americans at home and pumping up suicidal religious freaks abroad!  Yeah keep voting republican, keep ignoring everyone else.........

At least Bill Clinton looked for a win-win situations rather than American wins-and who cares about the rest.  

posted by NorthernYankee on November 6, 2006 at 9:22 PM | link to this | reply

I love the world and I love life. I hate the Republican party

Yes, I hate the Republican party because it is a cesspool of mismanagement and corruption whose authority is derived by hiding in the shadows of Christian values, low taxes and covering itself in the flag.

Today I have to ask, did GW invade Iraq to oust Hussien because of Weapons of mass destruction? Because Iraq was a terrorist hide out? Or was it because Hussein ordered 146 people to death in 1982?  I think we can all say without a reasonable doubt that Iraq was a wrong decision based in Repubican Greed and opportunism. 

Today GW's defense is, "what's the message to our troops?"  The message is, that he himself made a horrible decision to invade Iraq based on faulty intelligence and an heavily influential oil lobby.  If he really cares about the troops he should resign!  But we all know that won't happen because he has to protect is precious legacy!

posted by NorthernYankee on November 6, 2006 at 9:05 PM | link to this | reply

And as far as which party has credibility overseas goes . . .
The Democrats have "credibility" overseas because they're more concerned with building up their own image in the eyes of others than with acting in their country's best interests. Bubba was the prime example of this, governing by the whims of opinion polls rather than any semblance of moral certainty.

posted by WriterofLight on November 6, 2006 at 8:50 PM | link to this | reply

Isn't it inetersting?
Those who accuse the Republicans of being evil are so full of hate themselves. At least you're right down there with Screamin' Howard Dean and laying your hatred out in the open for all to see. Nice example you set for the rest of us.

posted by WriterofLight on November 6, 2006 at 8:46 PM | link to this | reply

Areil70, remember the Democrats have more credibility abroad than the hated Republicans.  In fact, you wouldn't believe how shocked the world reaction was that GW made it in for a second term; we literally dropped our jaws. How could someone whom had stirred up so much trouble abroad, who has decreased the standard of living for its own people at home get reelected.  We all know that the middle east policies that Bush has pursued has led to the ridiculous increases in oil prices, empowering the western world's enemies with oil-bucks.  His reelection in 2004 further demonstrates the degree to which the US is out of step the with the world.  Maybe you don't care, but the world is becoming more intertwined and the United states failure to recognise the changing nature of power structures will surely lead to its demise and Canada will be sucked along with it. 

The democrats will not insult your intelligence with simple messages that lead to horrible outcomes.  Meaningful policies are definitely harder to communicate and the American electorate are not patient.  Moreover, in my opinion, the Democrats will purse an more internationalist policy rather than a unilateralist one; that has brought nothing but war and hard ache to so many of its own citizens.  America can not leave Iraq in the short term for if it does the war will surely come to the homeland.  Unilateralism may feel cool emotionally but when you anger your enemies and friends everyone loses.

posted by NorthernYankee on November 6, 2006 at 6:42 PM | link to this | reply

ariel70 - I was not suggesting that the Democrats in office ...

... and those to be elected tomorrow will be a 100% improvement over the Republican majority rule we’ve had for years, but with our vote we can send a message, loud and clear, to our elected representatives, that we are sick and tired of the status quo. Its time for change. And if our newly elected reps don’t follow thorough, don’t act on our behalf, don’t vote for the best for the U.S. and its people, don't become more transparent and accountable, we’ll either have recall elections, or we’ll have a new record of single term Senators and Representatives.

An again, while I don’t claim the dems are perfect, my experience with most modern day conservatives, they are so completely closed minded, so easily led, so dogmatic about THEIR dogma, so ready to shove THEIR religion and THEIR values, down the throats of all of us. Such arrogance has no place in a functioning government.

posted by blogflogger on November 6, 2006 at 3:58 PM | link to this | reply

OFFBEATS - The right keeps shrieking how the liberals ...

... and Democrats “hate” Bush. I don’t find that to be the case, but I do think he was a very poor choice for president of our country, he rarely speaks intelligently, and he doesn’t present an image of which I can take pride. He’s a very visible buffoon. He uses bullying unsophisticated language; he frequently taunts those who don’t agree with him, and encourages problems between the parties. And while you will deny this, he lies to American people and the world at large. Any politician who lies to constituents should be removed from office.

But hate? Hardly. He’s a pimple on the butt of our Democracy, and I hope the American people use their heads in 2008, and not follow their leaders like sheep, and vote for whomever the republican machine puts in front of them.

In addition, while this is not a key issue to most of the U.S., through my business I have a number of international contacts, and they have been laughing at us for 6 years. It was nice back in the days when I could take pride in our country.

posted by blogflogger on November 6, 2006 at 3:49 PM | link to this | reply



You just about put into a nutshell what I think of your Dems.

I read the NYT online occasionally, and I have to say that I'm less than impressed with their attitudes and their biased coverage of the news.

I guess that everybody who, like me, wishes America well, must be highly perturbed at the way that her society is becoming ever more polarised, and that polarisation every more venomous.

And this is by no means entirely Bush's fault, for America is sundered by far to many issues ; abortion, religion, Islam, race etc to lay at the door of the White House.


posted by ariel70 on November 6, 2006 at 2:29 PM | link to this | reply

No campaign is won on hatred. The Dems do not have any candidates therefore all they have is their hatred for Bush. Sad, but true. They have no answers, they don't even ask the right questions. They spew w/o any solution to one problem we face. Also ariel, anyone who quotes the NY Times and other liberal outlets, be weary of their source and agenda. They do not represent the truth. Look to just last week when they had John Kerry on the front page and then put the rest of the story somewhere on page 17. They have a real problem with accuracy as does CNN, CBS (remember swiftboat)...

posted by Offy on November 6, 2006 at 2:22 PM | link to this | reply



Thank you for taking the trouble to expand upon most of which I was already aware of. And most of the abuses of power that you cite are even further advanced in Britian ; and of course in that iniquitous latter day Holy Roman Empire, the EU. Bothof which are, in all but name, police states.

However, much as I appreciate you efforts, I have to say that you have not addressed the question that I posed to you : what gives you to suppose that, in power, Democrats will be significantly better.

It is surely naive to imagine that they will, for example shed the powers that Bush has usurped to his administration? History shows that power,once taken is rarely, if ever shed.

As far as I can tell from Spain, Democrats have no coherent remedies for any abuses or shortcoming ; no agenda for a resolution of the situations in Iraq, Aghanistan, Iran, North Korea, and one could go on.

Their sole aim seems to be to get their guy into 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, and join him ( whoever he is ) on the gravy train.

I tell you, amigo, as one who admires America and the attributes of her citizens, I am deeply disturbed by what I see from a distance. Even what I see in all toooften

posted by ariel70 on November 6, 2006 at 2:12 PM | link to this | reply

The NY Times says the RNC and the DNC have teams of lawyers on standby
flying into "hot spot" states, like Missouri, Florida and Texas, preparing to monitor and observe. Better we do that than have the UN telling us we've had illegal elections.  (damn another phone call, from the DNC just now, they are really working the phones, good for them). 

posted by Blanche. on November 6, 2006 at 2:00 PM | link to this | reply

Bill Maher said he would be a Republican if they were for what they said

were for:  fiscal and personal responsibilty.  Rightwingers call Democrats "tax and spend'' Democrats, but at least that is paying for what we use, responsible fiscal policy. What we have now are "Borrow and binge spend" Republicans, fiscally looting the public treasury to pay for a war that no one has any objective for, no plan or strategy, and yet, we rack up $4 billion A DAY in debt to foreign debt holders, like the Chinese (our new best friends?) to pay off a debt that now has put every single future American child born today in debt $28,000  AND RISING.

Tell us, please, what is fiscally or personally responsible about that. Can we get our perverrted noses out of everyone else's bedroom, palpitating over imagined licentiousness, that breed fornicating preachers, with righteous indigation in the pulpit and repressed fornication in the back alleys, lewd and obscene as hypocrites are and get back on with the business of government: to govern responsibly?

posted by Blanche. on November 6, 2006 at 1:57 PM | link to this | reply

Blanche - Hi. I'm busy blogging on 3 sites this AM, and haven't gotten...
...much work done. This election is SOOOO important. I hope it goes well for you at the polling station tomorrow. I'm glad we've got people of integrity keeping an eye on our process.

posted by blogflogger on November 6, 2006 at 1:53 PM | link to this | reply

ariel70 - Also, I'm tired of the Republicans working to take AWAY rights.
The Republican stance is the way they look at something, or their beliefs, are the RIGHT beliefs, the only VALID beliefs, therefore they should be able to make the rest of us live within their mores, and change lives, our behaviour, our laws. WRONG. The USofA was supposed to be about granting and guaranteeing freedoms. Don't bring your religion into my bedroom or my boardroom. Don't tell me I should talk about YOUR belief in god while saying the Pledge of Allegiance to OUR country. Don't tell me homosexuals are bad because it isn't what I believe in. Don't take away civil liberties, habeaus corpus, or my right to privacy. The fewer laws the better. That was the OLD conservative view.

posted by blogflogger on November 6, 2006 at 1:52 PM | link to this | reply

Corbin, face it, Blogflogger has facts, logic and solid debate skills: give
up now. 

posted by Blanche. on November 6, 2006 at 1:13 PM | link to this | reply

Go, Blogflogger, Go! *Wild Cheering breaks out in the stands*

posted by Blanche. on November 6, 2006 at 1:11 PM | link to this | reply

Perhaps some on this thread need to do a bit more READING. Perhaps...

...something besides newsmax and the Wall Street Journal, and listen to something besides Fox (Faux) News and Rush. Everyone I know with an IQ greater than their shoe size, who is NOT a conservative follower (vs. a conserverative social dominant) is aware of those sill things many of us more cerebral types refer to as "facts".

Watching the sheep on the rabid-right try to lead us all to the slaughter petrifies me. Please, people of sanity, makes calls to your friends, and GET OUT AN VOTE!!!

posted by blogflogger on November 6, 2006 at 1:09 PM | link to this | reply

First of all a correction to the below statement. UN Res 441 was not acted on by the UN...They had plenty of chances to support what they had already initiated. UN let the US down on 441 therefore we had to go it alone except for the few). The nations of France and Germany and Russia who did not support the US were shown to have millions of dollars in reasons why they did not support the US  (Oil for Food) Now should the Dems take over any part of the gov in the majority, I doubt even they would be stupid enough to leave Iraq as a vacuum for Iran. Let us not forget why we are here...the President is not our enemy..let us remember who that enemy really is. I know there are many who believe if we just pulled out of Iraq or gave up our search for justice for 911 that the Muslims would become their new best friends. That is never going to happen, they don't want your friendship, they want it all...and they don't give a hoot if your a Dem or a Republican.

posted by Offy on November 6, 2006 at 12:37 PM | link to this | reply

ariel70 - I'll take a quick shot at answering.

(Excuse the typos, and I tossed this off quickly.)

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lord Acton

We have not had an appropriate balance of power between the three branches of government since all are run by Republicans.

Historically some of the periods of greatest success in our government have been when the balance of powers is distributed between the parties.

I believe Bush has exceeded the power of his position in extending presidential powers, unity powers, and the abuse of signing statement. (Even Arlen Specter, Republican chairman of the Judiciary committee, offered legislation on July 26th to put a stop to these statements.)

With Bush in the White House and both houses with a Republican majority, we have evolved to an ugly, divisive environment.

Spending is out of control.

Checks and balances have virtually ceased to exist.

Far too much in tax dollars have been paid to big business, with no bid process, no follow-up, poor quality work, lost dollars, and failed projects, yet they have still been paid their bonuses.

Bush took unilateral action, refusing to wait for the United Nations efforts to run out, caused a terrible alienation throughout the world, and it will take years for us to be rid of the “cowboy” reputation he earned for us. A responsible congress would not allowed many of his actions regarding Iraq. (At least he seems to have learned his lesson, and now, after ignoring North Korea, who actually WAS a threat, he has turned sane, and is working with the international community. Better late than never I suppose.) Oh, and also, had we not gone solo into Iraq, perhaps the costs would have been shared by other nations as well. After all, these are OUR tax dollars.

I doubt Democrats would have increased the cost of student loans, or failed to negotiate a better deal from the drug companies for the new drug plan.

I could go on, but need to get back to work.

posted by blogflogger on November 6, 2006 at 12:25 PM | link to this | reply

blogflogger et al


This is in no way a sacastic question, but one offered in a genuine spirit of enquiry.

What about the Democrats leads any of you to suppose that, once in office, they will do any better than the Republicans?

On the subject of Iraq : will they handle the war more efficiently? Or alternatively ; will they stage an honourable withdrawal? And have they -- and you -- considered the consequences of this?

Seen from a distance, the Demorcats seem to be even more mired in corruption that the Republicans : it's just that they don't have to power to be more corrupt, 'cos they don't have it.

posted by ariel70 on November 6, 2006 at 10:49 AM | link to this | reply

NorthernYankee - Most Republicans follow blindly and lead us all to the...

... slaughter. In the past six years we have lost so much: civil liberties, transparency, accountability, balance of the tree brances of government, billions of dollars, thousands dead and wounded, and have lived on a steady diet of lies and dissembling.

We need to take charge of our government, live within the boundaries of the Constitution, and work to put more safeguards in place. (I could go on forever, but have work I need to do.)

Good post.

posted by blogflogger on November 6, 2006 at 10:41 AM | link to this | reply

Fair enough....

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 6, 2006 at 7:22 AM | link to this | reply

I attack the Bloc Quebecois(the Quebec separtist Party) but, I have met Quebec separatists in person and we don't smash each others brains out. 

On a side note, I have the opinion that whatever happens within Americas borders is America's business but what goes on outside is what matters to all of us.  This is where I am most concerned. 

posted by NorthernYankee on November 6, 2006 at 6:56 AM | link to this | reply

You're still attacking those that believe in what the party stands for.....or theyparty wouldn't be able to maintain it's positions.......but I didn't take it "personal"   and my response was just a rhetorical remark........

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 6, 2006 at 6:48 AM | link to this | reply

How is attacking a political party in anyway a personal attack on someone?  It's a PARTy-a political vehicle, I'm attacking its principles, policies and its leaders not private citizens; which is what should happen in societies that consider themselves democratic.  Where else would I start?  As the Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said "Change the LDP and change Japan."(LDP-Liberal Democratic Party-Japan's Republican party)

From what I have seen from Bush's unilateralism, that there is still a feeling by many hard core republicans, that the world is holding back American.  By that same token these sorts of individuals need to ask themselves, is the world going to disappear? 

I still think there are some unsaid requirments expect of leaders of great nations.  For example, a passport. George Bush was born into an extremely political and wealthy family,  He couldn't help but become American-nationalist.  Not to mention that these patriotic values were compounded by southern-flag waving ultra-patriotism.  As they say, "patriotism kills the soul", I often ask myself does GW even have a soul? 

My point is, some international experience couldn't hurt.  But one might say he represents Rebulican values well.

posted by NorthernYankee on November 6, 2006 at 6:41 AM | link to this | reply


I appreciate all comments and hope that no takes anything personally.

That's kind of like kicking a man in the groin and saying you hope that didn't hurt.....but you started off your return with a big bang and got some attention.....

As to the comments about GW not being out of the country.....we have done so well with the more "cosmopolitan" leaders....especially the more worldly one getting BJ's in the oval office while on the phone with Yasser Arafat......

Yep, that's "World Class".........

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 6, 2006 at 6:21 AM | link to this | reply

I appreciate all comments and hope that no takes anything personally.  Aside from politics I think we could all get along just fine under normal circumstances.

Back to business,

It is true that Republicans communicate better than Democrats although I find their simple messages rather insulting to the intelligence of most middle class people.

However, one has to wonder how such a party could even consider electing a leader whom had never been to Japan or Europe prior to becoming president, not to mention that he didn't even have a passport before he became the worlds most power head of state.  In short, he has about the international instincts of a moth attracted to fire.

posted by NorthernYankee on November 6, 2006 at 6:14 AM | link to this | reply

Surely isn't the same party
I think it would be unrecognizable to the founders. Time for a clean slate of new parties, imo.

posted by Katray2 on November 6, 2006 at 6:08 AM | link to this | reply

Corbin - TN, but then TN built TX (some would argue)

posted by FreeManWalking on November 6, 2006 at 5:49 AM | link to this | reply

NY - while its good to question things research will show you the current
crop of Dems have nothing to offer and make no pretense that they do.  They preach change without an outline.  Not all motion moves people forward.  At least the Repubs (which I endorse about 75% of the time) state a platform and not an empty pledge of "change". 

posted by FreeManWalking on November 6, 2006 at 5:46 AM | link to this | reply

You from Texas?  LOL

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 6, 2006 at 5:42 AM | link to this | reply

When I wrote this, I knew that I was taking on an institution that is prided and protected; I only as that it be questioned.  It has led the US astray and has turned many parts of the world against the US un-necessarily.  As a fellow North American it is my responsiblility to attack that which threatens our way of life.  I think the republican party does just that.

posted by NorthernYankee on November 6, 2006 at 5:40 AM | link to this | reply

Freeman and Northern


Aha! Do I detect another War Between The States brewing up?

Let me know when hostilities are due to commence, and I'll book a ringside seat on Little Round Top

posted by ariel70 on November 6, 2006 at 5:36 AM | link to this | reply

Exactly what I would expect from a Texan! 

posted by NorthernYankee on November 6, 2006 at 5:32 AM | link to this | reply

There is too much hate here for this to be anything but drivel...drool


Republicans (and the USA) built North America, freed it from slavery, and are the reason the continent is safe today.

posted by FreeManWalking on November 6, 2006 at 5:27 AM | link to this | reply

I refuse to go to the United States if A Repbulican sits anywhere near the whitehouse after 2008. In addition, I refuse to buy or use American products until there is some sign that the Repbulican party is going to be punished for the evil that it has spread around the globe over the last 8 years of George Bush rule.

Good Riddance......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 6, 2006 at 5:19 AM | link to this | reply