Comments on Virginia DEM Senate Candidate takes the Clinton Approach.........

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PostSmile!  Geez!

posted by BrightIrish on October 29, 2006 at 10:56 PM | link to this | reply

YUK! Is there really such a thing as a conservative democrat?

posted by Offy on October 28, 2006 at 4:56 PM | link to this | reply

and especially to the ladies: I thought it was 'barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen', the 'servile and subserviant' bit is just a corollary of the first part...

posted by Nautikos on October 27, 2006 at 6:12 PM | link to this | reply

Corbin Dallas
Servile and subservient???? I have to ask my husband quickly what party he belongs to, I never heard that part!!!

posted by Justi on October 27, 2006 at 9:41 AM | link to this | reply

Hold your tongue, woman!

posted by Corbin_Dallas on October 27, 2006 at 9:12 AM | link to this | reply

That passage was gross ...

However, was the novel actually endorsing those actions? Or merely depicting them?

It's a huge difference.

P.S. I thought conservatives wanted their women to be "servile and subservient"?

During the Middle Ages, probably one of the biggest mistakes was
not putting on your armor because you were
"just going down to the corner."

posted by Mademoiselle on October 27, 2006 at 9:09 AM | link to this | reply