Comments on This Is How The Road To The Super Bowl Is Paved...

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Your rendition has all the power and breath-holding that the game deserves,
lincolnparker.  But, hey, in my defense, I'm not a Bears fan.  I like 'em, but they're not my team.  I picked them to go to and win the Super Bowl, but they're not my team.  I loved the game and I didn't give up on them at all, so I agree -- shame on the Bears fans who gave up on the game and turned the channel or left the game.  

posted by saul_relative on October 18, 2006 at 9:34 PM | link to this | reply

Great you talked about the Bears, but I wasn't happy with your rendition.

As a Chicagoan and Bears fan, you've missed the dramatics and certainly the chronology was an extremely important part of the dramatics of that win.

Most Bear fans had given up by half time.  Only a few believed that there was enough time to dominate the rest of the game and come out victorious.  The Bears stop the Cards three and out.  Grossman and the Bears march down the field and get to the 3 yard line.  This is what we needed!  Field goal?  That wasn't good enough!  The Cards come back down, take more than five minutes off the clock nearly closing out the third quarter.  There wasn't enough time... not even for miracles.

Bears, three and out.  We needed miracles.  Not just one, we needed three miracles.  That wasn't possible.  I told the guys that we could witness one of greatest quarter of football ever.  I didn't really believe it was possible.  The third of six of us guys grabbed the remainder of his pot of chilli and went out the door.  As he went out the door...

With 8 seconds left in the third, Rookie Defensive End Mark Anderson knocks Leinart's arms hard enough for Leinart to lose the ball which is scooped up by who else?  Mike Brown, who is always there to scoop up a loose fumble for a touch down.  The remaining three of us who had not given up hope were going crazy with high fives.  All we needed were two more miracles.

After Grossman was picked off for the third time and it seemed that the Cards ran it back for a TD with 10 minutes left in the 4th, even we had given up.  But, a glimmer of hope was still there when it was called back down by contact.  There was time.

The Bears would stop the Cards.  Why won't they put Griese in?  Grossman... intercepted.  All of Chicago hated Grossman at that moment.  You could hear it in the cold rainy air throughout the city.

With only six minutes left, we sat in silence with resignation.  The Cards were going to run the clock out with Edgerrin James.  This was our fate.

The second miracle happened!  Urlacher stripped the ball from Edgerrin!  Tillman was running with the ball!  Touchdown!!!  We were screaming and jumping up and down like crazy, hugging each other and falling over!  There was no way!

With 5 minutes left?!  We didn't need another miracle.  Just get the ball back and walk down the field and get a regular offensive touchdown, but please!  Please don't put Rex in!

The Bears kick and the Cards run it back to near mid field.  That was not good.  However, a taunting penalty pushes the Cards back 15 yards to the Cards' 19.  This was important because the Cards were only able to move the ball 14 yards before being forced to punt.

We stood, but in a low crouch.  Hester slow to start which we had seen all night.  "Run!!!" we all yelled.  With every ten yards our yelling got louder, "RUN!!!"  He was almost through the mob,  "RUN!!! RUN!!! RUN!!!" We were in full out screaming like women winning cars on the Oprah Show.  "TOUCHDOWN!!!"  You've never seen anything like three grown men screaming jump and down, hugging and kissing each other and falling on each other on the couch.  It was the gayest moment three straight men could have had without having to punch each other afterward for going to far.

We were out of breath.  My chest was pouding very hard and I was worried that I was going to have a heart attack.  Our miracles had happened!  How was that possible?  It was the Bears D and special teams.  Of course.  Things like that happend all the time last year.  But never like that.

2:53 left.  That was too much time.  The Bears D was going to have to such them down again.  Surely they had no more gas.  Please muster up the energy.  The Cards marched down the field, ran the out the time and set up a 40 yard field goal for the kicker who led the league last year in scoring.  Was it too much to ask for a fouth miracle?

We were in prayer mode stances.  I decided to close my eyes.  I decided I needed to watch.  The linebackers and secondary rushed to the line just as the ball was snapped.  Players were in the air and hands swatted the space above them.  The ball rose over the hands and towards the upright.  We watched as it rose between the uprights from a view.  It was curving so slightly.  The ball disappeared behind the right upright from our view and then reappeared on the other side!  "HE MISSED!!!  HE MISSED!!! HE MISSED!!!  YEAH!!! YEAH!!!  YEAH!!!" Again we went crazy jumping up and down hugging and stomping and giving high fives. 

It was the most incredible quarter of football we had ever seen.  Shame on those who had given up and missed one of the greatest moments in Chicago Bears history.

posted by lincolnparker on October 18, 2006 at 1:10 PM | link to this | reply

Yeah, that was a good line, SW. I, like you, was shocked as well about
the game.

posted by saul_relative on October 17, 2006 at 3:56 PM | link to this | reply

I caught the last quarter of that game. Wow!

I was shocked that the Cardinals were winning and then shocked when they lost.

I like the comment right before Urlacher caused the fumble.  "If Arizona loses this game, they should put the lid on the dome and change it into a Pizza Haven," because Arizona will have no right to play football anymore.

I'll take a large sausage and pepperoni please.

posted by SuccessWarrior on October 17, 2006 at 8:06 AM | link to this | reply