Comments on DEFINE GOD!!!

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God is a presence living in the heart of all people!
God is the cause of our beating heart without which we would cease to exist! Yet God is more, God is the beginning and the end of all that is! Keep asking,  faholo

posted by faholo on October 15, 2006 at 6:16 PM | link to this | reply

Personal and Private

God cannot be "defined" by me or any other person.  Every person who embraces to concept of God creates their own image and expression of God.  There are as many deffinitions and illustrations of God as there are human beings.  But, if oneness is a part of God, then there is only one God--your own.

God is a personal matter and if God is a sacred thing, then it is also private.  I would no more describe a moment of sexual intimacy to a stranger than I would describe the intimacy I have with God.  Intimacy is, by deffinition, exclusive to one and another.  I also have no desire to have someone else express to me their God, I would feel like an ignorant voyeur and that ignorance would lead to judgement, shame and insecurity about my God, and that is betrayal and breaks the bonds of intimacy I've nurtured through my worship of God.  This would be sin, if there is such a thing, and I'd neither want to sin or cause someone else to sin against their God.  So, it's best kept private, and personal, between me and my God.



posted by freerain on October 15, 2006 at 8:12 AM | link to this | reply

Oh, gosh, what a task. Here's my honest attempt:

God is an immortal being more powerful than any mortal being. God is so powerful and special that God cannot be fully understood -- or defined -- by humans. God is the force behind all life and all that is good.

Or here's another idea:

God is the embodiment of love.

Or, going back to the orthodox:

God is the almighty divine being consisting of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

(I don't think these definitions are mutually exclusive, but I think the first one is the most important because it notes the finiteness of humankind's understanding of God. As such, it precludes a full definition.)  

posted by Dyl_Pickle on October 11, 2006 at 3:29 PM | link to this | reply