Comments on Jerry Falwell Wants Hillary Clinton To Be Democratic Nominee For President

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Her chances to become president are almost limited

posted by adventurer02 on December 12, 2015 at 10:01 AM | link to this | reply

Don't fear the leaver, fear the oncoming brother from Florida, Chrome.
I see him as a frontrunner for 2012.  Name recognition is everything.  What this country has is an exceptionally short memory span.  My fear is that if Jeb Bush runs, the conservative diehards will vote him in.  Unless we who are sick of the Bush dynasty can effect a change.

posted by saul_relative on December 17, 2006 at 4:04 PM | link to this | reply


Thank you for pointing out this post to me!  I enjoyed the read and particularly your tid bits of personal perception!  GREAT!

Back to the topic of Obama, Hillary, McCain, and let's throw Bush into the mix:

I agree with you about Obama.  The young lass needs to get a few more notches in his political belt before the possiblity of candidacy occurs.  If he can remain uncorrupted, we'll most definately see him in 2012.  As for Hillary, I view her as a benchmark.  I predict that she will become the "lesson learned from."  Though I don't think it impossible to see her as a Vice Presidential candidate it's not until this country sways from an overall "conservative nature" that a woman will become anything more. 

McCain:  I do agree with your theory.  Let me just say that had he been the candidate against EITHER Kerry or Gore, I'd have foresaken my Democratic label to vote for him. 

And Bush, let's just say that I've been counting down the days until his butt goes back to Texas! 

posted by Butterball on December 17, 2006 at 3:09 PM | link to this | reply

Well, faholo, I wouldn't mind seeing a woman president and there are a few
good women out there who would make great presidents, but I fear this country is still too conservative and too patriarchal yet for it to happen.  Unless, of course, something drastic were to happen, such as an idiot like Rick Santorum being nominated by the GOP.  Then, maybe Hillary would have a chance of winning.  Until then, her chances are marginal at best, no matter the size of her war chest.

posted by saul_relative on September 29, 2006 at 9:08 PM | link to this | reply

I really do not believe our country is ready for a
woman president and in honor of pennies I place my trust in God! If Hilary were to become president we better have a lot of hidden pennies to fall back on because we will need them to buy bread! Keep writing and putting questions out there to cause us to stop and think about reality! God bless faholo

posted by faholo on September 29, 2006 at 9:40 AM | link to this | reply