Comments on Patsy Ramsey

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So sad
It's horrible what she had to go through.  Patsy intrigued me.  I'm always fascinated by rich women who don't have to work and seemingly don't want to work.  Although, I'm sure she worked plenty through volunteer work & other activities. 

posted by Taffy000 on September 6, 2006 at 10:14 AM | link to this | reply

Just heard on the news that a man has been arrested in Thailand, and confessed to the murder of Jon Benet. What a coincidence that I now read this post!

posted by Nickie-Fleming on August 17, 2006 at 11:09 AM | link to this | reply

Hi KidnyKid.......This case has had special interest for me since I live

in Colorado and the case has been in the local news even more than the national news. Many of us felt that Patsy was innocent and could never do such a heinous act to her child.  The Boulder cops really screwed up this case, you see this was their first murder case...not too many murders in the Boulder area so they had no experience. They set their sites and made up their mind that Patsy did it and went about to find evidence that fit their case and disallowed eveidence that pointed otherwise.  It makes it doubly sad since Patsy passed away in June but she was aware that they were on to catching this guy. I hope this John Karr goes to prison and becomes one of Bubba's babes but he so deserves much worse. I like to think that Patsy and JonBenet are together now...that's the best I feel that can come out of this horrible situation. God Bless them both!

posted by RckyMtnActivist on August 17, 2006 at 10:43 AM | link to this | reply