Comments on How Did I Get Here, And Why?

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No problem, thanks!

posted by BlondeAmbition007 on July 30, 2006 at 11:54 AM | link to this | reply

My father recently passed away too. I am new to Blogit and have found it very theraputic to get things out by writing.....also have received a lot of kind words and support from the wonderful angels of Blogit! Thanks for sharing.

posted by BlondeAmbition007 on July 18, 2006 at 1:02 PM | link to this | reply

Purpose Driven Life
I encourage you to read "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren.  It simplifies why we are here and why God created us and why we endure pain. I've been a Christian my whole life and never "got it" until I read this book.

posted by Cindy7 on July 4, 2006 at 12:13 PM | link to this | reply

When my Grandpa passed

I was consumed between guilt and grief.  The guilt stayed on for a very long time.  One day I was talking to my Aunt about some of the guilt for the words unspoken and things not done before he passed.  Her repsonse "He knew honey and he knew in many ways you were trying to protect him."  Somehow I believed her, Grandpa knew my reasoning, but part of me always felt that I had made a mistake.

Your father knows....

posted by bel_1965 on July 2, 2006 at 10:43 AM | link to this | reply


Thanks for your wonderful comment.  I believe that God puts us here for many more reasons than one.  When we are open to His will and let Him guide us, He does and we (if we are looking for it) can see why we are or were where we are or were at any given time.  There are several times in my life that stand out to me.  In those times, I knew exactly why God put me there and at the time He did. 


It's wonderful to feel God so present in your life.  He helps us over the rough spots in many ways, like having so many wonderful people like you and the other bloggers who have been so supportive.



posted by RAME on July 2, 2006 at 10:14 AM | link to this | reply

RAME,  I'm glad that you still blog when you can and I'm sorry that you have not been up to par in your health and strength.   I pray that you will improve quickly and regain your interests and dreams to go on.   As far as questioning why I am here, I guess that I am a bit strange.  After thinking about it for some time, I cannot remember any time in my life that I wondered or asked, "Why am I here?  What is the purpose of life?"   I have always just accepted life as a temporary gift that I love and share with others and some day, sooner or later, it would  be gone.

A friend of mine had twin girls.   They both had their special fuzzy blankets and they both sucked their thumbs while holding their blankets.   When they were about three and the blankets were getting to be a bit threadbare and the satin bindings were mostly gone, the family made a trip and it turned out that one of the girls had left her blankey at home.  When bedtime came, she cried and could not go to sleep, so the other one asked her mom to divide the blankey in half so her sister could have some comfort too.   This started quite a pattern in their lives.  Whenever one had their piece of blankey and the other didn't, the piece of blankey that was present was torn in half so that they could both suck their thumbs and sleep in happiness with a piece of the fuzzy blanket.

It finally came to the point where there was remaining only postage stamp size pieces of fuzzy blanket but the girls were happy as long as they could hold the tiny fuzzy piece between their thumb and forefinger  as they went to sleep sucking their thumbs.

I've always kind of thought of life as being this way.  We are here to give and to share parts of our life with others.   It is the giving that makes life worth living.   The more we give of ourselves, the fuller our lives but, it does take a toll.   We all reach that place where we have nothing more to give and even the postage-sized fuzzies blow away in the final breeze and we fly away.

posted by TAPS. on July 1, 2006 at 6:25 AM | link to this | reply

I grieved greatly at the loss of my father. I know how it feels to be listless and without any interest in anything. But, I can say that your darkness will eventually lift, and you will only have fond memories in your heart.

posted by avant-garde on June 30, 2006 at 4:12 PM | link to this | reply

Yes, dying is a part of living but it sure hurts to lose a loved one.  Thanks for the comment.

posted by RAME on June 30, 2006 at 2:30 PM | link to this | reply

RAME, I am very sorry to read of your dad's passing.
I hope that, with time, you will be able to look back with loving memories on the good times you shared together. 

I frankly do not want to even think about losing my parents . . . but dying is such a part of living, is it not?

posted by JanesOpinion on June 30, 2006 at 2:28 PM | link to this | reply