Comments on Pres. Bush Is Fighting A War

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Pat B, some very interesting and debatable points!

posted by MountainClimber57 on June 21, 2006 at 6:48 AM | link to this | reply

Nobody asked me, but I'm not the only one

who thinks 9-11 "made" GW Bush 'presidential.'  Before that, in case you've forgotten, he was the clown who came up short in the popular vote and was 'appointed' by the Supreme Court.  He and his party had no mandate from the people -- it was all a horrible joke. And then al Queda agents plowed commercial airplanes into our temples of industry and our own war central, and we quite logically headed for Afghanistan to root out the terrorists.

It got unpatriotic after 9-11 to criticize the president or anything he did.  In my opinion, he still says things that blossom out of ignorance, he still grins foolishly while he makes some horrific announcement or another.

But why Iraq?  Nobody's ever given a good (truthful) reason for attacking them. They'd been sanctioned and under embargo for ten years -- the people were oppressed and there was no apparent connection to al Queda.  I remember hearing GWB say he wanted to get the guy to tried to kill his daddy. The world was against us. We went anyway, in a swirl of  undercurrents, hidden profit motives, spin doctors distracting us from what's true and factual.

Are we better off now, in any way, than we were when a Democrat was in the White House and we had no national debt?  Is there less crime?  Better health care?  More efficient response to disaster?  Better intelligence?  


posted by Pat_B on June 20, 2006 at 9:37 AM | link to this | reply

<img src="" />

posted by Whacky on June 9, 2006 at 9:00 PM | link to this | reply

, nice little vignette...the kids, the kind president...the war on terror
....but what the hell is he doing in Iraq? wrong address I'm per all my other comments on this subject in your other blogs...

posted by FranklyMydear1 on June 8, 2006 at 11:58 AM | link to this | reply

Lokman, I choose to disagree with you, but time will decide who is right
and who is wrong, and maybe no one is right or wrong, it simply became the hand we were all dealt!

posted by MountainClimber57 on June 8, 2006 at 11:37 AM | link to this | reply

Temple just said it all
and she's right

posted by Lokman on June 8, 2006 at 11:34 AM | link to this | reply

Temple, Your comments are well received and do have some basis or
merit;   however, if 9/11 had not have happened, I honestly believe he would have rather fought his war of compassionate conservatism than the war on terror!

posted by MountainClimber57 on June 8, 2006 at 7:08 AM | link to this | reply

Bush is fighting a war he didn't ask for?
Respectfully, if you look at his history, the documents, the Presidency of his father, and his statement that he is a "war President" that statement cannot stand.  September 11th has nothing to do with this war.  Nothing to do with al Qaeda.  Killing al-Zarqawi will not stop anything, it will make it worse because his followers will be angry.  Not to mention there are other foreign insurgent groups as well as Iraqi insurgent groups that have recruited their wives and children to kill American troops.  Bush is weary?  No, our Marines are weary from tour after tour.  From being accused of murder before all the facts are in (I support the truth if the line is crossed, but let's wait before we scream massacre).  From no support and from being publicly disgraced by an Army Brig. Gen. of the Multinational Corps who felt the need to go to Iraq to talk to them and "remind them what is right and wrong."  Then, having to fake morale because anything else is unacceptable.  We are weary of military funerals and 25-year old widows with children.  I am weary of reminding the man I love, a Marine with two tours during some of the bloodiest fighting in Iraq,  that he is not a killer and holding him when he wakes up in the night, a young man whose body is broken from this time, wondering who is trying to kill him... where is the enemy.  I am weary of checking the DOD press release list for friends family over there in the Marines, Army and Special Forces.  Bush is not fighting anything but plummeting popularity points and his own ego.  Bush is weary of trying to come up with issues like a gay marriage ban or immigration to distract from the war in Iraq.  This is not a war on terror, that is all over the world and we cannot win it with the lives of our people.  Look at what just happened in Canada.  Intelligence will win that war.  This is a war in Iraq against nothing anymore.  Against nothing to begin with.  A civil war that we have no stake in.  I have no pity for Bush, he wanted this and cares nothing about the debt of this country or how badly our domestic issues have been neglected since he has been in office.  Free medical care and surgery for Iraqi children?  Great.  Do we do that for American children?  No.  $87 some odd billion dollars so far spent with another $50 billion requested.  But, those Marines and Soldiers hurt can barely get disability when they are wounded.  Here's your purple heart, but you have to live on top ramen for six months.  That is a fact.  Bush cares naught.  All the good done in this ridiculous conflict goes to boots on the ground, good intelligence, and the times when Rumsfeld didn't muck it up.  Bush could save us from all of this.  That would be something to pray about.

posted by Temple on June 8, 2006 at 5:40 AM | link to this | reply