Comments on Unfair, Totally Biased, And Unbalanced -- Rush Limbaugh

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No, R.I., they're not all as bad as Hannity and Limbaugh. We have Michael
Savage, who is conservative but also intelligent in his arguments.  There's Bill O'Reilly -- once you get past his in-your-face style, he isn't so bad.  There's Mort Kondracke on the Beltway Boys on Fox News.  And Neil Cavuto, who sometimes is infuriatingly insensitive and mechanical, is also pretty good (also on Fox News).  I have listened to a few of the conservative guys on NPR also, and find that the more local they are, the more parochial their viewpoints.  I listened to the local guys in Richmond and Atlanta and they're a bunch of Limbaugh clones with absolutely no imagination and too much airtime.

posted by saul_relative on June 8, 2006 at 9:47 PM | link to this | reply

we get Rush Limburger and Sean Insanity out of Detroit every day...
Sean follows more ways than one...are all your conservative talk show hosts as paranoid as these two?? And I agree, why do they even bother to take calls???        I thought our media was imbalanced.....

posted by Rumor on June 8, 2006 at 8:36 PM | link to this | reply

Good point, Jazwolf, about the divisiveness of Limbaugh. Between him and
the religious nutcases (Falwell, Dobson, and Perkins) and the radical right movement within the GOP, this country has become the definition of duality: right and wrong, my side or your side, red or blue, black or white, pro or con, chosen or hellbound.  And speaking of Limbaugh clones, can we get something or someone to shut Sean Hannity up for good.  I know I can turn the channel and he has his right to freedom of speech, but can't he get his own show so I can listen to Alan Colmes without Hannity's moronic posturing and name-calling.  And how about Mort Kondracke getting his own show so I don't have to listen to that idiotic ideologue, Fred Barnes, on the Beltway Boys.   For example, I like Michael Savage.  He has his own show.  I don't have to listen to Michael Savage and, say, Ann Coulter (who deserves nothing less than seeing her new book hit the bargain bins and not sell a copy).  I would never listen to Ann Coulter except in small bytes, I detest her insipid ramblings so much.  .....Sorry, Jazwolf, I got carried away.

posted by saul_relative on June 6, 2006 at 2:39 PM | link to this | reply

Saul--- I'm somewhere between conservative and liberal. I too listen
 to both types of programs. Mostly I listen when I'm traveling by car. In my opinion, Rush Limbaugh has done more to cause political divisiveness in the U.S. than any other one person. He's a mean-spirited demigogue who uses classic propaganda tactics (name-calling, red herrings, false deductions, etc). And, of course, he is the father of all those Rush wanna-bees, both conservative and liberal, who are out there.

posted by Jazwolf on June 6, 2006 at 12:30 PM | link to this | reply

Yeah, kingmi, and part of him still realizes it, too. He's always going
out of his way to bash Hillary or Slick Willie.  Of course, some of it can be considered topical punditry, since the Clintons are still very much in the political limelight.  Most of it, however, is cheap and reaching.

posted by saul_relative on June 5, 2006 at 11:01 PM | link to this | reply

Saul, Rush had his heyday when Clinton was in the WH. Such material!

posted by kingmi on June 5, 2006 at 10:22 PM | link to this | reply