Comments on The Stone 'n Me

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Yes, absolutely.  Be Still and hear God.  He speaks to us directly 2-3 times a day. Those ideas, or songs that just bust into yout brain.  That's God.  If you're open all the time, you never know when it might happen.  If you are closed off, it might take some time before you realize where those ideas come from.  My son is just now having the darndest things happen.  You know, a song will pop into his head and he turns on the radio and there it is.

posted by LadyCeeMarie on May 10, 2006 at 8:58 AM | link to this | reply

There might be another child.  My source tells me that souls do not enter babies they know are not destined to live. (the souls enter a the latest possible moment because childbirth (their rebirth) is the hardest part of entering this world (because you forget everything and have to start from scratch), reportedly much harder than dying. That's the best part of being here! lol

It could be a child from your past, a cousin, a sibling, a friend or it could be that you open to hearing this child, whoever it is. Early morning hours are when you most often see or hear them because the atmosphere contains the most electrical charge.  They can turn electrical appliances off and on; our tv turned off by itself.  No cat stepped on the control, nor a book fall on it.......... They drop coins for you to find; it's just to tell you they're OK and thinking about you.


posted by LadyCeeMarie on May 10, 2006 at 8:33 AM | link to this | reply

Cee -
Ahhh, the stories we can hear from just about any object if we sit and listen.

posted by sannhet on May 10, 2006 at 7:00 AM | link to this | reply

I was hearing a young child around here for some time, and thought it might have been Noah, as he was still in vitro. Yet, it continued after his birth and leads me to believe it might be a child my wife decided not to carry when she was 17.

posted by avant-garde on May 10, 2006 at 3:45 AM | link to this | reply