Comments on "People Come Into Your Life For a Season"

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Oh my!
The Father and the Mother ARE coursing through me tonight!  I just spent the past two hours writing a letter of apology and then wondering if I should send it.  It is to a woman I hurt last year, and have never  met; I had an affair with her husband, Mike, an old lover of mine from college days.  We remet, vis a vis our alumni association and communicated on the internet.  We took up where we left off as if nary a (29) year had transpired.  He had been my muse, my professor, then my love, all from 1500 miles away.  I had become his spiritual mentor -- and then as abruptly as it had started, it was over.  His wife insisted, Dec. 20th, while I awaited results of my latest cancer scans, that he say his final goodbye if he was serious about saving their marriage. I joined Blogit the next day, Dec. 21, on the re-bound.  I needed an outlet for my writing.

I had (just now) written her an apology letter as Mike had written to my husband a month ago.  I will send it via snail mail if I send it,  as there is probably a block on any e-mail from me.   I was going to mail it in time for Mother's Day.  I wrote it with love and contriteness in my heart. 

Something (my little voice) told me to check my blog before I turned in for the night.   I will continue this discussion in my return e-mail to you.  Thank you for reading my blog and leaving me your message!


posted by LadyCeeMarie on April 30, 2006 at 12:38 AM | link to this | reply

And when a Mentor you become?
People come into your life for a season, and sometimes when the season closes there is a sense of loss. I have learned over the years to turn that sense of loss into one of joy, prayer and thanksgiving. Oddly enough  they are sent to me, I have never had to go looking/recruiting. There is a great responsibility that comes with being a mentor. I rely on The Spirit to guide me whenever I find myself in a mentor role for each person comes with their level of  spiritual  growth and human "baggage" and each must be handled a bit differently as each comes seeking a certain Spiritual Truth. Once they find it and understand that thing for which they seek, they travel on  - for ultimately each persons path to Jesus and God is their own.

posted by white-cossack on April 29, 2006 at 9:40 PM | link to this | reply