Comments on Hispanic Journalists to Media: Quit using demeaning term"Illegal" Aliens!

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sorry mira1 and glennb but I completely disagree!

Like Offbeats said, we need to call a spade a spade.  As I will say until blue in the face, I am all for legal immigration.  Immigrants provide a valuable asset to this country and yes, ours is a country of immigrants.  However, I do not support all the freebies given to "illegals" swarming the borders.  No wonder their numbers are rampant.  They come here, work for cash, send the majority of their earnings back to Mexico, and get free or almost free health care and schooling.  Who wouldn't hop the border for such bennies.  Many universities provide free or "in-state" tuition for "illegals", while legal folk have to pay in state or out of state tuition, depending on their location. 

So who foots the bill for this?  Why taxpayers, of course -- "legals" at that.  Do the ends justify the means?  I don't think so. And that's exactly what the hispanic journalists want to see happen.  Yeah, if we legalize everyone, they will pay taxes and life will go on and all will be well.  But then by such actions it becomes crystal clear to the world that rules are relative and meant to be broken and such a mindset can very easily be extrapolated to other laws that surely are meant to be broken as well. 

CD -- good post!

posted by JanesOpinion on April 6, 2006 at 2:10 PM | link to this | reply


You should never apologize for calling a spade a spade. If something or someone is illegal, than by God that's what they are..ILLEGAL.

How do you think it would sound if some murderer said " I kinda killed a person?"

That's bull...against the law is illegal, not kind of illegal.

.The day they hang any flag other than the American one is the day we will have mass chaos...the silent majority will not be silenced any longer...

posted by Offy on April 6, 2006 at 9:40 AM | link to this | reply


Yes, they come for a better life..but then the path splits.......the seekers of a dream, work hard and assimilate into the population...the American melting pot.......others are here for the money, but have no interest in becoming Americans....they are the ones creating a permanent sub-culture.  One that will develope just like in France.........

When high school principals in Texas fly the Mexican flag instead of the American flag on the school's flag pole...............when hordes of illegal alien (oops, I'm being insensitive) demonstrators infest American cities waving the Mexican flag (and the American flag upside down)...........when hordes of illegal alien schoolchildren walk out of their American taxpayer-funded schools and wave the Mexican flag in protest, it's little wonder that so many Americans are becoming increasingly concerned about the issue......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on April 6, 2006 at 4:56 AM | link to this | reply

Hello Corbin,
I agree with Glennb and Kingmi. You seem to be too radical and I see no logic in your emotional's sad, as you are a good journalist, as Kingmi noticed.

posted by mira1 on April 6, 2006 at 3:09 AM | link to this | reply

I think the point you are trying to make here is over the issue of legitimate. Now if the foreign workers are here legally that's one thing, but your very right about the illegal ones. I , for one believe that if you break a law in this great country, then you should pay the piper. I am tired of giving free rides to people who do not pay taxes, who get their health care provided while American's suffer without. I am so over these people. Yeah they may pick the harvests and do other jobs that the American worker won't, but by God they ought to be doing it legally period! No more freebies to any one who does not conform to the law of the land period! If they get legal, I sure won't have a problem with it! Plus, what's wrong with the welfare people getting out and doing these jobs Just my 2 cents!

posted by Offy on April 5, 2006 at 11:54 PM | link to this | reply


It has become the "job" of media to incite opinions one way or the other! Fortunately only "white" folk get the free shot! I wonder what would happen if all peoples who worked outside their native lands were treated as illegals and aliens? America is now being ruled by a bunch of xenophobic "white trash"! Starting with the moron of the New Millennium!

You people think it is over when this buffoon is out of office! The "Civil" courts will have a feeding freenzy on his smelly carcass!

posted by Glennb on April 5, 2006 at 11:31 PM | link to this | reply

CD, "better life" -- typing with my thumbs!

posted by kingmi on April 5, 2006 at 8:12 PM | link to this | reply

Corbin, nauhgty, naughty! Immigrants all come here for a beyer life.
You are a better journalist than to couch your opinions in unfair,
illogical and over-generalized statements!

posted by kingmi on April 5, 2006 at 8:06 PM | link to this | reply