Comments on Left, liberals, Democrats pretty much losing it!

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Thanks for the read and comment. If you read what I wrote to offbeats you will get some idea of what I am saying when I write a post such as this. There are many wonderful liberals on here. I would suggest most of them are smarter and have much more on the ball than I do. But they are liberals. Many try to pass themselves off as something else or say they will take on both sides when all they do is bash the right. I am a conservative and I am proud to say it. Truth be known I have some liberal tendencies, but I am not going to avoid taking on the left here at every turn.

posted by sarooster on March 4, 2006 at 9:49 AM | link to this | reply


Thanks for the comment and being a loyal Republican. I don't like some of the things the Republicans do. But the left 100% bashes the right each and every time. They are not bent on being bi-partisan at all. One person on here told me she took on the right and the left, but when I look at her posts closely she had bashed the right over the left about 99-1. That's why I am so adamant and will take on the left and antagonize them at every turn. They are rotten. And I won't let them say what they want without a fight. Thanks for being such a great friend on here.

posted by sarooster on March 4, 2006 at 9:46 AM | link to this | reply

John Kerry led at the polls, but still lost the election. The results of the poor show the President doing poorly and the explanation is on the last page of the poll. A much larger percentage of Democrats were polled than Repubulicans. Polls don't tell me a thing.

posted by sarooster on March 4, 2006 at 9:43 AM | link to this | reply

as you may have gathered, I am a conservative, although not a Republican. Mind you, if I were American, I probably would be a Republican. But I don't mind liberals, as long as they are intelligent liberals, and there are quite a few around here. What I can't stand are the stupid, shrill and loutish liberals, of whom we also have our share. And when it comes to stupid, shrill and loutish conservatives - well, at least they're ours...

posted by Nautikos on March 3, 2006 at 7:31 PM | link to this | reply

Sometimes I think it is the lessor of two evils....but as for the girl, she is still a very loyal Republican!

posted by Offy on March 3, 2006 at 7:08 PM | link to this | reply

Let me see, Bush approval rating hits ALL TIME Low ....
either Republicans are just as fed up with the King as Democrats, or you are seriously out of step with the mainstream Republican Party. Or both!

posted by fwmystic on March 3, 2006 at 7:03 PM | link to this | reply

I am a Republican and Support the President
I am indirectly affected regardless to which party is in control.  I am not a talker/writer frequently in this area, yet will read and often keep opinion to self due to lack of adequate information other than headlines.  We know those are misleading!

posted by Dr_JPT on March 3, 2006 at 2:09 AM | link to this | reply

When was the left in power unabated? I don't remember a half a decade
much less decades.  There's always been a split.  I hope you're not saying Democrat = left, because a good 1/2 of dems would argue with that, as would a good half of Republicans who are socially liberal and fiscally conservative, like many of our senators and representatives.

posted by brettnik on March 2, 2006 at 9:09 PM | link to this | reply

I hear what you're saying about things being as they've always been and why not let them continue till he's out.  However, as annoyed as I was by Carter, by Ford, by Reagan, Bush #1and by Clinton, I have never felt the way I do now.  I don't think this is exactly the same. 

As for the conservatives being in power, I'm in a higher tax bracket and as annoying as taxes are to me, they are that much more annoying to those who are on the rungs below me.  There are people who aren't rich or poor in this country, though I think you left them out.  The top 2% and top 10% DID NOT NEED TAX CUTS!  And yet received them as of this year on a permanent basis.  I am not advocating wholesale middle class tax cuts, but given that most Republicans are NOT in the top 2%  or 10% of income I can't believe that they really support these tax cuts for those groups.  He's sold out his own base.  And he doesn't care.

I know that he's not well-spoken and you could perhaps blame a lot of what he says on his lack of skill, but I think instead that he's just very honest when he makes those little comments.  They're not gaffs, they're how he really feels.  And they don't support democracy or transparency.  We spent millions of dollars to get some measure of transparency during the Clinton years (and big idiot or no, the conservatives are still picking on him even though he's out of office) and yet even the media has been asleep during these years of "translucency" at best in the White House.

posted by brettnik on March 2, 2006 at 9:04 PM | link to this | reply

Sarooster - I just went back through my recent posts. I was tempted ...
... to pull headlines, but decided that's overkill. -- I post on current issues after my research. I have commended the Republicans when I like what they do, I've said Senator Clinton makes me nuts, and am worn out by Senator Kennedy. I usually stick to issues and accuracy rather than personalities. I'll blog on anything that smacks of cover-up or lies. I want transparency, and I don't believe in blind belief. Though Irish I have a bit of the "show me" mentality of Missouri.

posted by blogflogger on March 2, 2006 at 8:13 PM | link to this | reply

Your last comment is more than correct, but I don't recall you having jumped on Nanci Pelosi for her campaign finance shenanigans or even mentioned Harry Reid for his role in the Abramoff affair. You mention some stuff in your posts, but you only bash the Republicans. The Democrats do plenty wrong also, but obviously not in your eyes. Please prove me wrong.

posted by sarooster on March 2, 2006 at 8:00 PM | link to this | reply

Sarooster - Left or right, it makes no difference to me...
... other than the amount of time and energy our politicians waste fighting each other, or fighting to win, rather than fighting for what is right and best for our country. I’ll scream about anything which threatens the balance of power between our three branches. I resent the amount of money spent for so little accomplishment, and the lack of accountability for those who don’t do their jobs properly. I hate pork-belly politics, gang warfare, and lying. Our politicians and government employees work for us, and should answer to us. We’ve got a bad case of the tail wagging the dog in politics.

posted by blogflogger on March 2, 2006 at 7:57 PM | link to this | reply

That's a good comment blog!

I am fine with your opinions and I know you ardently believe in what you think is right and correct. My biggest peeve is the left was in power unabated for decades and now the right has gained the upper hand and I can live with much of what is going on nowdays. It went on before when the left was in charge and it was fine then. I think it is fine now.

posted by sarooster on March 2, 2006 at 7:45 PM | link to this | reply

Sarooster - I read you regularly, though I don't comment often. I did..

... tonight in response to your comment, "The people who lean left never want to take credit for being on the left. Some even claim to be Republicans. Well, they ain’t from the same wing I am. We have no liberal bloggers on here. Maybe a few will come clean now. But not many advertise the fact that they are liberal. They might be moderates. But not many claim to be liberal. I am not fooled."

So I fessed up to being liberal, and yes, my "About Me" page is accurate. -- I don't hate Republicans or any group in general. But I do love my country, and will fight against anything I feel threatens it. When this administration or ANY administration takes actions I don't like, I speak out. Always have, always will.

posted by blogflogger on March 2, 2006 at 7:37 PM | link to this | reply

I don't buy many of your arguments.

For example, tax cuts for the rich. Who pays the taxes? Poor people don't pay any. They can't get a cut. Many get money back in excess of what they pay through the Earned Income Tax  Credit. That's welfare. Go to Rush Limbaugh's website. He has a feature that shows who pays the taxes and all the other numbers that go with them. So tax cuts go to people who pay taxes! It's our money not the governments.

So if all administrations lie, which I know they all have done, why do you pick this point in time to make a stand against it all? I am willing to let it go on. Let's draw the line some other time.

Why can't my guy posture like the aircraft deal? Let's stop the posturing after Bush is out of office.

I just can't stand people acting like the end of the world is here because the conservatives are in power. Get used to it. This is going to last a long time.

posted by sarooster on March 2, 2006 at 7:15 PM | link to this | reply

The president left Brown out to dry, not the media.  They just reported it, and he didn't have enough balls to say that the president and his top aides knew.  As an inner-city school teacher/administrator for the past 17 years, I can't say I'm anything but liberal, though I don't run a pure opinion blog in News Perspectives, at least not all my own opinion.  As for George Bush not having the skill of finessing things, I put these three major items in evidence:
    1)  The aircraft carrier trick.
    2)  The BS with Iran while India gets a pass (though your suggestion that perhaps India drops one on Iran has some merit.)
    3)  Lying about very big things like Katrina, the tax cuts for the rich, the relationship between big business and oil and and the war in Iraq AND GETTING SO EASILY CAUGHT!  Maybe the people in his administration are just very bold, or maybe they think we're all very stupid.  At least previous administrations (Rep and Dem--they're born of the same mother) had the respect to lie craftily so that we'd think we were very smart when we figured them out.  These guys either don't care what we think, or think we're all way below average in IQ.  Either way, they show contempt for the American people and that's their biggest crime in my book.

As for Democrats, I think the best summation of the difference between Dems and Reps is that the Dems are bought out by a slightly less scary group of special interests----credit Bill Mahr for that one.

posted by brettnik on March 2, 2006 at 6:45 PM | link to this | reply

You are one of the ones I like; those very few. I am attacked for my

stances on here for being a conservative and I will punch back when I have to. All encompassing labels are not that bad. The left seems to use them quite well. You don't much like a libertarian though. And if you are a moderate liberal you must really hate George Bush. And you know I have been told that those "about me" can be misleading. And if you are not a pretty big liberal why did this post raise your ire.

posted by sarooster on March 2, 2006 at 6:38 PM | link to this | reply

Political affiliations: Moderate Liberal / Libertarian

From my "about me" page. - Sorry you hate me when you don't even know me. All encompassing labels are rather absurd, don't you think?

posted by blogflogger on March 2, 2006 at 6:31 PM | link to this | reply