Comments on Relationship Under the Strain of a Long Term Illness

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Dear Cee, I'm sorry it took them so long to diagnose you, but I'm glad now

that they finally have and that you are being helped.  I'm sorry you have this disease, Cee, life just isn't fair.  Then, you have all these personal problems to wear you down too.  It's gotta be tough, that's all I can say. 

God bless you, dear lady!

posted by MaggieMae on February 20, 2006 at 5:26 PM | link to this | reply

Hi Angela,
Thanks for being such a loyal reader. I hope I can keep up the blog on a more regular basis.  I've had company and that eats into computer time; what with the impending sale of the farm and all that's involved. (re: Bonnie and Clyde, who are still being bounty-hunted.) I've missed everyone, too!  And the PD is something you just have to bear, knowing it's not in the cards to get any better.   They wouldn't let me visit my brother in the prison because I couldn't go thru the metal detector or be wanded.  I tried to explain that these devices are not pacemakers but have wires going into my brain, enabling me to move.  If they got turned off I couldn't move; sort of like having a stroke!  (I went in last week to see him.  they just passed my coat thru and let me walk around.  I was told last night they should not have done that, etc. etc.  I wrote to my doctor today asking for a letter and I got a fax back within the hour on letterhead.  The nurse said the doc was on a roll! Whoppeee!  I get a pat down in the airports.  (They said they weren't allowed to touch civilians.) The captain asked how did I get into court and I meekly said, "I've never had to go to court." So now i have to have the letter along with my cards and have a prearrangement from the warden (brother).  My older brother, who was visiting from Texas, was not too happy,  especially when it hadn't been a problem the week before.  I just stayed in the waiting room, closed my eyes, and took a loooong nap!

posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 20, 2006 at 3:14 PM | link to this | reply


This is such a cruel disease! I live with pain everyday, without explanation, just nerve damage and such, but I cannot imagine the pain that you live with day in and day out. You are stronger than you know!

Have missed you being a regular around here, perhaps we'll be seeing more of you now?


posted by anglofinspirtion on February 20, 2006 at 2:46 PM | link to this | reply

YEs, I agree;
He shows us over and over. 
Cee Thanks, Doc

posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 20, 2006 at 10:56 AM | link to this | reply

God Takes Care of Us

posted by Dr_JPT on February 20, 2006 at 10:47 AM | link to this | reply