Comments on With This Ring, Again

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Oh, Cee, see how special you are.

I can understand that Jay wanted to place that ring on your finger without all the hurt that he's feeling, but since he can't erase it, he's just decided it best to let it lie.  Don't you know he had to be feeling it?  Well, since he can't erase it, it's best to just leave it alone and be happy in the moment.  I'm sure it was a happy moment for him, but the weight of seeing you through the year of breast cancer and Mike must have been weighing on him.

You too must have been feeling it, Cee, so the moment of putting on the ring was significant of your regret for hurting him.  I think I'm trying to say that the moment was so special that you both wanted the hurt to go away so you could relish in it. 

I so hope it's significant of your future happiness and that you and he can put it all away and live for each other.  I'm pretty sure he can, but can you?  So long as you are writing about it, Cee, and reliving it, can you concern yourself with Jay's feelings and make him happy?  I don't know that you can.  I think you have to get Mike out of your head before you can be true to Jay.

Why in the world am I analyzing what's going on in your's and Jay's marriage?  I hope it doesn't make you angry, but I still see you have a rough row to hoe, Cee.  If only Mike would go away, he's still there making your lives difficult.  Do you understand that he's a problem even though, technically, you've written him out of your lives?  Oh, Cee, I do hope I'm wrong, but that's the way I see it.

I wish you and Jay every happiness, Dear Cee, I hope you see that.  Be blessed. 

Happy Birthday, on Sunday, Dear Cee!

posted by MaggieMae on February 11, 2006 at 4:56 AM | link to this | reply

Brave and Strong.

Dear Cee.. You are brave and strong to handle all these things. I have also lots of those things but only in my mind and imagination. In true life, I go home everyday to my waiting wife and always make my life simple, no complications, minimize all commitments and enjoy everyday we are together. We do have a few petty quarrels but most of the time it is about 'where to go holiday' or the food I want to eat which she tries to avoid like pork...LOL..

I wish you happiness, my friend.. regards prof.

posted by PROF-SUMAKEL33 on February 11, 2006 at 3:39 AM | link to this | reply

This is wonderful news, Cee!

I am glad to see that ring back on your finger! Hopefully, it will aid in repairing your marriage, as I am sure looking at your left hand or touching it probably sent his mind reeling, which change his mood or behavior without you knowing why. My Kevin and I went through something similar with my rings, a few months back and having him put them back on my finger was a big step for me.

I wrote a new poem, it kind of sums up both my marriage and yours, I think. You should check it out on my poetry blog!

See you around tomorrow!


posted by anglofinspirtion on February 10, 2006 at 11:43 PM | link to this | reply