Comments on PD Made Me Do It!! pt. 2

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Hi Maggie -
You know, I've never had a dramatic moment like that that I can recall.  My father did and never spoke of it until he was in his 80s (he passed at age 93).  He spoke of the peace and of no pain. It was 1918,  he was 9 years old and almost died of the flu.  He'd been  a sickly kid (blue baby when born and he had a twin sister who died at age 6 weeks; they expected him to go, too.  He also was to get malaria as a boy and his father never let up on him doing his work on the farm.)  I also have this deja vu feeling as if I DO go home in my sleep, and talk to others who are travelling.  I don't remember talking to people who have passed, like my psychic friend does.  In fact, my daughter's friend's father just died of a supposed overdose, but Melinda said it was intentional but he changed his mind but too late.  There were regrets of leaving things undone, such as apologize for some pretty cruel things he'd done.  He said he won't pass over until after his funeral!  Soooooo, I don't have those kind of experiences at all, just vivid "dreams" and only realizing them for what they are in the past few or so.  I think I've always known at a primal level?  My little brother, who was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison (meth lab) said he's travelled for years and that they'll never be able to lock that part of him up.  I wonder if I see him over there?   I "know" I see Mike although he doesn't remember it, but we go back centuries.  I have a bad feeling for my husband because his apnea seems to be worse even with a CPAP. Now that I sleep in his arms every night, I feel his chest struggling for breath.  I think I will insist on another sleep study; for the newer machine perhaps.  I know only God knows how many days we have, but "I also know what I got." (and it IS getting worse.)  I know Clark, my b-i-l, knew he was very sick, but he was taken by surprise.  My friend said he was cocooned, or oriented for quite a while. He had been so very ill for a long time. A month before he left us, he'd sent his daughter a  poem, Think of me when . . .  I made it into a lovely memorial video, but it's as if he knew.  I don't purport to even feel an inkling that way, although it IS a shock to think how far the disease has progressed and I am able to keep under wraps, albeit with the electricity to my brain and the medical/chemical balance that has to be kept up.  PD used to be a fatal disease.  Hitler had it and he was  about gone by the time he hit the bunker.  Medicine has prolonged our lives so that it's usually something else that will get us first!
Now that I HAVE answered with a blog, I hope I've answered your question/comment, Maggie. I've not gone through anything like you have, dear, and I admire you immensely.  I don't know if I'll always be so brave, just hopefully with role models such as yourself to give me strength, I will be when I need to be!

Love, and Blessings,


posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 9, 2006 at 10:37 PM | link to this | reply

I'm sorry, Cee, I got a little off tract there.  But, if you have anything to say about that, I'd like to hear it.  Thanks.  ((((((hugs))))))

posted by MaggieMae on February 9, 2006 at 5:52 PM | link to this | reply

Cee, you can't know when your time in nearing. Only God knows when He

will call you home.  It is good that you know you are prepared when you time comes and that you have all your ducts in order. 

That is where I have a problem.  I have my will, but nothing designated that are real treasures to me.  I'm not a wealthy woman, but I have treasures that I am very fond of and I hope that someone after me will love them and care for them as I have. 

I have been at death's door twice already - you know they say the "third time's a charm".  Well, I guess I had better get on the ball.  I have a major surgery coming up next month.  I think about taking care of things, but always walk away from doing them because I just can't face leaving my family.  I do know, having had those two experiences with death, that I'm not afraid, that there's nothing to fear.  The first time was very spectacular and is embedded in my mind.  I walked with God and wanted to stay with him, but he sent me back and for what I do not know.  Maybe it's been accomplished, maybe not.  I've spent a lot of time on that ventilator and in a coma.  I'm not afraid, I know where I'm going and as my baby sister tells me, I won't need my legs there.

Well, this is turning into a blog instead of a comment.  Do you ever remember being very ill talking with our God?  Have you ever had any kind of memory like that?  Is that why you can talk about your death with so much ease.  I wonder, Cee.  I'm comfortable since having that experience.  How do you feel about that? 

posted by MaggieMae on February 9, 2006 at 5:48 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks Doc-
I appreciate your comments.  I just feel I'm aware of his little voice, look for signs, ask for them specifically, and be aware that he does 1-3 miracles for me a day!


posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 9, 2006 at 7:35 AM | link to this | reply

Thanks, Angel
I hope it's not too soon either; too many books not written, tales not told!!  lol

posted by LadyCeeMarie on February 9, 2006 at 7:25 AM | link to this | reply

Take Care!
  You seem to have a good attitude and know what God is telling you!

posted by Dr_JPT on February 9, 2006 at 7:10 AM | link to this | reply

Well, I hope you don't plan on leaving too, soon!

posted by anglofinspirtion on February 9, 2006 at 5:51 AM | link to this | reply