Comments on Once again liberals look like idiots!

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Also, thanks cunning\melody

Thanks for the comment. There are several reasons why I have not posted in the Mature Audience section in a very long time. One is that we now have custody of our niece and have had to give her a stable and righteous environment to live in. Second is I moved to Louisiana to help out on our family farm and then the hurricanes hit. So that put a damper on activities such as that also. Third, well.......I think I was just in a slump for a bit. I am back in Texas and I do have several "episodes" I could and just probably will mention. I hope you check back and read them.  

posted by sarooster on February 5, 2006 at 8:52 AM | link to this | reply

Neverthe less, it does move...

Another pithy, erudite and enlightening comment from offbeats. Speak only for yourself and whatever parasites that infect you. You are not the voice of God or the Blog. .

And still, no one has responded to my criticism of Justice Alito's lack of candor at the confirmation hearings. It seems like taking an oath has an adverse effect on Republican' memories; (remember Iran-Contra?).  Maybe that's why, when President Bush (and puppeteer Cheney) testified before Congress, they refused to be sworn in.

 But feel free to call me names.


posted by Professor_Peabody on February 5, 2006 at 12:29 AM | link to this | reply

Actually professor, most of don't give a rat's a** about what you were not missed.

posted by Offy on February 4, 2006 at 8:57 PM | link to this | reply

They're back.......!!!

Well, I'm home from work, and I see all you little Bush-bots have been giving each other reach-arounds!!! Isn't it ironic that someone who titles their post ""democrats look like idiots" is whining thazt I called him and his ilk MORONS.  BTW, it is neither a paradox or oxymoron.

My criticism, missed by you or ignored by you, wasn't that the group was anit-minoirty/women or affirmative action; it was that he LIED ABOUT IT!!!  Do you honestly believe that an organization important enough to put on you resume to join the Justice Dept  is "forgotten 20 years later? Puh-leese!

posted by Professor_Peabody on February 4, 2006 at 8:51 PM | link to this | reply

Point of fact: A Supreme Court justice is supposed to weigh

... each legal decision they agree to hear, as to whether it follows the spirit of the law, and is not in conflict with the Constitution. In theory, a justice interprets law, it isn’t about an individual justice’s conscience.

A single decision by a new Supreme Court justice is just that, a single vote, not a pattern. A justice’s “right- or left-leanings” once on the Supreme Court, if s/he in fact falls into a pattern, won’t be known until sometime in the future.

While most justices’ leanings are anticipated based on past rulings from the bench, historically there have been justices whom, when no longer indebted to a specific party for the federal judgeship to which s/he was appointed, and have attained the security of a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court, will rule unlike his historic rulings as s/he no longer needs to keep a political party happy with his/her rulings.

posted by blogflogger on February 4, 2006 at 8:47 PM | link to this | reply


Is that why the blue states are losing population and electoral votes and the red states are gaining them?

What a ludicrous claim....the expansion and growth in the red states far out weigh the suppressive, taxing, regulatory, union-oriented policies in the aging, deteriorating, blue states...

But keep on feeling superior to the red states....look where it's gotten you since 1994.......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 4, 2006 at 8:36 PM | link to this | reply

Whoa! Sarooster !!!

You never got this much action in your mature audience blog!  By the way, it's been awhile since you've posted there. 

Debates can be energizing.  This one is sizzling.  I'm into quotes today... I'll share one with the group...

 "The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it."  George Bernard Shaw

Regards, Melody  (Cunning's friend)

posted by CunningLinguist on February 4, 2006 at 8:35 PM | link to this | reply

I didn't know you lived in Texas. I'm sorry.

I have yet to understand Texas or Texans myself.  I am starting to think it is just something in the water down there.  It often seems to me that Texas is not on the same planet as the rest of the U.S. is.

I would be scared to live in a state run by conservative ideas.  When things were more Liberal out here we had growth and all was well  Once we became more conservative things started to go down hill.  Lucky for us here in Colorado it does look like the liberal mindset is dominating again and that there is a chance that things will get back on track and with Liberal ideas leading the way we will regain our growth.

posted by kooka_lives on February 4, 2006 at 8:18 PM | link to this | reply

Janes, sorry
I've not been really paying that much attention to the guy and just was not really thinking about his name, since it really seemed unimportant. After all, everyone knew who I was talking about. Even if Bush had chosen the wrong guy, it would be next to impossible for this to be Bush's biggest mistake.  He has made so many huge mistakes, that to worry about him making another huge one seemed almost pointless.  Maybe that is Bush's strategy.  After making so many great mistakes during his first term, he can get away with making smaller ones now and not looking as bad.

ALthough I am not saying Al'i'to was a  mistake or not.

I am Laos about the worst self editor out there, which has often been a problem for me getting my writings sold.  And I seem to be even worse here on Blogit.  But to make you happy, I have gone and corrected the spelling in my post,  just for you.  As I can't correct the comments here, you will just have to live with that little typo and understand it is meaningless, as is the whole debate over this guy.

It really is just too soon to make nay calls on what kind of a judge he will be.  As I have said, I am not against or for him.  I have yet to see what he is really like as is true for everyone else.

posted by kooka_lives on February 4, 2006 at 8:12 PM | link to this | reply

"Any philosophy that can be fit in a nutshell, belongs there"
I'm not a big fan of bumper sticker ideology or ten-second soundbites.  Sometimes it takes more than 25 words to say what you have to say.  No offense, Passionflower or Offbeats.  I'm just saying my piece

posted by Blanche. on February 4, 2006 at 8:01 PM | link to this | reply

I am with you on that one woman!

posted by Offy on February 4, 2006 at 7:59 PM | link to this | reply

The only thing I wanted to say is that---

Whether it's religion or politics, people who feel strongly in one of those areas always GO ON AND ON AND ON with their comments.

Have you noticed that? They never shut up! Where do they get all these BELIEFS? Why do they think anyone cares what they believe?

People who leave page long comments on politics or religion need to get that big ole stick out of their asses. They need to learn to lighten up. It's bad for your health to be wound so tight all the time.

Maybe if they could just loosen up a bit!

posted by Passionflower on February 4, 2006 at 7:57 PM | link to this | reply

I did read this, and I agree with Professor Peabody, it is too soon to tell how Justice Alito is going to vote over a lifetime.  He is a politician and politicans get jobs by being crafty. 

posted by Blanche. on February 4, 2006 at 7:52 PM | link to this | reply

Kingmi has one that is similar to it, you have to look at the post behind the headlines kind of thing!!

posted by Offy on February 4, 2006 at 7:49 PM | link to this | reply

On the other hand, I'm not condoning the language of "morons" either,
it just means that it comes down to this once again, nobody listens and the issue gets lost.

posted by Blanche. on February 4, 2006 at 7:45 PM | link to this | reply

I'm sorry, but I don't see the difference, Offbeats

posted by Blanche. on February 4, 2006 at 7:44 PM | link to this | reply

It says they look like idiots...not that they are idiots!

posted by Offy on February 4, 2006 at 7:42 PM | link to this | reply

All due respect, Sarooster (and Corbin),
but the title of your post was "Liberals are Idiots"  You started the anem-calling, so don't play coy.

posted by Blanche. on February 4, 2006 at 7:39 PM | link to this | reply


I have been watching this post since you put it up. I noticed the name calling and personal attacks. The one yesterday about being dumb really floored me. Considering that type of statement I would not want to go out on a limb and give that person credit for any intelligence.. I think Corbin said it best!

Keep up the good work on your posts, many of us enjoy reading you and appreciate your view.

You could be like me, I keep all Democrats and or liberal's in the garage!

posted by Offy on February 4, 2006 at 7:32 PM | link to this | reply


It is funny that you point that out. I started to do so, but I let it go because I did not want to deal with all the drivel afterwards. But you have to remember these are liberals we are dealing with; it's fair for them to call us "MORONS" because we are. It's just not fair for us to challenge them because they have great intellect and intelligence.

posted by sarooster on February 4, 2006 at 8:46 AM | link to this | reply


"You MORONS mistake attacks on record, statements & policies for personal attacks"

Is this a paradox or an oxymoron....I hope it's a wouldn't want to be accused of name-calling.......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 4, 2006 at 7:57 AM | link to this | reply


"You MORONS mistake attacks on record, statements & policies for personal attacks"

Is this a paradox or an oxymoron....I hope it's a would want to be accused of name-calling.......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 4, 2006 at 7:54 AM | link to this | reply

Now don't get all sideways because of this remark. I am just poking some fun. Maybe I appear to be that dumb to you because you are that dumb also.

posted by sarooster on February 4, 2006 at 7:47 AM | link to this | reply


I do use the words liberal and Democrat interchangeably at times. I do so with conservative and Republican also. I can see where a person might be a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat. I just don't see where a person could be liberal and Republican or conservative and Democrat. If you are a liberal you would have to be closely aligned to the beliefs of the Democrats party in many ways. In the future I will try to use the terms better.

I don't think I need any victories to make myself feel better. I live in Texas. The last time a Democrat got elected to statewide public office in this state was 1994. The governor here and the legislature is solid Republican and very conservative. The President of  the United States is a Republican. Our Congress is controlled by the Republicans. The Supreme Court is tilting to the right. So I think the victories have come by the buckets for me and the conservatives over the past few years.

I also think the President is doing a great job. He is bombarded like no other in history by our media and people who oppose him just because he won two elections. I like the guy and will continue to do so. He can come up with some great lines to explain things to the country.

posted by sarooster on February 4, 2006 at 7:46 AM | link to this | reply


Yes, it is. I am not fazed one bit by what these guys say about me. I relish the thought that they attack me personally. We all know what that means. I think the larger issue here is that the Republicans and conservatives are in charge now and the more liberal bent of our society is going nuts over being out of power and not being able to do anything about it. I realize I am not a very intellectual person, but I have plenty of common sense. That's how I go about not only my blogs in here, but my life in general. I think you probably operate the same way generally, but from reading your posts I can tell you have more on the ball than I do. I also think the guys and girls who debate us in here are wonderfully smart and intellectual and maybe just a bit midsguided. Thanks for the comment and I will continue to read your work.

posted by sarooster on February 4, 2006 at 7:11 AM | link to this | reply

Isn't it fun when they attack you personally.......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 4, 2006 at 6:31 AM | link to this | reply

this man of conscience and integrity joined an organization that was "concerned" about minorities and women getting admitted to Princeton. Then, several years later, applies for a job in the Meese Justice Department and lists that organization on his resume. But during the confirmation hearings, he has no recollection of it at all. To paraphrase, "Are you lying NOW, or were you lying THEN?"

Actually, the issue was associated with the club was  about quotas.....and their relationship with lowering the standards of admissions to facilitate those issue that was very prevalent at that time...and was later ruled as being discriminatory.  Frankly....this man hasn't spent his life sitting around drinking a brew and watching TV....he's led a very active life.  I'm not sure I could remember every organization I may have belonged to in college....hell, when you went through  the registration process people were grabbing your arm and asking you to sign up for dozens of clubs and causes. 

The whole issue is absurd...the man leading the fight over this, was as guilty, if not more so, of the same issue.....Teddy the Drunk belonged and still belonged to the Owls at Harvard....and they opposed women as members...even resulting in the groups expulsion from the campus....

Is this the best point against the Judge you guys can find?  and isn't all of this irrelevant now?  I mean, he's on the court now....for life.....for heavens sake and there's not a damned thing you can do about it.....

This argument parallels the "He really Lost" in Florida rants......LOL

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 4, 2006 at 6:30 AM | link to this | reply

And the last comment goes to janes also!!

posted by sarooster on February 4, 2006 at 5:04 AM | link to this | reply

No, I was pretty much poking fun at the whole deal. Judge Alito surprised everyone with his first decision. My take is he will do this many more times. My liberal and Democratic friends are just having cows over the drivel that I have written. I write on here and these posts are very short. I don't spend much time poring over words and such. I just write what I think.So they are almost all my opinion in some sort of way. I just did not think anyone would get too bent out of shape about what I wrote. Some people are passionate about their views though and I respect them for that.

posted by sarooster on February 4, 2006 at 5:04 AM | link to this | reply


For the record...You couldn't possibly be as dumb as I think you are.


posted by Dennison..Mann on February 4, 2006 at 1:45 AM | link to this | reply

Let's get this straight; this man of conscience and integrity joined an organization that was "concerned" about minorities and women getting admitted to Princeton. Then, several years later, applies for a job in the Meese Justice Department and lists that organization on his resume. But during the confirmation hearings, he has no recollection of it at all. To paraphrase, "Are you lying NOW, or were you lying THEN?"

posted by Professor_Peabody on February 4, 2006 at 12:51 AM | link to this | reply

Kooka, the spelling on the new Justice's name is "Alito."

There's an "i" in the middle. Sorry, I know this is petty, but I've seen you type it wrong about ten times in these comments and also in your own blog on the subject.  Nine times I can maybe handle, but the tenth just sent me over the edge.

Now, sarooster, regarding your post, bet you didn't expect such a rip roaring controversy over such a minor detail.  As you were saying, the good Justice's first vote was a bit of a surprise.  That was about all, right?  If you're at this moment biting your fist trying to avoid a loud scream, let me just say that I feel your pain.

posted by JanesOpinion on February 3, 2006 at 7:44 PM | link to this | reply

Are you claiming to have some kind of power to see the future?  You do not know how this guy is going to vote very time.

All I am saying is this vote proves nothing.  We do not know his reasoning for voting the way he did.  He might be as you claim, he might not.  We can not tell.  It is too soon over just one vote to get a clear picture of the guy.  Do you know the whole story of a book by the first page?

I have said nothing at all against the guy, but nothing in favor.  I know nothing at all about how he will vote in the future.

Are you really so in need of some kind of victory that you have to dance around over such a small and meaningless act?  Has Bush messed up so much that you have to look at everything with a  microscope to find something he might have done right and yell about it to everyone.

Also, still Liberals and democrats are not the same thing.  As a labeled Liberal, I can tell you I am very much not a democrat and did not defend the actions of those Democrats who did make a big deal over Alto.

The truth is we will have to wait and give Alto time before we can really see just what he is all about.  It is premature and childish to go and start calling people names right now if they were against the guy.  This has not made any of his opponents look foolish, but it does make you look foolish and desperate.

For good or ill, all we can do is wait and see just how Alto does in the long term.

posted by kooka_lives on February 3, 2006 at 9:10 AM | link to this | reply

Professor and Kooka,
The people against Alito whined for months and he voted exactly the opposite of how they thought he would vote. That's all I am saying. This guy is going to vote this way each and every time. He is going to vote his conscience. Already, you are saying he is slick. You will question his every vote. And you really think in a matter so weighty he voted the way he did to prove he was "uncanny". This is a slap in the guys face on his first judicial decision. You two guys are not all as smart as you think you are and I am not nearly dumb as you think I am.

posted by sarooster on February 3, 2006 at 2:08 AM | link to this | reply

Sarooster I think this was a very good post I did not read all the comments
I saw the name calling like morons and decided no more comment reading. Thank you for this. Keep it up!

posted by Justi on February 2, 2006 at 9:07 PM | link to this | reply

This is just the first vote remember
And it was the democrats, not the Liberals who were going after him.  As the professor said,  you can not say all liberals are Democrats after all.

One vote does not show how this guy will vote in the future.  This was really a very minor vote all in all and only allowed for a follow up to the guy's trial.  It is really meaningless as to how things will play out.  We really now nothing at all about how he will handle himself.  We won't know for some time really.  He might just be playing it safe right now, or he might actually be a good judge.

It is actually more foolish to go and claim he is perfect for the job after just one vote.  Are you really just looking for any victory right now for Conservatives?  This vote proved nothing and if your whole concept of how he is going to be a great judge is based on that on that vote, then you really have nothing to stand on.

I am not going to say this guy is good or bad for the job until I get a chance to really see how he handles things in the future.  This one vote tells us nothing at all.

posted by kooka_lives on February 2, 2006 at 8:28 PM | link to this | reply

A trend of one

OK Sarooster, I'll explain it for you. "One swallow does not a spring make" means that you can't make an intelligent evaluation of a lifetime appointment based on one lop-sided vote! You don't know how Judge Alito will vote based on one decision.  And you call Democrats idiots (which, I repeat, I am not!)

Plus, he knows his first few votes will be under the microscope. He's smart & canny (just look at how he un-answered questions during his confirmation hearings). He chose a safe decision, one in whch he was not a swing vote, and sided with the majority. You don't know if he voted his conscience; I don't know if he did. Only he knows. Let's wait a month or so before you start annointing his a centrist, 'Kay?

As for Kennedy's "smear", where was it? He asked questions? I ASKED FOR SPECIFIC EXAMPLES!!!!!!!!!  Yes, I saw the testimony. Kennedy was long-winded, but where did he "attack" or "smear" Judge Alito? Give me ONE example!!!  Did he call him a coward? A racist? Impugn his military service (oh, sorry, like most Republicans, he's all for the war, but he couldn't be bothered to go himself).

You MORONS mistake attacks on record, statements & policies for personal attacks. Then turn around and point to Kerry's chin, Michael Moore's weight, Christina Amanpour's appearance. Nobody "smeared" Alito; they asked him pertinent questions which, he on the whole, strategically avoided answering.

Oh, by the way, Judge Alito, your fair-minded "conscience-voting" jurist is just sloppy seconds. Aunt Harriet was President Bush's REAL choice...but the RIGHT smeared her, not liberals

Sarooster, to paraphrase West Wing, "You're dumb, but you're not dumb."  You didn't "get it" because you didn't want to.   Directly respond to comments, don't talk "about" them.

posted by Professor_Peabody on February 2, 2006 at 7:52 PM | link to this | reply

The liberals whined the last three months and they are going to get a pretty fair shake in my book.

posted by sarooster on February 2, 2006 at 7:11 PM | link to this | reply


posted by Dr_JPT on February 2, 2006 at 7:03 PM | link to this | reply

thanks for the backup janes,
I really don't like to type kennedy's name (that's a bit of a gig at you Professor -  ) because my hands tense up and I can't type. I have to take extra blood pressure medicine. I have a sudden urge to jump in a lake to find a young woman I can hear screaming for help. So all sorts of bad things happen when that name surfaces. Oh, I just wish Mary Jo would have surfaced alive.

posted by sarooster on February 2, 2006 at 6:20 PM | link to this | reply

Professor, regarding the supposed non existence

of the smear campaign, let's see, where does Senator Kennedy fit in here? Did you actually listen to his comments?  No wonder you did not mention him in your litany of Democratic names.  Talk about a SMEAR campaign! I could go on, but will save my breath.

Anyway, sarooster, good post.  Justice Alito is obviously going to vote his conscience on issues while doing his best to follow the Constitution.  I say kudos to him, kudos to President Bush for nominating an excellent candidate, and kudos for those in the Senate who finally confirmed him. 

posted by JanesOpinion on February 2, 2006 at 6:15 PM | link to this | reply

Did you read my post! Or are you going to attack every conservative post
made on the site! You pretty much lost me in the beginning of your comment. I did not say the guy was going to be a "liberal" jurist. I said the conservatives told everyone he was going to vote his conscience. And he did. 

posted by sarooster on February 2, 2006 at 6:06 PM | link to this | reply

idiocy redux

First of all, one swallow does not a spring make, and one 6-3 vote (had to be some non-liberals in that tally) to REVIEW a capital punishment case does not a "liberal" jurist make. It's not like Judge Alito threw the cell door open and invited the guy into his own home (cry-baby Mrs. Alito wouldn''t stand for THAT!).

Harriet Meirs didn't "withdraw her nomination" so much as she was KICKED TO TH THE CURB by, of all people, the Conservatives. Guess the Dems aren't the only ones to eat their young. By the way, just how UNqualified does a Bush nominee have to be to be shown the door that way? I mean, with the head of the Arabian Horse Assn in charge of national disasters (FEMA) and a Veterinarian in charge of women's health at HHS, you must really be awful to not qualify under this administration.

Yeah, Justice Alito is a horror story for liberals. And independents. And Libertarians (like myself). And true conservatives.  You see, I don't believe that honest conservatives are one issue ponies; abortion is not the end-all, be-all for the old school conservatives, or Republicans for that matter (I try not to use conservative/Republican interchangeably; please don't use liberal/Democrat that way either). Alito's stand on presidential powers, police powers, torture & civil rights concern many in President Bush's own party.

And please, name ONE  example of anyone trying to "Smear" Judge Alito. Asking tough questions, holding his writings & records up for scrutiny, is not "smearing". (Implying John McCain has a black baby out of wedlock, calling Rep. Murtha a coward, denigrating Kerry's trip to the economic summit as a "ski trip" is smearing).

Judge Alito lied. Period. End of sentence. Declarative statement. He either lied about remembering whether he was on the Concerned Alumni of Princeton, or he lied on his resume to former Attorney General Edwin Meese.

I think you, and many neo-cons, PROJECT what you would do, and attribute those motives to others. You can't believe anyone would act out of principle.  I remember when the Terry Schiavo memo came out (the one that said the Schiavo case was "good politics for us"). The immediate response was that this memo was a fake, made up by Dem's and released to embarrass Republicans (because that's something you, and Karl Rove would and have done). It turns out it was "accidentally" released by a Republican Congressman's lawyer.

posted by Professor_Peabody on February 2, 2006 at 6:00 PM | link to this | reply