Comments on 18 Years and Out the Door

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Thand you so much for your words of encouragement.  It is very difficult when she won't even talk to me.  I call and leave messages for her but I am unsure that she even gets them.  She lost her cell phone but that was after I was hit with a 1300 $ phone bill - yes 1300 that wasnt a typo.  I was going to give her a pre-paid but ended up taking it back.  She can always call me at home collect or during business hours on my 800 # which she has.  I can only be patient at this time and that is not easy to do

posted by StrickGold on December 20, 2005 at 7:30 PM | link to this | reply

My heart is with you along with prayers

Very scary situation! If there was a genie available it's a good time for a wish. The problem with this is- are ever ready to let them go when the wrong format is presented to us? No, absolutely not! The only approach I've heard of that gives a little help is the friendly one. They have to know that you are on their side, contrary to  what is being said over where she is now. Bite your tongue and's the back door approach but it looks like that's the only way. You'll have to stand by and not be confrontational. That is what the other side uses against you.

Take the time because you have nothing on your side but time. You have to try to get to a place you haven't been with you child in a long while. Best ears in the bussiness is what you must find... the ones you had when they were a little one. Think about it, your not in the best position right now so your going to have to be tactical in your every approach. Confrotation is the worst thing for most situations concerning children.18 or not she is a child in need but cant see anything but the wrong thing in front of her. Your behind her now so you have to find a way to get back in front so she can see you again as love and understanding even if you don't. Been through something very simalar and it's not easy to over come. Get focused and stay focused. Good Luck and Blessed be.

posted by DigityChronicles on December 8, 2005 at 7:30 AM | link to this | reply