What a good comment
I appreciated your story and feel exactly as you do. As my daughter's dad was an olympian I keep expecting those extraordinary genes to pop out somewhere else along the genetic tree. Maybe Adia's the one. And thanks for the tip on the song.

posted by Cynthia on July 30, 2003 at 3:01 PM | link to this | reply

Little Adia (do you know the Sarah McLachlan song called Adia?) sounds a lot like my first born. She also sounds like a lot of fun! My sister gave birth to a daughter 3 months after my daughter was born. My child was much more rambunctious; fearless; big for her age. My niece was tiny, quiet; an easy child. I was sometimes envious that my sister had a much easier time 'handling' her daughter than I did but it was more fun than anything noting the differences. I think it's grossly unfair to compare children...especially in a sexist way and the idea that girls should be petite and feminine is a lot of I'm sure you'd agree. We have enough labels to contend with. Once someone in a store asked my daughter how old she was and she replied, "I'm three but I'm big for my age."..she'd obvioulsy heard that from other people. My daughter and niece are now 25 years old. Though I thought my daughter would end up being an athlete of sorts, given all the energy she expended, she does have a (good) mind of her own, is very loving, outgoing and opinionated and isn't 'big for her age' anymore! My niece is mother-earth, a hippie of sorts with one child and one on the way. They remain very different personalities and isn't that what we all strive for in our children? Individualism? Well maybe not! Ha! Your granddaughter sounds wonderful! I look forward to the day I am a grandmother...though I'm in no rush!!!! Enjoy!

posted by ginnieb on July 30, 2003 at 8:52 AM | link to this | reply