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Jesusfreak, thank you.
Sometimes we lose sight of that fact in the same way that we are led astray by people who say the right things and seem to do the right things, but are not necessarily the genuine article. Thanks for that reminder.

posted by word.smith on September 27, 2005 at 10:40 AM | link to this | reply

Just because we sense spirits doesn't mean they are departed loved ones
I believe what the Bible says about angels and demons, and if our focus is not on God but is on whatever spirits we might be able to communicate with. The Bible says that Satan will disguise himself as an "angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14) and will try to deceive us if we allow him.

posted by jesusfreakdotcom on September 27, 2005 at 1:38 AM | link to this | reply

Divine, from my experiences

I am more inclined to think the way you do. I know the devil can take on the appearance of people we know and with whom we were comfortable in life. I just don't believe in the seen and the unseen having any kind of intercourse - except of course,  the relationship we have with God and our Angels.  This is extremely dangerous. I have been praying about this and trust that God will work out what's best for my family and I.  


posted by word.smith on September 24, 2005 at 11:20 AM | link to this | reply

Not a believer.
I believe in the power of God and his spiritual forces that rule our very existence. I believe that evil is present and at every corner. I do not believe an individual force from a dead relative lives on in the universe watching over us. I think these are demons masquerading in the form of our loved ones as wolves in sheeps clothing. Once we let them in they will assume their true form and bring havoc to the balance in our homes. This is what I personally believe. A different view on our diverse African culture.

posted by Divine_1 on September 24, 2005 at 3:17 AM | link to this | reply

Thanks Ainsley,
I'll go over and read that post.   I've been told and a priest confirmed it for me, because he had to do an exorcism. There are certain objects in which demonic spirits live. It may be a piece of art that is picked up on vacation or a gift that is given to you.  Sadly, I am aware of all this because it is part of our culture here in Jamaica.  Most of us do not participate in this sort of activity, but sadly, there are a few who spend their time dabbling in evil.

posted by word.smith on September 22, 2005 at 7:16 AM | link to this | reply

I've sensed the presence of my dad and other loved ones...

...from time to time, and all of those experiences have been comforting ones.

But there HAS been something in my life that I can't fully explain to this very day, and that is how this one inanimate object gave me the creeps.

I'm going to sign with a sig-block that has a link to this story.  Let me know what you think...


Go here to engage in a lively discussion:

Freaked Out By An Inanimate Object! Can Anyone Tell Me Why?

Go here to meet an interesting and talented newbie:

Someday, I'll Say: "I Knew Her When!!!" How About You?

posted by Ainsley_Jo_Phillips on September 21, 2005 at 9:48 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks Lisa. I appreciate your comments.

Right now I am focusing on the scriptures, particularly those to do with fear so as not to think too much on this.  I'm praying about it as well. God knows what I can handle and what I can't and truthfully if my mother could visit, she wouldn't harm me.


posted by word.smith on September 20, 2005 at 12:26 PM | link to this | reply


Some of us are so much more attuned to thinks in the spiritual realm than others. Mostly, I just know when something around me is wrong.  For instance, I have heard footsteps on the wooden stairs in my house and there was nobody there.  My son, I believe can see spirits - just like his dad did as a child -  and most of the times he is very frightened by what he sees.  I don't ever see them. I only sense their presence.

I wouldn't be worried either if I had a peaceful feeling when things like these happen.  Now I'm wondering if relatives get assigned guardian angel duties when they pass on before us.  


posted by word.smith on September 20, 2005 at 12:19 PM | link to this | reply


I've had experiences of my mother's spirit, my aunt's and my sons have seent their father's spirit.  Although some spirits may go back to God with no other purpose, I've always been told the spirits of loved ones do linger to in essence check on you. 

With my mom there were unresolved issues, and I wholeheartedly believe her visit was to see that I was OK.  My aunt came to me shortly after she passed, and growing up she was my favorite aunt.  My sons' father whether it was real or imagined, I can't say, but the boys were told repeatedly by those meaning well that their father would always be with him.  In that case, he died before he did all that he had hoped. 

I've never experienced a hostile spirit, so I can't attest to that.  I look at the visits from loved ones as a blessing.  For the boys, they ease the pain of their loss.  For me, it was a sense of closure. 

My thoughts are with you that you can process your experience without fear. Peace be with you.

posted by LifeByLisa on September 19, 2005 at 7:58 PM | link to this | reply

Fascinating post Word
My beliefs are very similar to Quirky's. I have felt my grandmother's presence for many years, by way of sounds and scents. In a dream, vision? not long after her death, she told me she would be with me forever, so I've never felt frightened or worried about an evil aspect to her visits. My experience, or at least a part. I wrote a poem about the dream; I may post, if I can find it.

posted by Katray2 on September 19, 2005 at 7:06 PM | link to this | reply


Yes, your comment did help. Sounds like we have pretty much the same way of coping. I'm trying a lot harder these days to shut out the bad, pray like there's no tomorrow and hope for the very best.  Thanks!

posted by word.smith on September 19, 2005 at 5:56 PM | link to this | reply

Word.smith...I hope my comment did some good. I used to focus on the
 bad, as well.  I'm still not exactly an who see the glass "half full".  Instead, my coping mechanism is TO EXPECT THE WORST, BUT HOPE FOR THE BEST.  It's my way of working toward being more positive! 

posted by Masky on September 19, 2005 at 12:42 PM | link to this | reply


I hope to only come across good ones from now on.  Can't deal with them bad uns.

posted by word.smith on September 19, 2005 at 12:09 PM | link to this | reply

Scritture, thanks for sharing your experiences.

No doubt, some of us are more receptive than others to being visited by spirits.  They have never really manifested themselves to me in any tangible way, but I know when they're there.

As to demons, I know that they exist beyond a shadow of a doubt. How else do we explain the evil one and those who help him do his work?  Unfortunately, in my culture wicked people find an outlet for the envy, greed, jealousy in themselves, by harnessing evil spirits to do their dirty work.

posted by word.smith on September 19, 2005 at 12:06 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks for sharing that Masky....

I believe in angels too. It's funny that we don't often think about them, but I do know that they are 'ministering spirits' to quote the Bible, who are sent to help us when we need them most.   I'm thinking that if you feel peaceful in the presence of that spirit, then I wouldn't doubt that it's a good one. Thanks again for giving me that insight. Because of my bad experiences, my focus is off. I tend to think about the bad, rather than the good - which I'm sure is not what God wants for me.


posted by word.smith on September 19, 2005 at 11:50 AM | link to this | reply

Spirits do whatever they want.

Depending on their ability level and willingness to exercise their abilities, and depending on their degree of rationality, they either do good or bad.  Some are completely insane.  They're evil. Others try to do good.  I prefer them. 

posted by Adaman on September 19, 2005 at 12:07 AM | link to this | reply

I had a long comment written, brushed the controlpad on my laptop and lost it all. The short version:

I come from a family with a long history of benevolent ghostly visitations. The year my grandfather died, I woke in the night to a phone call, talked to him for hours, and only realized the next morning that I couldn't have been speaking with him because he'd been dead for months. And yet, I KNOW it wasn't a dream.

My grandmother said that when she was in labor with my uncle - a blue baby who survived - her own mother (who died when grandma was nineteen) came to hold her hand.

And I've felt her presence more than once.

Are these really ghosts? Or are they manifestations of a need for comfort? And does it matter, so long as they're benevolent? I don't think so.

But, I don't believe in demons as supernatural beings. I think the demons we really need to worry about are those that exist in our own psyches.

posted by Scritture on September 18, 2005 at 7:21 PM | link to this | reply


I've read all the comments left here for you to view, and I haven't seen anyone mention angels.  I believe in angels.  I believe not only is the Lord always near us to protect us, but I believe his helpers are near us, as well. 

I have personally experienced feeling the presence of a an Uncle who passed on MANY occasions.  With eyes open, I saw noone, but with eyes closed, I truly felt as though he were near.  It's always seemed to be at a time when I was lonely.  Is it my mind playing a trick on me?  Is it an evil spirit sent to tempt or taunt me?  I can't honestly answer that.  But I can tell you, when I have felt the presence of my Uncle, who died when I was 8, it is a peaceful feeling. 

posted by Masky on September 18, 2005 at 6:57 PM | link to this | reply

Digital, thanks for dropping in.

I subscribe to the same view, that is that once your soul departs it goes back to the one who gave it.   Thanks for reminding me of God's constancy. I'd do well to remember that all the time.


posted by word.smith on September 18, 2005 at 2:10 PM | link to this | reply


I just read the Being I Channel post  and boy oh boy, that's way out there in terms of out of body experiences.  I don't think my mother, if she can come back, would harm me, but I'm uncomfortable because I think the dead and the living shouldn't mix.


posted by word.smith on September 18, 2005 at 2:08 PM | link to this | reply

Ariel, it is always good for us to share thoughts

and views as well as learn from each other as we examine things from different perspectives.

posted by word.smith on September 18, 2005 at 2:02 PM | link to this | reply

Word in my traslation....

The Bible says, once you die then your taughts, ideas, future and all the physical functions one was capable of performing in life, departs once their breath leaves their body. However evil spirits do exist BUT they are the devil's advocates trying to scare you an illusion, not your loved ones. God says he will never leave you, nor forsake you, so once the enemy comes disguised ready to give you a scare, rebuke him and he will flee the Lord will be there to protect you always no matter what....

posted by Digitalink on September 18, 2005 at 11:22 AM | link to this | reply


I believe that death is merely a transition--and that some souls will become spirits and be with God forever after they die, with no need to come back either as spirit or to take another body. Others will return again and again for a different human experience. Many people believe that spiritual beings who were close to you in this lifetime will check in with you now and again. I like to think so, and that it isn't anything to be afraid of. Did you by chance read my journal post about the Being Eye Channel?

posted by Julia. on September 18, 2005 at 10:53 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you for that comment.

posted by ariel70 on September 18, 2005 at 10:40 AM | link to this | reply

Ariel, I'm glad you used the word enlightened.

Here in Jamaica, when people are possessed, they aren't beaten. Prayer is used to drive out the unclean spirit. Only the most backward of people believe that an evil spirit can be beaten out of a person.  Already, I have been unfortunate to have been around evil spirits, but I believe in God and hold firmly to the view that good will always triumph over evil. 

When and if there is need for deliverance, I believe this should be done by educated and experienced people who know what they are doing and who have a close relationship with God. The events you've mentioned is as a result of people who obviously are not in touch with God and the power of his Word and Blood.  I don't discount what you've said and understand that lack of education and rational thinking does lead to unthinkable acts.

posted by word.smith on September 18, 2005 at 10:32 AM | link to this | reply


Belief in evil spirits, and in demonic possession are highly dangerous beliefs.

In Britain recently, they have led to the most horrifying abuse, and murder of children, on the tenuous grounds that they were possessed by evil spirits. These children were beaten, burned, mutilated and in the most gruesome fashion.

I am not suggesting for a moment that you personally would ever condone such barabrous behaviour, but it seems to me that such acts are a logical progression from your beliefs.They are committed by people who are not as enlightened and as rational as you, but I suggest that you unwittingly pave the way for such acts to occur

posted by ariel70 on September 18, 2005 at 10:14 AM | link to this | reply