Comments on More experts weigh in on the invasion

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Bush has nothing to apologize for, people seem to forget so much. Why are we in this situation to begin with? O that's right, 3 thousand plus American's murdered on 9/11, how silly of me to forget...DUH~~

posted by Offy on July 18, 2005 at 11:26 PM | link to this | reply


Okay, Bush is an incompetent nut case. The economy is the worst in history, unemployment is out of control, the economy is in shambles, right?

Except, it ain't. That's the problem you see, you may want the administration to be incompetent, you may want a failing economy, high unemployment, but the numbers, If you'd take five minutes to check them out, say otherwise. Of course, the truth of the matter isn't important, now is it?

posted by twodog on July 18, 2005 at 11:05 PM | link to this | reply


Terrorism revived, now there's a good one. Let's see, what about the first airplane hijack in 1948, or the hijackings throughout the sixties, seventies, and eighties? What about the first Trade Tower bombing, the USS Cole, the two U.S Embassies in Africa, the Iranian hostage deal during the Carter administration? What about the continued Hamas terrorism against Israel? Let's see that started sometime around late nineteen fourty-seven. Oh, and what about the domestic terrorism in Puerto Rico? I know it's not a state but still. Then there was Sadat's assassination by Al Jihad, another pesky global terrorist organization. Oh, and the assassination attempt on George the First, and Saddam's terrorism on his own people. Revived? Please.

Terrorism isn't revived, for the first time in my lifetime, it's being confronted directly, up front and out loud. I know everyone has a right to say pretty much anything they want, but, words out of ignorance of the truth is just that, ignorance.

posted by twodog on July 18, 2005 at 10:59 PM | link to this | reply

He's gonna leave office in three years.

posted by fwmystic on July 13, 2005 at 8:03 PM | link to this | reply

Zoke, I disagree with your
description of this blog. It's not how "slowly" Bush has fucked up everything you could think of. It's how fast he's managed to take a country that had a tremendous, wealth, sympathy and admiration in the world and turn it in to the horror story we have today.

posted by Cynthia on July 11, 2005 at 10:19 AM | link to this | reply