Comments on Fearlessness Without Trust? No Way!

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Then, of course.....don't.  I realize that there are times in life that arise for some, horrible and unimaginable times, when fear must be beyond anything I can even imagine; but, I believe that most of us are faced with the everyday kind of fears that are just to be  walked through....and I wouldn't expect you to feel any other way. Thanks for reading.

posted by Krisles on June 29, 2005 at 7:22 AM | link to this | reply

Fear is not something I am comfortable giving in to.


posted by Transcendental_Child on June 28, 2005 at 11:14 PM | link to this | reply

I love your philosophy on life...and your always, my kinda guy!  Don't you think it would be fun to bungee jump!!!

posted by Krisles on June 28, 2005 at 9:59 PM | link to this | reply

I know you are a fearless one.
Shines through in every word and gesture.

I think I'm too dumb to have fear for long. Shallow vessel am I -- as long as they don't bring back prohibition or cut off my right hand, I'll get by. So in the end, what's to fear?

As always, wonderfully written, milady!

posted by strat on June 28, 2005 at 9:15 PM | link to this | reply

I know from your writing that you are fearless!  And you for sure love to think...I don't think there's such a thing as too much either; I've just been accused of it so much all my life..... Thanks for stopping by...and I always love the flowers!

posted by Krisles on June 28, 2005 at 7:38 PM | link to this | reply

Krisles, Yes, I am fearless. I trust everyone. When that trust is betrayed,
it hurts. I get over it eventually, and move on. Doesn't do any good to cry about it. Think to much ? .Naww, that's the worst thing I could do,quit thinking.  

posted by I-R-William on June 28, 2005 at 4:42 PM | link to this | reply

I told you we would be talking! Thanks for reading and the comments....I need an editor on my shoulder...too bad this cat this is always curled up above my keyboard can't do it for me.  I am very much a stream of consciousness writer...the current speed seems to depend on the amount of sleep I've gotten as I get quite wound up when deprived! I look forward to reading more from you.

posted by Krisles on June 28, 2005 at 8:22 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you for reading and the comments! I hope you had some good coffee or tea before the thinking!! Sorry about that! I'm glad to hear that the ADD might be a benefit and normal for writing....I just find the lack of focus such a problem in keeping things to a more readable size....I used to have to write things at work all the time, and while I usually ended up doing everyone's writing for them they never stopped grousing about how long it always was....and I hear complaints about long posts here and know I don't get read a lot because of it...but I just can't seem to keep my words down....see, I'm doing it here!! Thank you.

posted by Krisles on June 28, 2005 at 8:18 AM | link to this | reply

trust yourself
Well said.  Very articulate essay. Seems to me ADD is a necessary component of a writer's thought process. Let the mind follow its own sidetracks and write it as it flows. That's what the editing process is for -- to organize the whole thing into a journey that others can follow.  As for trust, and at the risk of sounding like Dr. Phil, trust begins within. Once we trust ourselves, that we'll be ok even if someone else lets us down, we're able to take measured risks and even live fearlessly.  

posted by Pat_B on June 28, 2005 at 5:22 AM | link to this | reply

A very interesting article, Krisles.  It has started me thinking, which is a bad thing at 7.42 am.   As for having ADD and going off at a tangent; don't most writers go off at tangents?  Your brain is finishing a sentence in a different way even as you are typing?

posted by johnmacnab on June 28, 2005 at 4:44 AM | link to this | reply

And thank you! How was your weekend working on your project with your brother? I think my memory is right that's where you've been. I think trust is like that saying about faith....stepping out off the cliff and trusting the net will be usually will be.  And of course you think like me on are brilliant!!!

posted by Krisles on June 27, 2005 at 5:19 PM | link to this | reply

Thank you....and I don't think anyone could ever even remotely apply the term fool to you. Trust and loyalty could never be a mistake, even if they do occasionally turn out to have been misplaced...nothing is ever 100%, but no guts, no glory and I say the percentages are still always with the good guys.  Could we ever talk about the loyalty thing!  That's one I do misplace to my own detriment at times.....but, I'd rather be accused of overkill on that one, too!

posted by Krisles on June 27, 2005 at 5:17 PM | link to this | reply

Thank you! And I return the compliment as I enjoy your writing very much as well! And balance is the key to all things, isn't it? And, like I just told mmm_w, good for you that you were able to hold onto your perspective through the batterings and not let it turn you (sounds like Star Wars...but, hey, that's what happened, wasn't it). Thanks for reading.

posted by Krisles on June 27, 2005 at 5:13 PM | link to this | reply

Thank you so much....some of your posts give me the idea that you came to these understandings through some painful lessons, perhaps? If that is true, I'm so glad you held the faith and kept your pure heart...regardless, you sure have one and it always comes through in your writing.

posted by Krisles on June 27, 2005 at 5:11 PM | link to this | reply

I couldn't agree more! Unfortunately, folks seem to be a little more sure of the physical aspects in these areas than the emotional ones..don't they? But as they grow wiser, like us.....well, at least like you for sure! Thanks for reading.

posted by Krisles on June 27, 2005 at 5:08 PM | link to this | reply

So glad to see you! And aren't you lucky to get to learn the wisdom of the Thai along with all that you already possess! I'm glad you got something out of my little two cents (bet ya never hear that one!). Thanks for reading.

posted by Krisles on June 27, 2005 at 5:03 PM | link to this | reply

Yeah, I think too much, too. But I find it makes for some much more interesting conversations with people AND that my ideas and arguments are usually better thought-out that those less thought-striken. So, I'm all for thinking and really figuring out where one stands on things. If you want my opinion, or even if you don't, we don't think nearly enough. Mindlessness is NOT an attractive attribute. You nailed it on the trust issue as well. It's difficult to be fearless with no trust that life will deliver you safely or at least with minimal damage. Trust is one of those topics that I obsess over because I only have in a few areas of my life. I understand that in order to be "fearless" I have to overcome those issues. This was an excellent post as usual. Thanks.

posted by UsualSuspect on June 27, 2005 at 4:37 PM | link to this | reply

Krisles...A sensitive post! I am a trusting fool as you can tell....
I get more disappointed by people who aren't as loyal as I am. That's my thing....

posted by MedusaNextDoor on June 27, 2005 at 9:46 AM | link to this | reply

Excellent post Krisles
I enjoy your writing style. My trust has been battered many times and my heart painfully seared yet both remain intact and open. Haven't closed up shop by any means. You are so right, it's all about finding a balance that's in harmony with the realities of life.

posted by Katray2 on June 27, 2005 at 9:40 AM | link to this | reply

very well said..... out of one form of fear, respect is born. respect is healthy..... but the fear which crushes our insecurities or weaknesses and then proceeds to control that area of ourlives.... that is the bad fear.

faith and trust cure that. :)

i loved this post... thought provoking, indeed.

posted by mmm-w on June 27, 2005 at 8:15 AM | link to this | reply

Krisles, The difference between having a fearless heart and being stupid is knowing oneself and being fully aware of ones capabilities, ones strength and weaknesses and acting accordingly.

posted by TAPS. on June 27, 2005 at 7:52 AM | link to this | reply

Krisles, The Thais are constantly saying 'You think too much.' Which I take

to mean, 'Chill out and relax." I think a lot of people, especially westerners, tend to think too much, and it gets them into trouble, and causes states of fear and frenzy. I think over the years some succumb to their fears and it hobbles them in life and in relationships.Others realize that fear is a crippler and refuse to let it rule their lives. Some are born fearless, some learn to be so, some struggle with it daily, some give in to it and it stunts their choices and possibilites. Actually you now have me thinking too much dammit! :-) And I don't have the time for it right now! I could write volumes on the subject and my own thoughts and experiences in this. Thanks though for the great post which made me think, and the wonderful way you put it into words which makes it fun and interesting to read.


posted by Cent on June 27, 2005 at 7:21 AM | link to this | reply


You are right about the trust factor.  I used to do a lot of rock climbing, and it was, for the most part, a fearless pursuit.  Why?  Because you had a complete trust in you equipment, most particularly the rope.  There were ''adrenaline moments,'' mostly when you got yourself into a situation where your equipment was poorly anchored and you were, so to speak, out on a shaky limb.  The total trust in the equipment was gone, and along came the fear.


posted by Jack_Flash on June 27, 2005 at 6:15 AM | link to this | reply

Thanks for your comments! No, I'm just assuming what this guy would say because most people who do physical things like that, in my experience, say they aren't fearful...because they really don't fear physical things. Then I skipped to emotional fear like with Passionflower, and people who fear getting taken advantage of, etc. The point I was trying, in my addled way, to get to was the connection between fear and lack of trust....and, I also don't think genuine fearlessness can be piecemeal.  And, I do tend to think outloud and amble..much worse so when I've stayed up and get up to write it out. Thanks for hanging in there with me!!

posted by Krisles on June 27, 2005 at 5:59 AM | link to this | reply


When you think too much, things do get very confusing.  I agree with the basic ideas that you present here, but if you think about them too long, you only lose track of what anything means.  Semantics are the worst part.  If you don't define every term precisely, the whole thought process becomes meaningless.

Many things get left out when you think about such things in general terms.  The Bunji Boinger who talks about fearing nothing:  is it an ego matter for him to say that?  Does he puff up his chest and strut?  Is he building his ego by telling a lie?  If it's such an adrenaline rush, which is a physiological result of fear, is he really fearless, or is he simply a supreme egotist of rather advanced stupidity?

There are far too many factors involved here that require a specific-case evaluation.  Using terminology that is not explicitly defined, and applying general concepts to subjects that require a more specific level of concept, is really what you could call thinking too much.

Anyway, that's what I came up with on your post.  I have don't want to criticize your thoughts, but it may seem like I do because you made me think too much.

It was interesting enough that I read it all, so you must be doing something right.

Thanks .....  JJ

posted by Jack_Flash on June 27, 2005 at 5:27 AM | link to this | reply