Comments on Help! ADD Holding OCD Hostage with CD'S

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I too look forward to future discussions. Glad you got back to functioning. I have managed to become mostly functional, and fortunately (or maybe unfortunately, when I think of it) have never had a complete breakdown (sometimes I think it would have been healthy to have had one).

posted by Dyl_Pickle on June 27, 2005 at 6:49 PM | link to this | reply


Thank you so much for reading and for you comments! Actually, I am fairly under control most of the time and it is only when I am very tired or really get "my motor going" that I rush like I was going in that post...stimulation from people will do it, so if I get into exchanges on here with several people I will switch into it, or if I am out with several people; I can go into "entertainer" mode in a one-on-one mode but am normally more philosophic, like you sound.  My husband is not only bi-polar and schizoid-effective (I believe that is the correct dx-term) but has several other conditions that have had him on disability for 14 yrs. now. I had a breakdown myself 3 yrs ago at work and have climbed back out of that hole, didn't realize that after 26yrs of living with him I was covering depression myself - it would be hard not to as he is quite bad - and never realized that I had ADD.  I was a very good student, excellent actually; it was only after reading a book specifically geared to women with the condition that I recognized that, yes, that is me.  I look forward to exchanges with you; I have been "hiding" journaling throughout my 4 non-MA blogs during the month I have been on here - I do have a journaling blog, and need to get that straightened out and stick to just journaling there.  It is helpful and I obviously have issues I need to work out - I think a forum like this is helpful to anyone who will take advantage of it.  Again, thanks for listening and for taking the time to introduce yourself.  

posted by Krisles on June 16, 2005 at 12:55 PM | link to this | reply

Let me introduce myself...

...this is the first time I have read your blog, and I think I will read it regularly.  My name is Dylan.  I relate to your mental issues, having suffered depression, anxiety and mild-moderate O.C.D. symptoms (not sure whether I qualify for the disorder itself) for five years. 

I can also relate to the adult A.D.D.  Sometimes my thoughts ramble off into only tangentially relevant things, just as this post did.  For a blog that is supposed to journal, I think that's okay.  You still express yourself fairly clearly and grammatically. 

If there is anything I can do for you in my capacity as blogger-and-fellow-depressive, I will be glad to do it, even if it only involves discussing these issues in this forum.  One thing that's helped me with my obsessive rushing, and considering things to be way more urgent than they are, has been to force myself to slow down, even when doing so is painful (it gets easier and less painful with practice) and focus only on what I am doing, telling myself that what I just did and what I will have to do will just have to wait. 

I can only do one thing at a time, so if I fail at the other things, that's not my fault.  I find that ninety percent of the time I still manage to get the other things done and fulfill my responsibilities, but even when I don't, I just have to say, enough is enough; I'm not God.   

posted by Dyl_Pickle on June 16, 2005 at 11:24 AM | link to this | reply

I was dancin' all over the place in B&N - it was great! I had listened to Beck before but never cared to buy a whole cd but this is great.  Got these hips shakin'! OK...I tried to throw you some Spanish back but did not want to get laughed at so I erased it....I keep promisin' myself I'm gonna get those tapes out...3 semesters in college...all those years in cousins laugh at me.... 

posted by Krisles on June 16, 2005 at 12:11 AM | link to this | reply

Que Onda Guero! Que Onda Guero!
I just love that new Beck CD. Get''s me dancing everytime.

posted by fwmystic on June 15, 2005 at 10:54 PM | link to this | reply

I'll go ahead and update Riffs.
Look for it in about fifteen minutes, if you're still up.

posted by strat on June 15, 2005 at 9:21 PM | link to this | reply

I can't wait to read the funeral post...I had your funeral post and quickly changed it!!! I started laughing just thinking about it.  As always, thanks so much!

posted by Krisles on June 15, 2005 at 9:12 PM | link to this | reply

I'm going to have to post my favorite funeral story.
It has to do with a friend of our family's playing guitar and singing for his friend's funeral, and the musical selection. Suffice it to say that even if you don't know this guy, this story is hysterically funny.

This, as usual, was a terrific post, my dear. As I've said many times, don't ever stop. You're really, really, good!

posted by strat on June 15, 2005 at 9:09 PM | link to this | reply

So glad you visited and you're welcome for the advice...I'm full of it along with all the other, stuff! I do hope you can find some husband's dad died in 1975 and the man is still hanging over our heads...I never even met him and he has affected my life in so many horrid ways.  But, we all do what we can...look at me, married all these years when I shouldn't have been...hey, maybe between us we'll figure all this out!  I know, "Dust in the Wind"...that's why I just cracked up...if she'd been cremated I don't know if I could held it in at all....

posted by Krisles on June 15, 2005 at 8:33 PM | link to this | reply

I am breathless. I feel like I've been all over Barnes and Noble and through your family tree with you. BTW, what is wrong with "Dust in the Wind" at a funeral, I think it's perfect.  Albeit, picked out by 2 teenagers, who probably think Kansas were back before the Flood.  Is ADD contagious. I think I've caught it.  Thanks for your advice on my situation with my Mom.  I really, really want to let go, and in theory, I do, but when I see her, I just get the vibe that I'm being chumped, but putting behind the past is an essential part of moving forward.   But that's what makes me the neurotic writer I am today, I have to speak my piece.  Here's to get our heads on straight(er). 

posted by Blanche. on June 15, 2005 at 7:55 PM | link to this | reply

Oh!Oh! I love to find people new to this! I just spent two hours playing with it....find someone you like, then start looking at the people they tell you "if you like this person then you might like...."....I have found more wonderful new music (to me) that way...I get on there and just play follow the musical bread crumbs for hours sometimes ...well, before Blogit - tonight was the first time in a long time I've done it and it was a good mental break - and I also look over on the right side for people's lists - another great resource...tonight I found a lot of new finger picking accoustical guitarists I wasn't familiar, if I can just control myself, not buy their cd's and learn to download to my iPod instead.......sigh...

posted by Krisles on June 15, 2005 at 7:31 PM | link to this | reply

I see what you mean...

I've got her samples playing right now.  That's a rich musical instrument she's got there.  Well, this will be good background music while I work.   I should check Amazon out more often.

posted by Lensman on June 15, 2005 at 7:21 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks for hangin' in there....after a firetruck, it should have been easy!  Have you ever gone to Amazon and listened to samples?  She really is amazing....4 octave range..English, I think...I have her loaded on my iPod on shuffle and hadn't listened to the cd straight through in awhile so it was a real treat while I was writing and I'm still sitting here listening...but it's Damien Rice now!

posted by Krisles on June 15, 2005 at 7:10 PM | link to this | reply

So glad you were prepared! I usually try to clean it up for my other blogs, but I thought for this one, what the hey!  Thanks for reading!

posted by Krisles on June 15, 2005 at 7:07 PM | link to this | reply

Wow...good thing I was hanging onto my hat !  Thanks for that funny, pedal-to-the-metal, stream-of-consciousness guest-ride through your day.  And Julia Fordham is on my list

posted by Lensman on June 15, 2005 at 7:00 PM | link to this | reply


some of my best friends over the years have babbled/talked/written like you fact I checked your "about me" stuff to make sure you weren't one of them that I had lost touch with...

That funeral story is something else

posted by FactorFiction on June 15, 2005 at 6:16 PM | link to this | reply

It was unbelievable!! I mean, "Dust in the Wind" at a funeral!! Thanks for reading!

posted by Krisles on June 15, 2005 at 5:41 PM | link to this | reply

Krisles, I would have been gasping and snorting too with my bod shaking all over trying to keep from laughing.   I always manage to crack up when it is inappropriate.

posted by TAPS. on June 15, 2005 at 5:36 PM | link to this | reply