Comments on Stupid White Liberals, Blind Negroes & The Rotting Corpses Of Little Babies

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I agree with MHW.  I think you know my feelings on press stuff.  If you have that one person with the shopping cart who mumbles the same four or five things that don't really have a bearing on the topic it distracts debate.  I saw this person comment on some poor guy's story about growing up in Detroit.  He went off on the guy.  Eventually it was about George Bush.  This guy was a child, and George Bush wasn't around. 

I have an uncle who was in the John Birch society when I was a child.  I would visit my grandparents' house where my uncle still lived.  From the minute we walked in until we left, there was "Birching."  It was so bizarre.  I remember this vividly.  He had me cornered one time, hours.  He gave me a copy of  his book, "None Dare Call it a Conspiracy."  I WAS IN 4TH GRADE.  Did I get to visit with my grandparents?  No.  I don't remember much about that day but being cornered. 

So, it's not that you just stop the comments because you can't/won't argue, it's that it actually inhibits honest discussion.  In my writing group, there are times when I've made the most mild of comments about the need for writers to know how to spell (imagine that), and I've gotten a barrage of hate mail.  The last time, I got mail from a guy I'd never met who wanted to mediate on behalf of someone in the group I barely knew existed.  That takes a lot of energy.  That group has so many writers who want to learn, and I have information I can share.  To have to field the crazies...takes time away from those who want and deserve it.

I've blocked him, too.


posted by terpgirl30 on May 15, 2005 at 5:34 PM | link to this | reply

FWMystic, I have no doubt that I hold the record here in Blofit for having

lively debates and bare-knuckle fights with other bloggers. Just ask any one of the "old-timers" around here. And no matter how vicious and furious things got, I never shied away from "engaging" a blogger who opposed my views. I always held my ground and stood up for what I believed in. And I even stood up to those who hurled a never-ending stream of insults at me.

However, the person is question is not playing with a full deck. He is a couple of sandwiches short of being a full picnic. In my opinion, the brotha needs to be strapped into a straight jacket.

Therefore, trying to carry on a dialogue with him is nothing but a waste of time. It is like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a "crazy aunt" that a family keeps hidden in the attic.

posted by Feenix on May 15, 2005 at 11:32 AM | link to this | reply

Tough call ...
The problem with blocking a blogger, even one who is an ass, is that it solves nothing and makes you look like you're leery of debating and defending your ideas. Either ignore or respond, but let the comments stand. Although they may be highly aggravating for you, they are very instructive for the rest of us. Individuals in a democracy have a right to their say on important topics of the day, even if they are wrong. Especially if they are wrong. Who knows, you might even get him to change his mind and they way he looks at the world.

posted by fwmystic on May 15, 2005 at 11:08 AM | link to this | reply


In your world you would consider yourself sane is my guess? And pat yourself on the back for getting "whitey" to agree with your skewed relationship theories on the causes of social injustice. There is the medical and law enforcement establishment in America? I don't know if you are aware of the New York detective who's retirement remarks caused an investigation of his police work and tactics?

Remember it is the bottom bearings that carry the load! And the physics against upward motion keeps them on the bottom. But outside forces can cause them to freeze up, thus destroy all motion! Wake up "Brother" you are not helping by giving "whitey" an alibi!  In fact you have become an accessory after the fact!

posted by Glennb on May 15, 2005 at 5:40 AM | link to this | reply

FW, soon, I gonna write about my experiences as a low-rider & about when
I used to hang out with a gang of cholos who called themselves the Tortilla Flats Boys. They're the dudes who taught me how to speak "Spanglish."

posted by Feenix on May 14, 2005 at 9:57 PM | link to this | reply

Forget that ...
I want to read about your gangster days in LA, for selfish reasons. I want to know what I am up against when I venture downtown and what to be prepared for.

posted by fwmystic on May 14, 2005 at 9:48 PM | link to this | reply

FW, one more thing. Based on the statistics, the Hispanics rates of

violent crime, illegitimate birth and families headed by single females are much lower than that of blacks.

In fact, I frequently tell other people that the large numbers of Mexicans, Central Americans, Dominicans and Cubans pouring into the country today are going to save this country from going down the drain. And that is because Hispanics tend to have strong, stable family structures and a strong sense of morality. 

posted by Feenix on May 14, 2005 at 9:42 PM | link to this | reply

FW, to cover all the aspects of the issue, I'd havta write a 10 page post,

or a book. And how many people here want to read a 10-page post?

posted by Feenix on May 14, 2005 at 9:34 PM | link to this | reply

Your post makes me wonder:
-- what percentage of blacks are responsible for the US homicide rate.

-- what percentage of blacks are responsible for the 40% of the children born out of wedlock.

-- what percentage of blacks make up the 25% of households were headed by single females.

the black population in the US is 12.06 percent of the 281,421,906 and has remained at that percentage for the past 20 years. The Hispanic population has jumped from 6.45% of the population in 1980 to 12.55 percent in 2000.

For your theory to have any merit, there should be dramatic increases is Hispanic homicides, illegitimate Hispanic births and the number of Hispanic single female head of households since this growth occured AFTER the legalization of abortion.

posted by fwmystic on May 14, 2005 at 9:24 PM | link to this | reply

MightyHW - That was quite a post.   So, where do we go from here?

posted by TAPS. on May 14, 2005 at 7:33 PM | link to this | reply


And I thought this post would be about the 82 billion dollars going into Iraq to insure that our Troops have enough bombs to kill and maim untold humanity! That is something you could get personally involved in without infringing upon the libertiers and rights of others!

Your statistics shows one thing, the world is changing! So get on board!

posted by Glennb on May 14, 2005 at 6:31 PM | link to this | reply


excellent post.  I have always believed that there is a direct correlation between the legalization of abortion and the rise in homicides and other societal ills.  Life has become disposable . . . .

posted by JanesOpinion on May 14, 2005 at 2:00 PM | link to this | reply

QueenofaLot, one thing you must take into consideration is I am a member of

a group of people who, just 150 years ago, were "classified" by the US Supreme Court as being only part human. So, being a member of a society with a history like that, I have an obligation to stand up for those whom others have arbitrarily "classified" as being "non-humans" that can be killed at will.

And, as far as I am concerned, you can do whatever you want with your body, like not ever getting pregnant, or getting pregnant again. But when you conceive, it is not just about your body anymore. It also about the body of the living, breathing human being growing inside your womb.

Furthermore, my advice to all of the females do not want to get pregnant, and to all of males who do not want to take any responsibility after impregnating a female, is DON'T FUCK! 

posted by Feenix on May 14, 2005 at 8:24 AM | link to this | reply


What the fuck! You wanna see weapons of mass'll be a 'womans right to chosse' NOT to procreate! One of my next blogs was going to be on this very subject.  Just think If women decided not to procreate, have sex with men...for whatever reason the world would cease to exist.......cuz man cannot and will never be able to give birth.  Dude, I don't know where your going with this but you have my feathers ruffled this morning.....again.

posted by ALWAYSALOVER on May 14, 2005 at 8:07 AM | link to this | reply