Comments on Can You Believe This? Pharmists Say No to Contraception

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I have a very warped mind.  Combine Catholic school with about 13 years writing about crime and law gets wild.  I would tell stories at the dinner table that seemed like normal talk to me, and my ex would about keel over.  I'm acutally pretty shy, but very straightforward.  My kids are the same. 

posted by terpgirl30 on April 28, 2005 at 1:00 PM | link to this | reply

You ought to be fascinating to read.
Welcome to Blogville.

posted by RAME on April 28, 2005 at 12:57 PM | link to this | reply

Changing the category

If any of you will be following this, I have decided to put this in the opinion section.  After this month, I will add another humor one.  It looks like it will get confusing with this mixed bag.    I hope that doesn't confuse the heck out of people.


Thanks.  And sorry, I'm new to this.

posted by terpgirl30 on April 28, 2005 at 12:57 PM | link to this | reply

No these definitely aren't priests.  I didn't believe it when it came up in the group either.  I went through the major newspapers and was given a link to the pharmists' association.  It's a real issue.   Even if the pharmacist were a Catholic...well, the rules haven't changed since I've been a child, so the person would have known it going it.

Here's the interesting point.  I'm seeing so many here saying, "What!"  Well, in the political group I'm in, there's a staunch "give me liberty" whom I think really confuses chaos and anarchy for liberty and freedom.  He is rabid in his opinion that even if you live in a town with one pharmacy, and this is an issue, tough.  If the pharmacist owns the product, he has the right to deny it.  1) To me that is discrimination if the pharmacist stocks the product at all.  (Again, this is not to say I think it's right at all.)  2)I brought up that I can't think of a single pharmacy in my area that is owned by the pharmacist.  Theft of controlled drugs have put most mom/pop pharmacies out of biz.  That leaves CVS, etc.  His view is it is then an employer problem, and yes, the employer should fire the person if the company policy is to provide the pills.  He also vehemently (and I'm being polite here) states that we don't know that these pharmacies haven't had a change of mind and have decided not to sell the stuff.  Okay, then why stock it?  This same guy says discrimination is okay, as long as it's not illegal discrimination.  And he also doesn't think a pharmacist should be licensed in the first place which would eliminate some of this debate.  (Anyone seen It's a Wonderful Life...Yeah.  I want to see the pharmacist's license on the wall.)

My daughter also had to take pills for medical reasons.  When we discussed how a pharmacist would take a 17 year old girl aside to discuss the moral issues of all of this, I said, based on how I behaved at that age, I know I would have been mortified.  I didn't speak of me directly.  I mentioned my daughter going in, and how I'd react if any older man took that child aside and made her feel "dirty" about a medical problem she had no control over.  His answer:  Maybe she has something to feel dirty about!!!  When I told him, I was talking about me, and that I was just really shy, he said, "Then maybe your mother should have done it."  What's the difference? She would have gotten the talk, and I would have heard about it.

Luckily, I didn't have this happen to me...couldn't even conceive of it happening.  I think I would drag the guy over the counter if he said something to my daughter.  And I'm from the flower child,  non-violent times.  You don't mess with kids, IMO.

Whew!!  :)  I designed this to be a humor column as I have lots of crazy columns I'm putting together for a book with a friend.  This has just stuck in my mind and made me so mad.  I'm glad you all are feeling the same way. 


posted by terpgirl30 on April 28, 2005 at 12:53 PM | link to this | reply

Welcome To Blogit
Can't believe that is actually happening. Are these really priests diguised as pharmacists maybe?

posted by David1Spirit on April 28, 2005 at 12:31 PM | link to this | reply

I too take birth control pills to help ease a medical condition.  I cannot believe a scientist would deny me my medicine.  Fackin' Idiots!  Oh! Sorry for the expletives...people just make me so irritated.  Live and let live!!! PS. Welcome to Blogit and have fun!

posted by mysteria on April 28, 2005 at 12:29 PM | link to this | reply

This is such crap.  My wife has to take the pill for a condition, too.  If she wasn't able to get them, she'd be in more-than-intense pain every month.  Have there been any lawsuits over this yet?

posted by roofpig on April 28, 2005 at 12:18 PM | link to this | reply