Comments on Polarity Nation

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Hey, Limey,
but wouldn't you just love to have a Baskin-Robbins-like choice in things that matter -- just a few times to see if you like it?   I mean, I know we have several choices of colas, knock-offs, and all, but I'm talking real choices like eight guys running for president who could win, not the paring down primaries and the two-party election (with those other names of candidates nobody is voting for).  I would love to go to a party sometime (in this country) and hear someone tell me his favorite car is an Audi or Bentley, that he enjoys hockey and soccer, and the music is a mix of dance, rap, rock, alternative, reggae, metal, swing, country, and new wave.  That "my Chevy can outrun your old Ford anyday" crap has gotten a bit stale.

posted by saul_relative on April 27, 2005 at 3:42 PM | link to this | reply

It's the same the world over.

posted by Limey on April 27, 2005 at 3:19 AM | link to this | reply