Comments on I am a Victim of that "Do Not Read Conspiracy"?

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Entrepreneur Maker,
I am sure that you will get over it! So good luck to you and your perverted view of the Planet!

posted by Glennb on April 23, 2005 at 10:05 PM | link to this | reply


You are a complete idiot, more so than sLimey.

I shall no longer read anything you post.

I wish you success in your perverse hatred of America....

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on April 23, 2005 at 8:04 PM | link to this | reply

Entrepreneur Maker,
Copy of response to Marine in Iraq:
I am certain that you are sincere in your position as a Marine! That you are committed to what you are doing in Iraq! The President of the United States Ordered you to Iraq for whatever reason is no longer the issue. But the Iraqi People have every right to defend their country by any means at their disposal. So do not complain about the conditions, you have a choice they do not!
I do not support George Bush or this criminal occupation of Iraq. There is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the Commander in Chief to deploy Armed aggression against a foreign government.
Your mission is survival not defending anything that happens here in America! Because your President is corrupt!

posted by Glennb on April 23, 2005 at 8:02 PM | link to this | reply

My apologies Glennnb


here is the correct address.

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on April 23, 2005 at 5:46 PM | link to this | reply

Oh..Glenn..this is from a solider.

It has a email so you can tell him he's wrong..

I have attached his letter...Thank you WRiteroflight for posting it. I have copied it here for Glennb to way out...

Saturday, April 23, 2005

A Marine Replies to Student "Die-Ins"

A letter to the editor of the Ohio University - Athens Post:

Soldiers face real 'die-in' daily in Iraq

by Letter to the Editor

It's a shame that I'm here in Iraq with the Marines right now and not back at Ohio University completing my senior year and joining in blissful ignorance with the enlightened, war-seasoned protesters who participated in the recent "die-in" at College Gate. It would appear that all the action is back home, but why don't we make sure? That's right, this is an open invitation for you to cut your hair, take a shower, get in shape and come on over! If Michael Moore can shave and lose enough weight to fit into a pair of camouflage utilities, then he can come too!

Make sure you all say your goodbyes to your loved ones though, because you won't be seeing them for at least the next nine months. You need to get here quick because I don't want you to miss a thing. You missed last month's discovery of a basement full of suicide vests from the former regime (I'm sure Saddam's henchmen just wore them because they were trendy though). You weren't here for the opening of a brand new school we built either. You might also notice women exercising their new freedom of walking to the market unaccompanied by their husbands.

There is a man here, we just call him al-Zarqawi, but we think he'd be delighted to sit down and give you some advice on how you can further disrespect the victims of Sept. 11 and the 1,600 of America's bravest who have laid down their lives for a safer world. Of course he'll still call you "infidel" but since you already agree that there is no real evil in the world, I see no reason for you to be afraid. Besides, didn't you say that radical Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?

I'm warning you though -it's not going to be all fun and games over here. You might have bad dreams for the next several nights after you zip up the body bag over a friend's disfigured face. I know you think that nothing, even a world free of terror for one's children, is worth dying for, but bear with me here. We're going to live in conditions you've never dreamt about. You should get here soon though, because the temperatures are going to be over 130 degrees very soon and we will be carrying full combat loads (we're still going to work though). When it's all over, I promise you can go back to your coffee houses and preach about social justice and peace while you continue to live outside of reality.

If you decide to decline my offer, then at least you should sleep well tonight knowing that men wearing black facemasks and carrying AK-47s yelling "Allahu Akbar" over here are proud of you and are forever indebted to you for advancing their cause of terror. While you ponder this, I'll get back to the real "die-in" over here. I don't mind.

-Marc Fencil, a senior majoring in political science, criminology and Spanish, is currently serving in Iraq. Send him an e-mail at

You can also read it on the Post's website at

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on April 23, 2005 at 5:29 PM | link to this | reply


This is not about George.


This is simply asking YOU to back up your now, sitting on mutlple computers, backups and networks worldwide, CLAIM that contractors are hired to drive around, like mad max and kill in Iraq.

I still look forward to your reply. Though I doubt I'll receive one.

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on April 23, 2005 at 3:30 PM | link to this | reply

Back to the premise that we have witnessed all this before? A superpower invading sovereign nation to plant outposts of injustice on foreign soil. It was the by-product of belligerent nationalism then and it is as putrid today!

posted by Glennb on April 23, 2005 at 2:10 PM | link to this | reply

Entrepreneur Maker,
Are you aware of the public record? Everything you do or say in public is entered into "Public Record"! So do not be so dissmissive of claims of "Racism" simply because you have not expericened it personally. Stop making the stupid list of things to make you appear smarter than the rest of us. Holding others to standards that your precious George Bush failed!

posted by Glennb on April 23, 2005 at 2:00 PM | link to this | reply

I look forward to it..-thank you

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on April 23, 2005 at 1:58 PM | link to this | reply

Entrepreneur Maker,

Forget the bio! I "can" trust any man's word! The evidence you seek is before you eyes! But I will document it for you and you will have it in print before the week is out!

posted by Glennb on April 23, 2005 at 1:54 PM | link to this | reply


Can you prove evidince of the hiring you now speak of?

Are you simply a fountain of bullshit?

If you truly were telling the truth then the following would happen:

1) You would tell me
2) You would prove it here
3) You WOULD understand that kind of damaging evidence COULD have an effect on what the American population would think

Therefore you are lying.

thank you for proving it.

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on April 23, 2005 at 1:53 PM | link to this | reply

Entrepreneur Maker,
Write your Senator! What good is that? Maybe you could write mine, Senator Launtenberg. Ask him about the Racist hiring policies of the U.S. Postal Service? And their relationship with "Black" contractors! Get me some results they are not listening to "whinning" Negroes!

posted by Glennb on April 23, 2005 at 1:49 PM | link to this | reply

Glennb your agnst is giving you away.

First, some things about me...

I am clearly not portending to be an idiot. My IQ is in excess of (documented) 165. That means I am actually smarter than the average bear. In fact, that makes me nearly a genius. It clearly causes me to rise above 85 % human population.

Further, I am a southern man. Here in the US that USUALLY means that we are Gentlemen of our words. Honor, keeping a promise.


I am a 3rd Degree Master Mason - Further proof that I keep my word.

I am known for being completly honest and forgiving.

With that said, you and I called a truce yesterday, if you are too a man of your word, then please drop the attitude and provide me evidence.

I will ask one and only one time more... Can you provide, solid evidence that CONTRACTORS (people looking to help rebuild the country, do a job, make money, etc..) are actually ARMED and out KILLING people.

If it were true surely SOME media outlet would show it. Esp. American one's. They love to hate the US.

What say you Glen?

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on April 23, 2005 at 1:46 PM | link to this | reply

Entreneur Maker,
Yes I have evidence of atrocities commited by armed mercenaries in Iraq! But I know you will continue to pretend you are a complete idiot! So just accept my word! And find any reference in the Constitution that authorizes a President of the United States to invade a sovereign Nation1

posted by Glennb on April 23, 2005 at 1:40 PM | link to this | reply

Just because you get a paycheck does not make it legal! These companies are in Iraq under false pretext! For me the Iraqi resistance is the only legal authority in Iraq!

posted by Glennb on April 23, 2005 at 1:34 PM | link to this | reply


My question is fair, balanced and written without any accusations of frivoltly.

However, I must assume, since you cannot produce evidence to back your claim, then it is conjecture.

Here is my point. If you could, then I would inclinded to listen, consider and perhaps write my senator. However I will ask again....

Do you have evidence to prove contractors are merceniries killing random citizens?

If you don't, please say it is conjecture...

Thank you.

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on April 23, 2005 at 1:34 PM | link to this | reply

Entrepreneur Maker,

I am not a frivilous person! I do not make idle chatter! When America invaded Iraq, destroyed their government, their infrastructure, fired all for of law and order, ..., every Iraqi became a suspect for the America to kill or maim! They are three years into the illegal occupation and there is no responsible government. George Bush is a coward, American soldiers in Iraq are part of the problem. Let the bodies keep piling up! But please do not insult the humanity of people opposed to this maddness!

posted by Glennb on April 23, 2005 at 1:31 PM | link to this | reply

EM asks a good question, any proof?
If you are talking about the contractors involved in construction, I believe they have their own security and if they have to kill they will to protect their clients but I don't think we have mercenaries raoming the country at will.

posted by scoop on April 23, 2005 at 11:21 AM | link to this | reply

This is a real question.

This is not to start a rowr...

this comment:

Americans make no distinction between Iraqi civilians and resistance fighters. But they want to claim that these contractors are not hired mercenaries who roam and kill Iraqis at will.

I know this is your opinion (due to its placement) but can you provide ANY shred of evidence to this point? You are basically making an accusation that is serious. I would appreciate some evidence.

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on April 23, 2005 at 11:07 AM | link to this | reply