Comments on EBAY has just outraged the Catholic Church!

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RAME, you did not offend me, sometimes I get a little pumped up
no harm, no foul

posted by scoop on April 20, 2005 at 3:44 PM | link to this | reply


I don't mean to offend you.  I would never deliberately try to offend anyone.  I respect that you are of a different religion than I am.  I am saying that in the Catholic Church, the Host and Wine actually become the Body and Blood of Christ during the Consecration of the Mass.  What is another miracle is that it still looks and tastes like bread and wine.  Only Catholics are supposed to receive a consecrated Host because we believe that it is actually the Body and Blood of Christ and the Host can only be consecrated by a Catholic Priest.  If you want to receive Holy Communion in a Catholic Church, you must believe what we believe, believe in the Catholic doctrins, know what the Mass is all about, etc.  If you knew and believed all those things, you would be or would want to be Catholic.  From what I understand, Protestants only believe that communion in their churches is done as memorial and you do not believe that the bread/crackers and grape juice are turned into the Body and Blood of Christ. 

What I am upset about is that the man that sold the Host on EBAY was blatant about the fact that he knew he wasn't supposed to take two Hosts and that he wasn't supposed to sell them or take them out of the Catholic Church, but because he didn't believe that he would go to hell for it, he was doing it.

You can see the article if you go to .  The name of the article is Sacrilege:  Consecrated Host Sold on EBAY.

posted by RAME on April 20, 2005 at 3:38 PM | link to this | reply

First of all I have a couple of questions.

 How do they now where it came from? Can they prove it?

How are you going to fine him? Under what law? What court? Where is his freedom of religion?

And you are saying that because I am Methodist the church would refuse me? That offends me.

posted by scoop on April 20, 2005 at 10:20 AM | link to this | reply