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Tis my calling to give in the greatest ways on a global scale --mysteria

mysteria, As always you have plucked my heartstrings as well as tickled my mind.  During school this week I had been thinking about this comment you made on my YHT blog.  I think I understand what you are saying here, and I believe it applies to me.  Why do I feel the need to give on this global scale? 

Is it because I was the son of a fairly active professional and governmenat agent?  Like the "General's Daughter" syndrome, do I have the tendency to over-do because I feel that I will never live up to my father's name?  I think that has a lot to do with it. 

Fortunately my father's fame is made only in our family, where I hold opinions of people to be very high.  Although he did make the front pages of national newspapers three times in his career.  He was an enforcement attorney for the OPA during WW2, a small town lawyer filing anti-discrimination lawsuits against civic groups on behalf of working people in the 1950's, and a federal judge who fought the US buraucracy for independence among Social Security judges (then facetiously called hearing examiners).

Do I bury myself in the social work and academic needs of minority and poverty children (as I have done these past 25 years) to hide form noteriety?  To asvoid the spotlight?  To give back to the public what I have taken? I think all these things are right on.

But I also feel that perhaps it might be of a less grandiose troops upstairs are demanding my immediate and forthwith presence on the battlefield of transportation to weekend I will conclude in another blog!  Thanks to you, love to you, and peace to your heart!  You are fantastic to me.  You are an angel and a suffering child.  


Tis my calling to give in the greatest ways on a global scale  --mysteria

posted by kingmi on April 23, 2005 at 10:34 AM | link to this | reply

Tis my calling to give in the greatest ways on a global scale

posted by mysteria on April 20, 2005 at 11:47 PM | link to this | reply

Well, at least I am ot making it worse, I hope.

posted by Whacky on April 20, 2005 at 2:03 AM | link to this | reply


   "A soft voice turneth away wrath."  One wonders  if , today, a soft voice can be heard. Still, I hope that the serenity implied might one day prevail. Perhaps you've set a slow-moving trend with your question, at least in cyberspace. It will take patience and dogged persistence. The reward could be a more thoughtful planet of people.


posted by reasons on April 19, 2005 at 2:44 PM | link to this | reply