Comments on Tax Season And No One To Shoot

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Thanks, Cypress,

I was actually considering running for office or at least working in some political capacity for a candidate.  But I can't seem to find one that I find totally honest or one I can agree on at least 75% of current issues.  But a rally?  Hmmm.  Like the idea.  I'll type at ya, let ya know what's going on.

And I am not too happy about those last minute amendments and add-on legislation, either.  Lots of stuff there.  Most of it not good for the government or the people (despite the Constitution, there is a difference).

posted by saul_relative on April 12, 2005 at 4:53 PM | link to this | reply


I appreciate the mention. Glad to see we agree on these issues. As long as you looking for ammo, how about tariffs, kickbacks, farm subsidies, and trade agreements. The list pork barrel add-ons to Bills in Congress just blows me away. When you organize your first rally let me know. I will be there.

posted by Cypress on April 12, 2005 at 2:38 PM | link to this | reply