Comments on Wanna Die? Wanna Live? How? SPEAK UP! Here’s a Possible Solution For ALL!

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I understand that in more ways than I can tell you.
I can tell you this much.  If you just stay open to finding which one is really the one you should focus on, at any particular time, the universe will show you.  Law was not a long part of my life, but it gave me things I needed to be the person I need to be showed me my strength, my passion, my true intelligence.  So many, many things.  Hang onto it as an option, even if you just finish school, because having that education is so valuable.  You sound like you are communal with animals, like I'm told I am, that is a gift also.  Just keep checking in with it all, play with it, and one day something will start to play out and it will be really obvious.  That's how law school was, that's how putting it all into writing is with me now is, all the time with animal rescue,'s always just been obvious because I was open.  I know you understand, and you're confused, but trust me, you have the connection and the will come to you.  You are truly gifted and special.

posted by Temple on April 1, 2005 at 2:54 AM | link to this | reply

Temple, it's all too obvious that I have more than one true path.
But, finding  which one to go with has been the big  question. I suppose maybe I should pursue all of the above? Geez. I need more life time for that!

posted by SpitFire70 on April 1, 2005 at 12:43 AM | link to this | reply

I know about Scarlett, that's why I said it!
You'll have this question in your heart now, and over time, the answer will be come really clear.  You are an examiner....of life, and yourself.  Truth is something you seek, not avoid.  So, I have no doubt you will find your true path.  And besides, no one said you have to have only one. :)

posted by Temple on March 31, 2005 at 6:03 PM | link to this | reply

Temple, P.S. It's sooo funny that you called me Ms. Scarlett!!
My parents call me that (that's where spitfire came from, obviously)

posted by SpitFire70 on March 31, 2005 at 1:45 PM | link to this | reply

Strat, LOL about the liver! I don't think anyone will want mine, either!
But, seriously, they can't take your organs right there in the ambulance! In most states, they still have to have your next of kin or legal guardian sign the papers. Like a "double okay" and also as to what they are willing to give to them. I think if they did my idea about the living will, it would be similar to the organ donor thing. I really think it would work.

posted by SpitFire70 on March 31, 2005 at 1:43 PM | link to this | reply

DarrkeT, it doesn't take much time or effort to do a living will.
There are packages you can buy at Staples or Office Depot (Actually, I have a few lawyer software programs that have templates for all kinds of stuff I could send you.) It's basically like fill in the blanks. Then, just get them notorized and boom, you're done. You're safe.

posted by SpitFire70 on March 31, 2005 at 1:39 PM | link to this | reply

HolyG, I'm glad your mom did her will and
you should, too! Yeah, I do find it quite interesting how people fighting for Terri's life are threatening the lives of others.  About the animal work, why don't you do it for a living? You have good experience. I'd hire you!!

posted by SpitFire70 on March 31, 2005 at 1:37 PM | link to this | reply

Damn, Temple, you're gonna have me in law school if it kills ya,
aren't you?!  I have helped a handful of people without a license but nothing illegal. I've written some letters, given advise, etc. I do feel I would be a great trial lawyer; fighting for the underdog. I'd love to prosecute animal abusers and fight for animal rights along with peoples rights. I just have too many other dreams I'm persuing, like my spiritual camp. I feel that I've been given this "gift" or whatever to continue helping people spiritually and helping those with issues of the dead. The feedback that I've received throughout the years has proven that to me. This is what I'm meant to do. At least for now. I also have a connection with animals and I think that is why I run an animal hospital. I wish I could clone myself twice. That way, one of me could go to law school, one can run the camp, and the other can run the animal hospital. Thank you for all you've said. You rock, my friend.

posted by SpitFire70 on March 31, 2005 at 1:35 PM | link to this | reply

THat's actually a pretty good idea. Excellent, in fact.
Except occasionally, I get nervous because I am an organ donor. I worry that someday, I'll get in a stoopid accident, knock myself silly for a little while, and durig the time I'm hearing the birds tweet, some paramedic's going to make a couple of bucks on the side by accidentally sitting on my face until it turns a delicate shade of drooling cyan, then selling my heart (no one in their right mind would want my liver) to the guy in the trench coat on the helicopter pad.

I know; I've been watching too much TV. Still, I like your idea.

posted by strat on March 31, 2005 at 1:10 PM | link to this | reply

I like that idea!  Just about everyone would have their wishes known that way...and not have to mess with legal fees and stuff to do it.  (I think that's why so many, me included, don't get around to it.)

posted by DarrkeThoughts on March 31, 2005 at 11:34 AM | link to this | reply

My mother just did a living wil, power of attorney, all that stuff (read my latest post for the crazy thing she added!)  She was very specific about things like feeding tubes and no government intervention even!  And this is one reason I'm sick of this case being a  Right vs. Left issue, because my Mom votes Republican!  ISn't it odd that people who supposedly value life so highly are threatening Michael Schiavo's?  He may be a creep, I don't know, but I wouldn't want to kill him!  As for the law school thing, I think you would be good at it too, but I am just as glad that there are people like you working for animals.  I wish I did that for a living rather than just on a volunteer basis! 

posted by Holy_Grail on March 31, 2005 at 4:31 AM | link to this | reply

Someone once told me that being confused was just a form of denial.

You already know the truth.  You just may not like the consequences.  ;)  Take it from me, sweet girl, if you have the power to change the world, even a small corner, don't let it pass you by.  My brain injury took that power from me, because I cannot process information fast enough to work in any part of the field.  I can't keep up with the details or the pace.  I miss it, more than I can say....I was a lawyer before I went to law school, just as you are a lawyer even having not finished.  I call it being a lawyer in theory.  No matter your excuse (I'm 35!  I'll be...what 37?...when I'm done...well, you'll be 37 anyway...) if you are hearing it all over the place, the universe is telling you something.  Don't wait for the brick, Ms. Scarlett.  You could do great and wonderful things.  The law needs strong, powerful, integrous women like you with great intelligence and spirit.  Things are falling apart here in this country.  Maybe you didn't finish before because it just wasn't time. 

Of course, only you know the truth in your heart.  But, my feeling is that I'd feel better knowing there were more of us out there like you doing battle with the darkness that's coming out in this country of late.  As you watch the fallout from the Shiavo case, you may see how the right to life campaign takes off, because it will.  The Republicans lost favor by enacting Terri's Law.  80% of American's are unhappy about Congressional interference in that case.  The President's popularity dropped 9%.  It's going to be a battle, darling.  They are going to try to tackle Roe with this momentum.  Renquist is very ill, and they may just have a chance.  Our choice, our rights to have the will to do what we wish with our own bodies, is on the line more than ever.  Go to a law school near you and ask to read recent case law trying to overturn Roe.  It's already scary. 

Boy, can I turn it on?  You should have seen me in a court room!  Madame Prosecutor with a short skirt!  ;)  Okay, Heidi love, I really am going to bed now, but I feel like for some reason I need to say this to you now.  That it needs to be said.  If you want to talk more about it, let me know.  I'll give you my number and we'll chat. 

posted by Temple on March 31, 2005 at 4:14 AM | link to this | reply

Temple, this will probably the only time I will EVER admit to this....

You brought tears to my eyes when I read your last comment here. I kick myself so often about not finishing law school. My parents bring it up everytime I speak to them. Everytime I bitch and moan about a public case and how I would handle it, my own husband brings up the same shit everytime we watch Law and Order or any other criminal court case. I always chime in offerering how I would have handled the case, how I would have summoned so-in-so, how I would have cross-examined him or her, etc.

    Okay, what's my fucking point, now? What is my defense?

I'd give anything to know the truth within myself.

posted by SpitFire70 on March 31, 2005 at 3:40 AM | link to this | reply

oh, and p.s.
From a former litigator and Aries poster should have gone to fucking law school girl.  Maybe you should reconsider.  You could change that corner of your world over there, one case at a time.  I recognize that "thing" when I see it.  I have it, you have it, too.

posted by Temple on March 31, 2005 at 3:24 AM | link to this | reply

Yes yes yes....exactly.

Advanced Directives.  Power of Attorneys.  We all need to have those now, not even living wills be good enough now.  I'm afraid that even though Terri Shiavo will finally be able to die in peace, and go to a place where she can not be a shell, this legislation has hit a fever pitch.  The law was changed...Terri's Law was enacted.  It allows further federal's hard to explain, but it's supposed to be just for this case.  Point being, the courts said, NO.  We will not overturn 200 years of precedent for one woman.  And the way Terri's Law was enacted was a violation of the Separation of Powers part of the Constitution.  If it ever does make it in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, I believe they will find it unconstitutional. I read part of the opinion today and I wish I could quote was to the effect of the sadness of this situation, for Terri's loss of life, for her family, for her husband, but that we must protect our constitutution and that we cannot overturn precedent (the interpretation of the constitution and other law) for one person at the sacrifice of many. 

That's a great idea to put it on your license, except, a Living Will is no longer going to be enough.  Even a Living Will has too much information for your license.  It includes DNR info, food/water (you can have a yes to water, no to food, whatever), pain medication, etc.  Advanced Directives are so detailed that no one can question your intentions on anything.  Unfortunately,  I think Terri's case is going to just be the beginning. 

posted by Temple on March 31, 2005 at 3:21 AM | link to this | reply