Comments on March Madness

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Let's go, Mountaineers!!!

hey, kingmi, I am so glad you mentioned the 'Eers.  I'm a West Virginia alumnus.  And watching those boys take it to Wake Forest last night when every announcer on CBS had already penciled Wake into the Sweet Sixteen did my heart good.  Even if they don't make the final eight, they've shut up a quite a few detractors.  And done the state proud.

And that's exactly what I meant in the blog.  Anything can happen.  Any team can win. 

My cousin is a KY alumnus (law school, don't ya know, and working in Charleston, WV).  Not a real basketball fan, she told me she had never seen a more obsessed people in her life.  Everything was KY basketball.  I, too, follow the Wildcats (but I'm more partial to Louisville -- I was a Crum fan) and generally support them, unless they're playing West Virginia (which almost never happens) or Louisville. 

And it is West -- by god! -- Virginia to the natives ( -- smile when you say it -- to visitors).  Some of the nicest people on the planet.  Volunteer for just about anything.  Hard work ethic (those that can find work, that is).  Isolationist, insular, tough, caring, and proud.  Typical eastern mountain folk, like those in Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina and Virginia, and a few other spots.

The saddest thing about West -- by god!! is their cheif export -- their children.  And they're everywhere.  And I've only seen Texas rival West Virginia for their state loyalty, people from those states simply striking up spontaneous conversations, talking for hours with complete strangers, just because they find out someone else is from the home state. 

Thanks, kingmi.  You made me realize something I beleive I had neglected -- my sense of place.

posted by saul_relative on March 20, 2005 at 8:20 AM | link to this | reply

Saul you may be right about your prediction, but what we KY alums say

is that you write KY in for the final two and work backward. Then when they lose, it's baseball season.

Now about the WVa team.  There is a college team.  Green and yellow uniforms?  Yep that's West Virginia.  Cheerleaders wearing outfits that look more like bathing suits.  Yep.

When I lived in KY we all knew that you never say West Virginia when you mean West Virginia.  You say West, by God Virginia. And that was true.  What I did not know was that when you are from Kentucky and travel into West Virginia itself, that you say West, by God -- Smile When You Say it -- Virginia.  That got me into and out of the mountain country in good shape.  Scary though.  Especially at night. We used to take the train from Lexington into Washington DC.  Right through WVa all night.  Really spooky.  Rivals Arkansas at night.  Some people never make it out!  Go WVa!

posted by kingmi on March 19, 2005 at 9:00 PM | link to this | reply