Comments on Revelations and Realities--continued...

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Ciel, very intense and inspiring. I think of the Ziegger & Evens tune of
the 60's, "...time to tear it all down and start all over again" I think the song was "25 25".

posted by kingmi on March 12, 2005 at 5:20 PM | link to this | reply

Good thought provoking
ideas here. The answers to your comments were as enlightening as your post was.

posted by Moondawg on March 9, 2005 at 5:47 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks so much, Ciel.
I feel so much better now! :-D Have a great trip.

posted by Oceandancer on March 9, 2005 at 5:27 PM | link to this | reply

Oceandancer, we all have the ability to tell truth from lies, but it has

--for most of us!-- gotten buried under layers of mixed messages, and other stuff, over the years.  As that gets cleared away, you will be able to see once again, and hear what your own inner senses tell you.

 Grounding and centering are very powerful tools for managing what energy can get to you, and what can't.  My suggestion is to practice the simple grounding exercise outlined here-- the previous posts lay groundwork also for understanding the larger picture of your energy system, what it is, how it functions...  In the next day or so I will post more on centering, too.

In the meantime, if you feel that any of those guys are tapping at your door, remind yourself that you are more real, more powerful on more levels than they are.  Chances are they are nothing but someone else's idea of a fun time that got fed sufficient energy to gain the semblance of reality. You don't have to agree with that. The only power they have is to bully and alarm:  They can't do anything to you without your permission.  Being wishywashy about your own power is a kind of permission.

I am about to leave for a drive across the state and back, which will take a couple of days, but if you have questions, feel free to ask here, or e-mail me if you want to keep it private, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for reading, and for your compliments! 


posted by Ciel on March 9, 2005 at 9:32 AM | link to this | reply

My biggest upset in all this was they level of
fakery by the bad dudes. How do you know who is/isn't trustworthy on the other side?

posted by Oceandancer on March 9, 2005 at 5:17 AM | link to this | reply

Wow thanks, Ciel.
You kind of stretch my thought processes, you know, in new and inspirational ways, though hard to do at first...

That's amazing what you say. Cause where I am now, is kind of like "home free" in hide and seek. Though I'm sure very aggressive ones would still try to access me, it gives me the time to outwait the majority...

I like your system. It will take me time to assimilate it. In some ways I learn slowly but deeply.

posted by Oceandancer on March 9, 2005 at 5:14 AM | link to this | reply

Pappy, if only it were only seven...!

What is needed when we find that the line you speak of is an illusion, and that logic does not work so well in the face of many more dimensions, that's when we need the ability to leap about laterally, making connections that can't be seen in Flatland!

I see that territoriality as part of our biological heritage, in which we are still Great Apes, primates who tangle and play politics and war. Jane Goodall said sadly, after witnessing the agressive, destructive, murderous behaviour of  chimpanzees, "We used to think they were better than us.  But they aren't." Biologically, we are apes.  It is spiritually that we are more, and better than that.  And because we are what we are, we have the choice to transcend the impulses of biology, and become what we can be.

But it ain't easy!

Neither should we assume that only we humans have that choice.

posted by Ciel on March 8, 2005 at 9:00 AM | link to this | reply

Oceandancer, that is one of the hazards of living

in a sprawling metropolis--and throwing open your doors when you throw a party: anyone can come in, and  will!  Or if you prefer a greener metaphor--living in a jungle and lighting a bright lampwith your windows wide open and unscreened.

The shamanistic realm is of the second circle in my Model: much of  what one encounters in it is nothing but thought-form.  If you were indeed nothing but a body, they'd have you surrounded.  But as a Spirit who owns a body-- In the city, You are the music, and have a House; in the jungle, You are the light and have a Lamp-- you, in fact, have them surrounded.  You are of the outer circle of the Model, with capability in the middle, and in the center.  Thought-forms are only real in the middle circle.

Grounding is one of our best tools for bringing more of ourselves as Spirit into our bodies.  And that is a way of announcing to the Universe that we know who and what we are, and that we know our power. In that way, we are claiming our capabilities on all levels, too.  Then we have to learn to use them. One of them is how to manage energy, how to shift it and change it:  to allow or disallow those little things like thought-forms access to us and our stuff, for instance.

When we center ourselves, and claim our boundaries, we are also claiming our personal energy territory.  We are setting up security doors on the house, screens and mosquito-netting around the lamp.

I guess I should get to the part of the workshop about Centering...  

posted by Ciel on March 8, 2005 at 8:46 AM | link to this | reply

Avant-garde, I understand what you're saying here, and I agree:

There are things experienced by the body, like time and space-- Time having  opposite ends, and flowing as we perceive it in only one direction. 
But as soon as we experience ourselves apart from body--as in thought or dream--we experience the irrelevance, and escape the tyranny of that past/present/future, one-way-only timeline. 
And the closer we get to experiencing as spirit, the more Time becomes simply Eternity, all of a piece, and without lines and measures...

posted by Ciel on March 8, 2005 at 8:22 AM | link to this | reply

Hello Ciel

I enjoy reading you points of view, they bring a refreshing alternative and I believe it is that third alternative which describes nature better than dualism.  Simple logic is designed to navigate through yes/no questions but the dynamics of living almost always has three components.  As any parent of three children can attest, two kids can have one fight, but three kids can fight SEVEN different ways.  One on one three ways, two on one three ways, and all three at once.  Computers solve problems by reducing them to binary components, but humans can organize seven conflicts with differing priorities in one operation because the law of three is how we are built.  I guess it is our competitive nature that causes us to prefer being right (right/wrong) over being effective.



posted by pappy on March 8, 2005 at 7:06 AM | link to this | reply

Hey, Ciel, I recently went through an experience
where I was purposely connecting with the other side in a shamanistic way, attracted some pain in the ass dudes and so have cut off completely for now. Pisses me off to have to do that. Any suggestions?

posted by Oceandancer on March 8, 2005 at 6:00 AM | link to this | reply

duality and time
i think that duality is inherent in time. when we are still, we are in touch with the timeless, which has no opposite. great post, Ciel.

posted by avant-garde on March 8, 2005 at 3:28 AM | link to this | reply

Yes, Sannhet... Duality came in with Mithraism, from which
most major extant religions were in some part derived.

posted by Ciel on March 7, 2005 at 7:48 PM | link to this | reply

Ciel -
Very much like the non-duality taught by mystics. At this level of consciousness, we have duality: black and white, up and down, God and the Devil - opposites. But as we move to higher and higher levels of consciousness, we reach the level of non-duality, where there are no opposites. There is just the One; the All; Universal Intelligence; "God"

posted by sannhet on March 7, 2005 at 7:28 PM | link to this | reply