Comments on I write to share what is real for me

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Keep on writing. That's the whole point of why I've been here 2 years now.
And eventually, through some kind of serendipity, you'll make some friends.  I used to go to the recent postings page to find stuff to choose from, in order to meet people.  Actually, posting often, and posting about things other people are interested in is the best way to get readers--especially during peak times, I think.  There is also a trick to writing headlines that I often ignore, to the detriment of my readership numbers....  I've written over 1500 normal sized pages -- I downloaded it all to Word and to CD-Rom as I clean it all out every six months or so and start over again.  I think my writing has improved over the two years' time, although I still don't write about anything that I'm not interested in, just to get readers....  Nice to meet you....

posted by WindTapper on March 5, 2005 at 9:57 PM | link to this | reply

Ciel, thank you for that detailed and considered comment. I truly appreciate it. I am fortunate in that I have some work published and I agree on the importance of building a body of work. I think that you can do it. If you wish to email me at any time I am happy to give my thoughts.
Because this is an instantly interactive forum, unlike print, it is where I come for instant feedback but it does get frustrating that the only feedback one gets is on blogging and not about the stuff I care about. Today I was seeking interaction about teaching as I am a newbie about that. Because I am very busy at the moment I can only come here for short, sharp fixes.

posted by Azur on March 5, 2005 at 9:21 PM | link to this | reply

MayB, I do read your posts from time to time, and generally do visit

everyone who has visited me and commented, almost as soon as I see the comment.  But V-ger is right, the first thing is to decide it just doesn't matter, because you can't really know why the numbers don't go up faster or every day.  Right now, I am wondering why mine aren't moving faster, and why there are so few comments, but I have been keeping a log just over the past week, to track what does and doesn't move.

As a writer with intent to publish, I am here, in part, to develop some name-recognition over time.  In a year or two, by posting here and in some other boards I frequent, I'll be able to assure a publisher that some people out there already know my name, so my book will be easier to sell.  That's their theory, not mine--they call it having a 'platform.'  For me, those counters are mighty useful!

Personally, I think you write well and on topics I care about.  I will be back again...


posted by Ciel on March 5, 2005 at 9:14 PM | link to this | reply

Voyager, of course I've seen your travel blog. It is a shame I think that people have to give so much to get ahead here. I believe that being successful here is not only about writing but about networking. I must give the same energy that you give to writing and networking here to other projects. Luckily for I can see some results there.

posted by Azur on March 5, 2005 at 8:02 PM | link to this | reply

Then disregard it for a while Mayb, and write just as you please, and when you please, and enjoy the comments, few or many. Have you seen my travel blog? That'smy personal favourite one! Sometimes there are no comments or very few at all there, and perhaps very few readings as well and yet, it's in an 11th postion right now and every day, I work between 1 and 4 hours on that blog alone! I know how it feels to do hard work, and get none or few recognition for it. But the moments I do get attention, or a very nice compliment, that makes up for all the past things and issues, no worries  there!! Do take care, and till later!


posted by Voyager9940 on March 5, 2005 at 2:28 PM | link to this | reply

Voyager, thank you but the counter is very telling

posted by Azur on March 5, 2005 at 2:16 PM | link to this | reply

You are read allright Maybe, and I can imagine that a slow counter on the page view can be really frustrating, but quality outways quantity you know, no worries! See you!!


posted by Voyager9940 on March 5, 2005 at 2:05 PM | link to this | reply

Symphony, you are kind and generous.

posted by Azur on March 5, 2005 at 2:04 PM | link to this | reply

I hate that thing too

I have one blog that gets read well...but it took ages for me to get it read....writing catchy headlines help me....

don't give up...I have been here a year now and it does get better......weekends are always slow...take care......if you ever want to know anything.....dont hesitate to email me

posted by _Symphony_ on March 5, 2005 at 1:56 PM | link to this | reply

I am right about this

posted by Azur on March 5, 2005 at 1:51 PM | link to this | reply