Comments on Another Expert Opinion: Nationwide Vote Fraud Made Bush The Victor on 11/2

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Yes, I'm with you on that...the fish smells from the head on down...

posted by void-is on December 30, 2004 at 5:39 PM | link to this | reply

Your so very right

and yet so many don't want to see it.  They just want to keep their heads down and do their 'thang' for as long as they can.  Still it's so funny, they could do their thing longer if they'd look up and pay attention and get the crooks out of office that are doing this to all of us. 

I don't feel that the Democrats are guilt free..................not one Senator stood up in 2000 and confirmed the protest of the black representatives complaint about black vote fraud and intimidation then.  Not one.  Not even John Edwards or John Kerry.  Remember that from Fraunheit 9/11?  Al Gore had to preside over the confirmation meeting as the head of the Senate, for his own Presidential election and not one Senator would stand up for it.  I mean as the out going Vice President, he WAS the head of the Senate at the time, so he HAD to do it, for his own Presidential election and he had to preside over that, and ask over and over if a Senator would sign on to it.  Not one.

I used to argue about this with my Dad, who would lament over why so many Americans would blindly go along with this bullshit, even against their own best interests.  And I would tell him, we're too tired.  Our company's work us until we can barely breath, let alone keep track of politics, and it's meant to be this way.  This way we won't vote out their buddies that are looking out for them, and not us.  I mean when you can only find a decent paying job 1 to 1 1/2 to 2 hours away from your home, driving time -- one way.  Think about what that does to your day.  You need 8 hrs to sleep right?  And then get ready for work -- 1 to 1 1/2 hrs -- that's 9 1/2 hrs there.  And then 1 1/2 hrs driving time.  Then you work at least 9 hrs.  So now that's 20 hours of your day.  In the remaining 4 hrs you have to:

  1. Prepare meals
  2. Eat
  3. Do laundry
  4. Go back to school, to stay interesting and up to date with today's news and events
  5. Help your children with their school work
  6. Keep up with your friends
  7. Clean your house
  8. Shower/bath
  9. Read
  10. Keep up with your family
  11. Spend quality time with your children
  12. Spend quality time with your husband
  13. Work out because you know, fat is ugly and you HAVE to stay thin at all costs!
  14. Shop for food
  15. Shop for other stuff
  16. Pay bills
  17. Do your banking
  18. Stay politically aware
  19. Watch a little TV

I mean just WHEN are we supposed to squeeze this all in?  And if you work any kind of overtime, and most company's expect some free overtime, they certainly don't want to PAY for it, that cuts away more of your day.  And what if, your job just doesn't pay you enough and you need to take a 2nd job?  Then what?  When are you supposed to sleep?  When are you supposed to spend time with your loved ones?


posted by worrywort on December 30, 2004 at 5:33 PM | link to this | reply