Comments on 285 Votes?? You Think I've Been Writing About Vote Fraud For This??

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Pull Your Head Out of Your Behind, Soldier!!

...unless you like the idea of rolling downhill at ever-faster speeds.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities,"   Voltaire

Evil at its most destructive is banal, bland and mundane.  Like the death camp guard cleaning out the ovens to throw in s'more of the freshly poisoned, said to the other, "this is the anus of the world."   Can you imagine staring in the face of atrocity after atrocity and relegating the experience to the most mundane of biological functions, even healthy ones?

I can.  They call it, "sublime," though the word is usually reserved for transcendent positive experiences, nervous systems can be overwhelmed by negative activity, too.  Those of us who can process massive doses of trauma and still keep standing have a job to do.

So do it.  I don't care if your face turns purple from the effort and your caratoid creeps up the side of your face and pulses like a swollen garden hose, you do what you are called to do because you may never know when the next George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt is going to be listening.  They need to know that as Americans we go down fighting for what is right.


Sometimes, like when megatrends occur, it's no longer about just, "us," but something bigger than we are.

Where do lines like, "I regret that I have but one life to live for my country," come from?  Do you think they come from times when people have a knipshun over whether to attend their kid's socker game or play raquetball with the boss?  C'mon!

Get motivated.  Now.  Do you want to be among the many who will be sitting fireside with their grandkids explaining that while everyone of vision and worthiness was pouring their hearts out, you were whacking your daisy and shovelling shit in Louisiana?

There's only ONE behavior that makes any difference when one is faced with inertia -- push!  And don't let up.  These Neo-Nazi fuckers aren't going to give up, no way, no how.  Just like Hitler, they'll wrap themselves in the flag and in bellicose religiosity and mow down tens of millions before they even wake up and smell the coffee.

The At-One-Ment is around one of the next few corners.  By all means save your strength, but don't ever give up.


posted by Volaar on December 31, 2004 at 1:02 PM | link to this | reply

I hardly think it is worth it for you to keep this up GW
Perhaps you're right but at this point nobody is going to listen to you.  I think Duyba is capable of completely fucking up something else so perhaps he will get impeached.  Do whatever you think is best, but his guy gets away with murder and nobdy calls him on it.  I doubt a few stolen votes is going to deter his train.

posted by SlyCy on December 31, 2004 at 6:30 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you.
But even here, in Boston, in front John Kerry's own house, there were only 2 women, with signs, pleading Kerry to stand up to the Ohio recount and demand the truth. Apparantly even Kerry is now missing in action. I'm exhausted from fighting this battle.

posted by Cynthia on December 30, 2004 at 4:11 AM | link to this | reply