Comments on Choice Versus Decisions

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I Would Read The Book... long as it was free.  I certainly wouldn't pay a nickel for it.

Billy Graham's ministry has been handed over to his weirdo son.  But Graham is always friends with whomever is in power.  It's his schtick.  Always has been.  He's just as much a man of God as any of us. 

The problem is he can't find his ass with both hands and a flashlight.  Never has been able to.  He reads the book in English.  You really can't trust the authority of someone who isn't willing to dig past the contemporary interpretations and get to the bottom of things.  That means, if you're a serious theologian, you learn to read ancient Greek and Aramaic.  You study the ancient cultures of the Middle East as well as the culture of ancient Rome.

Those who have been scholarly enough to do this do NOT come back from that experience talking about how fags are the end of Western Civilization.  Pretty much most come back with Ghandi's perspective: "Western Civilization?  I think it would be a pretty good idea."

posted by Volaar on December 4, 2004 at 9:38 AM | link to this | reply

I read a book by Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Graham;s daughter
and stopped when I thought it could be used by politicians (e.g. Dubya) into justifying unjustifiable actions.  The book was about Jesus.  A few days later I saw an interview by Billy Graham in which he said he was close friends with the Bushes and for the world, I can't think of how any man of God would choose those people to be his friends.  I don't know...

posted by SlyCy on December 4, 2004 at 9:28 AM | link to this | reply

My, My...

...we are a crispy one, aren't we?

It's funny seeing your own reflection, isn't it? 

Actually this very thought occurred to me yesterday.  So thank you for validating my perceptions.

It's very easy to fall into a dry drunk when you actually see the spiritual damage and abuse that is being perpetrated on the world by this administration.  From the photographs with Bushes' head inside a glowing circle to the constant prattle about his "christian" conversion, I find myself with a case of dry heaves.

I would challenge anyone to look, as I have, on the history of the Bush Family in this country and not feel pulled back into the world of form, not feel their faith in a loving God challenged.  After all, if God loves me, He must also love the Bushes, too.  Which only leaves the rest of us to choose what kind of a race, species, people, we will choose to be.

Will we be a bunch of ignorant lizards, no better than the dinosaurs who preceded us?

Will we rise from the ashes left behind by these inhuman monsters and become something grander?

I can't make that choice for anyone else but myself.  But I will continue to advocate for a grander vision of humanity for as long as I can stand to.  It is what I am moved to do. 

posted by Volaar on December 1, 2004 at 8:13 AM | link to this | reply

GW, Only dry drunks judge others' alcoholism.

posted by kingmi on November 30, 2004 at 7:32 PM | link to this | reply

Kingmi...leaps of logic...

...I suppose...but I've read enough in credible broadsheets and online to accept GW's alcoholism as fact.  He admits to having had a drinking problem.  He got as far as Step One.  Step Two is alot tougher to swallow for a Yale boy with delusions of infallibility.

It's not that I don't like the man.  There was a time when I thought him appealing and worthy of a higher office.  But moving him into the Oval Office after being only a Governor of Texas is and was ridiculous.  You only HAVE TO be a Governor every other year here.  In California, by contrast, you are crossing swords with the Legislature each and every year, every day they are in session.  California Governship is a much better proving ground than Texas.

I don't like the man's behavior, period.  That is separate and apart from the man.  I know he is taking antidepressants to deal with his alcoholism/depression, and I know his father was a working member of the intelligence community when Operation Paperclip was coming up to speed.  It is not at all a leap of logic to strongly suggest that the behavior of W Bush is reminscient of someone with OCD -- One Crispy Dude -- someone who is DRY, but not free of alcoholism by any means.

posted by Volaar on November 30, 2004 at 7:24 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks, Love. I Found Out How to Find Where Your Bottom Is...'s whereever you QUIT DIGGIN'.

posted by Volaar on November 30, 2004 at 7:16 PM | link to this | reply


You have a lot of good points: that ego and self-will alone doesn't make anybody change.  Laying down the sword of self-hatred, fear and anger is too big a job for any human being to take on alone.  I thank God every day that I am not what I used to be or where I used to be, and not confused about who the Creator is anymore.  Making amends and accepting forgiveness, opening my eyes to the truth of who I could be and not who I was.  I am not an alcoholic, but I grew up with them, so as they say, you can be one without ever taking a drink, it's the insanity of the thinking that makes the craziness what it is. 

Is it necessary to hit bottom? I did, and in the psalms there are poems, that say what my heart feels: "Let the afflicted hear and rejoice, for I called out to the Lord and he answered me."  or "I turned to the Lord and he lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire and onto a firm foundation."  Keep on truckin', friend.

posted by Blanche. on November 30, 2004 at 6:32 PM | link to this | reply

gwbush, sorry. I thought later that I recalled reading the part about her
having passed.  My sincerest apologies.  I only objuect to you leaps in logic.  I used to do the same thing, build the case for someone being an untreated something-or-other because I don't like them.  My apologies really!

posted by kingmi on November 30, 2004 at 1:23 PM | link to this | reply

Lovely Idea!

As soon as she rises from the dead, I'll give her a ring.

Did your mother have any children who actually lived?

posted by Volaar on November 29, 2004 at 6:19 AM | link to this | reply

GWBush, try selling this swill to your mom. We're all full up here!

posted by kingmi on November 28, 2004 at 3:37 PM | link to this | reply